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Created November 12, 2018 08:48
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Bootstrap 3 vertical offset class generator
Requirement: Bootstrap 3
Include this after bootstrap.css. Add class of
vert-offset-top-value or vert-offset-bottom-value
to your Bootstrap 3 default rows to prevent row content
from touching the row content above or below.
<div class="vert-offset-top-1">
Explanation: each step is half gutter-width
vert-offset-top-1 adds a top-margin: 15px (half gutter-width)
vert-offset-top-2 adds a top-margin: 30px
vert-offset-top-3 adds a top-margin: 45px
and so on.
vert-offset-top-3-sm is for smartphone only
vert-offset-top-3-md is the same but from tablet and desktop
@mixin vert-offset($offset: 1, $direction: top) {
margin-#{$direction}: $offset*($grid-gutter-width/2); // for all media queries
&-sm {
@media (max-width: $screen-sm-max) {
margin-#{$direction}: $offset*($grid-gutter-width/2); // just for small devices
&-md {
@media (min-width: $screen-md-min) {
margin-#{$direction}: $offset*($grid-gutter-width/2); // from tablet to above
&-lg {
@media (min-width: $screen-lg-min) {
margin-#{$direction}: $offset*($grid-gutter-width/2); // only desktop
@for $i from 1 through 12 {
.vert-offset-top-#{$i} { /* Vertical Offset Top */
@include vert-offset($i, top);
.vert-offset-bottom-#{$i} { /* Vertical Offset Bottom */
@include vert-offset($i, bottom);
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