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Forked from voyeg3r/togglecomment.vim
Last active March 29, 2022 10:37
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" source:
let s:comment_map = {
\ "c": '\/\/',
\ "cpp": '\/\/',
\ "go": '\/\/',
\ "java": '\/\/',
\ "javascript": '\/\/',
\ "lua": '--',
\ "scala": '\/\/',
\ "php": '\/\/',
\ "python": '#',
\ "ruby": '#',
\ "rust": '\/\/',
\ "sh": '#',
\ "desktop": '#',
\ "fstab": '#',
\ "conf": '#',
\ "profile": '#',
\ "bashrc": '#',
\ "bash_profile": '#',
\ "mail": '>',
\ "eml": '>',
\ "bat": 'REM',
\ "ahk": ';',
\ "vim": '"',
\ "tex": '%',
\ }
function! ToggleComment()
if has_key(s:comment_map, &filetype)
let comment_leader = s:comment_map[&filetype]
if getline('.') =~ '^\s*$'
" Skip empty line
if getline('.') =~ '^\s*' . comment_leader
" Uncomment the line
execute 'silent s/\v\s*\zs' . comment_leader . '\s*\ze//'
" Comment the line
execute 'silent s/\v^(\s*)/\1' . comment_leader . ' /'
echo "No comment leader found for filetype"
nnoremap <Leader>t :call ToggleComment()<CR>
vnoremap <Leader>t :call ToggleComment()<CR>
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@backermanbd @OrionRandD I just found vim-commentary. I will probably use that going forward instead of maintaining this. It has better community support, isn't much larger than this, and uses Vim's 'commentstring' option instead of a list of hard coded file types so it automatically works with a lot more languages.

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ghost commented Jul 4, 2021

@dave-kennedy I tried vim-commentary. But didn't like it though.
I just wanted voyeg3r & your code to put comment out signs at the first of each line

like this cpp code

// #include <iostream>
// using namespace std;

// int main(){
//     cout << "hello world";
// }

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ghost commented Jul 4, 2021

@dave-kennedy please help me add the feature..

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anqin commented Mar 29, 2022

@backermanbd @dave-kennedy
+1, CPP developers need this feature

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