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Last active December 16, 2015 06:39
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Save davb/5392754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PHP implementation of the algorithm for generation and validation of Feeligo API Tokens
* Feeligo
* class FeeligoCommunityApiUserToken
* Encapsulates the logic to generate and validate authentication tokens.
* // generation:
* $token = FeeligoCommunityApiUserToken::make(array(
* 'user_id' => '123',
* 'api_key' => YOUR_API_KEY,
* 'payload' => array(
* 'name' => 'Joey Tribbiani'
* ),
* ))->encode();
* // validation:
* $decoded = FeeligoCommunityApiUserToken::decode($token, YOUR_SECRET_KEY);
* $is_valid = ($decoded !== null);
class FeeligoCommunityApiUserToken {
const COMMUNITY_API_USER_TOKEN_PREFIX = "community-api-user-token";
const FIELD_DATA = 'data';
const FIELD_AUTH = 'auth';
const FIELD_AUTH_TIME = 't';
protected function __construct ($token_data, $signature, $time) {
$this->_fields = $token_data;
$this->_signature = $signature;
$this->_time = $time;
public function fields() {
return $this->_fields;
public function field($name, $default = null) {
$token_data = $this->fields();
return isset($token_data[$name]) ? $token_data[$name] : $default;
public function signature() {
return $this->_signature;
public function time() {
return $this->_time;
public function api_key() {
return $this->field('api_key');
public function user_id() {
return $this->field('user_id');
public function payload() {
return $this->field('payload');
public function encode() {
if ($this->signature() === null) return null;
return self::base64url_encode(
self::FIELD_DATA => $this->fields(),
self::FIELD_AUTH => array(
self::FIELD_AUTH_SIGNATURE => $this->signature(),
self::FIELD_AUTH_TIME => $this->time()
public static function base64url_encode($data) {
return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '=');
public static function base64url_decode($data) {
return base64_decode(str_pad(strtr($data, '-_', '+/'), strlen($data) % 4, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT));
public static function decode($token_str, $secret) {
if ($token_str === null) return null;
if (($token_json_string = self::base64url_decode($token_str)) !== false) {
if (($data = json_decode($token_json_string, true)) !== false) {
// check that the token is signed
if (!isset($data[self::FIELD_AUTH])) return null;
$time = isset($data[self::FIELD_AUTH][self::FIELD_AUTH_TIME]) ? $data[self::FIELD_AUTH][self::FIELD_AUTH_TIME] : null;
$signature = isset($data[self::FIELD_AUTH][self::FIELD_AUTH_SIGNATURE]) ? $data[self::FIELD_AUTH][self::FIELD_AUTH_SIGNATURE] : null;
if ($time === null || $signature === null) return null;
$token = self::make($data[self::FIELD_DATA], $secret, $time);
if ($token->signature() == $signature) {
return $token;
return null;
public static function make($token_data, $secret, $time = null) {
$time = ($time !== null) ? $time : time();
$signature = self::COMMUNITY_API_USER_TOKEN_PREFIX.":".$secret.":".self::stringify($token_data).":".$time;
$signature = sha1($signature);
return new self($token_data, $signature, $time);
* Converts a json-encodable object (array, associative array, int or string, or combination of them)
* into a string where arrays are sorted by value and associative arrays are sorted by key, and concatenated
public static function stringify($object) {
if ($object === null) return 'null';
if (is_array($object)) {
if (empty($object)) return '[]'; // avoids errors with foreach
if ((bool)count(array_filter($keys = array_keys($object), 'is_string'))) {
// associative array : sort by keys (as strings)
ksort($object, SORT_STRING);
// stringify values and join
$a = array(); foreach($object as $k => $v) { $a[] = $k.':'.self::stringify($v); }
return '['.implode(',', $a).']';
// non associative array : just stringify values and join
$a = array(); foreach($object as $v) { $a[] = self::stringify($v); }
// join
return '['.implode(',', $a).']';
// other objects: just convert to string
return (string) $object;
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