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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Sample colours from selected image and overlay selected colours along bottom edge of image. For use in Pythonista. UI selector borrowed directly from Ole Zorn @Olemoritz:
Sample colours from selected image and overlay selected colours along bottom edge of image.
For use in Pythonista
UI selector borrowed directly from Ole Zorn @olemoritz:
import photos
import Image
import random
import ui
import console
import clipboard
colourcount = 25 # Number of selectable samples
samplesize = 400 # Size of downsampled image. Reduce this for a smaller sample set. Results in colours being lost through pixelation.
selected_image = photos.pick_image() # Get image. Comment this line and uncomment the next line to use camera instead.
# selected_image = photos.capture_image()
select_width, select_height = selected_image.size # These will be used for final colour chip placement.
sample = selected_image.resize((samplesize,samplesize)) # Reduce available colours by reducing a copy of and pixelating the image.
colors = sorted(sample.getcolors(samplesize*samplesize)) # Remove duplicate colours.
colors = random.sample(colors, colourcount) # Get random selection of colours from sample image.
selected_colors = []
def tapped(sender):
r, g, b, a = sender.background_color
select_color = (int(r*255), int(g*255), int(b*255))
# If border colour is active, remove colour from selected_colors. Otherwise, add it.
if sender.border_color == (0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0):
console.hud_alert(str(len(selected_colors)) + ' in queue') # Tell us how many colours are selected.
def save_action(sender):
scroll_view.close() # Close the view. Is this really the best place for this?
chipsize = select_width/len(selected_colors)
for i, c in enumerate(selected_colors):
bar = (chipsize*i, select_height-chipsize, (chipsize*i)+chipsize, select_height)
selected_image.paste(c, bar)
saveit = photos.save_image(selected_image)
if saveit is True:
console.hud_alert('Sampled image has been saved')
elif saveit is False:
console.hud_alert('Uh oh, not saved')
#Add buttons for all the colors to a scroll view:
scroll_view = ui.ScrollView(frame=(0, 0, 400, 400))
scroll_view.content_size = (0, len(colors) * 80)
for i, c in enumerate(colors):
r, g, b = c[1]
color = (float(r/255.0),float(g/255.0),float(b/255.0))
swatch = ui.Button(frame=(0, i*80, 400, 80), background_color=color)
swatch.title = str(c[1])
swatch.flex = 'w'
swatch.action = tapped
scroll_view.add_subview(swatch) = 'Random Color Picker'
save_button = ui.ButtonItem()
save_button.title = 'Save'
save_button.action = save_action
save_button.tint_color = 'red'
scroll_view.right_button_items = [save_button]
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