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Created January 25, 2018 18:05
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import Foundation
import JavaScriptCore
/// Used to lookup our Bundle.
private class MomentBundleClass: NSObject {}
/// A wrapper around a moment.js object.
public struct Moment {
/// A shared context that new instances are created from.
public static let sharedContext: JSContext? = {
guard let context = JSContext() else { return nil }
guard let url = Bundle(for: MomentBundleClass.self).url(forResource: "moment", withExtension: "js") else { return nil }
guard let javascript = try? String(contentsOf: url) else { return nil }
_ = context.evaluateScript(javascript)
return context
/// The underlying JavaScript value.
public let value: JSValue
/// Create a new moment instance from a date
/// - Parameter date: The equivelant date to create the moment from.
public init?(_ date: Date) {
let timestamp = date.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000
// equivelant to `moment(timestamp);`
guard let value = Moment.sharedContext?.objectForKeyedSubscript("moment").call(withArguments: [timestamp]) else { return nil }
self.value = value
/// Generate a relative description from the current time
/// See [](
/// - Returns: The description based on the amount of time from now.
public func fromNow() -> String? {
// `.fromNow();`
return value.invokeMethod("fromNow", withArguments: []).toString()
public enum CalendarFormat: String {
case sameDay
case nextDay
case nextWeek
case lastDay
case lastWeek
case sameElse
public func calendar(formats: [CalendarFormat: String]? = nil) -> String? {
let rawFormats = formats?.dictionaryMap({ ($0.rawValue, $1) })
return value.invokeMethod("calendar", withArguments: [NSNull(), rawFormats.unwrapWithNSNull]).toString()
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