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Last active May 17, 2016 08:18
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GPG Cheat Sheet

Creating a new key

gpg --gen-key # Generate a keypair
gpg --output my_key_revoke.asc --gen-revoke mykey # Generate a revocation certificate

Exchanging keys


gpg --output my_key.gpg --export mykey
gpg --import their_key.gpg

Using a keyserver

gpg --search-key "query"
gpg --send-key myKeyID
gpg --recv-key otherKeyID

Verifying keys

gpg --edit-key their_key
	sign # add your signature
	check # list signatures
	trust # set trust level

Key Maintenance

gpg --refresh-keys # Update local keys from a keyserver

gpg --edit-key my_key
	uid n # Select a uid by number (* = all, 0 = none)
	key n # Select a key by number (* = all, 0 = none)
	expire # Add or change expiration date, if it wasn't set when the key was created
	addkey # Create a new subkey to replace an expiring one
	adduid # Add another id (email address) to a key
	revkey # Revoke a subkey
	revsig # Revoke a signature (useful for revoking the self-sig on a user id)

Using keys

gpg --recipient --output doc.txt.gpg --encrypt --sign doc.txt # Encrypt/sign with keys
gpg --output doc.txt.gpg --symetric doc.txt # Encrypt with a password
gpg --output doc.txt --decrypt doc.txt.gpg # Decrypt
gpg --output doc-signed.txt --clearsign doc.txt # ASCII sign, but don't encrypt
gpg --output doc.txt.sig --detach-sig doc.txt # Create a signature for the document
gpg --verify doc.txt.sig doc.txt


  • Trust levels:

    • Unknown: initial state
    • None: owner is NOT trusted
    • Marginal: owner understands key signing
    • Full: As good as your own signature.
  • A Key is valid if it is within five degrees of separation from you AND

    • You have signed it,
    • A fully trusted key has signed it or
    • Three marginal keys have signed it.
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