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Created July 8, 2019 20:49
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// adapted from
/// The result of a binary search.
struct BinarySearchResult<Index> {
/// The index for the searched key.
/// Use this to either insert new values while maintaining the sort order of the collection, or to lookup the value if `isPresent` is true.
var index: Index
/// Whether the key was found in the collection.
/// When performing a binary search, even if the value is not found in the collection, an index is returned which can be used to insert a new item at the correct location.
var isPresent: Bool
extension Collection where Index: BinaryInteger {
/// Search for an index for a given key.
/// Searches through a sorted collection to find the index where the item should be inserted, or already exists.
/// This method assumes that the collection is already sorted by the given key.
func binarySearch<Key: Comparable>(for key: Key, using: (Element) -> Key) -> BinarySearchResult<Index> {
if self.endIndex == self.startIndex {
return BinarySearchResult(index: startIndex, isPresent: false)
let midIndex = startIndex + (endIndex - startIndex) / Index(exactly: 2)!
let midKey = using(self[midIndex])
// Is the search key in the left half?
if midKey > key {
return self[startIndex..<midIndex].binarySearch(for: key, using: using)
// Is the search key in the right half?
} else if midKey < key {
return self[(midIndex + 1)..<endIndex].binarySearch(for: key, using: using)
// If we get here, then we've found the search key!
} else {
return BinarySearchResult(index: midIndex, isPresent: true)
extension Collection where Index: BinaryInteger, Element: Comparable {
/// Search for an index for a given element.
/// Searches through a sorted collection to find the index where the item should be inserted, or already exists.
/// This method assumes that the collection is already sorted.
func binarySearch(for key: Element) -> BinarySearchResult<Index> {
return self.binarySearch(for: key, using: { $0 })
// maintain an ordered array
var numbers: [Int] = [0,5,9]
for _ in 0..<10 {
let newValue = Int.random(in: 0..<20)
let index = numbers.binarySearch(for: newValue).index
numbers.insert(newValue, at: index)
// equivalent to `contains`, but with better performance
numbers.binarySearch(for: 6).isPresent
// sorted dictionary like collection
struct Content {
var key: String
var value: Int
var content: [Content] = []
for key in ["a", "b", "a", "c"] {
let newValue = Int.random(in: 0..<20)
let result = content.binarySearch(for: key, using: { $0.key })
if result.isPresent {
content[result.index].value = newValue
} else {
content.insert(Content(key: key, value: newValue), at: result.index)
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