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Last active October 20, 2022 23:32
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Windows 10 + Console2 + Cygwin

Console 2 on Windows with Bash


Cmd sucks. Powershell is weird. I like tabs. Git for windows uses cygwin. Cygwin doesn't interpret ANSI colours.

Thingos to download


I've installed everything to C:\Apps. It's up to you if you want to install things elsewhere (Program Files, etc). I chose C:\Apps because some programs really don't like paths with spaces in the names.



  • Install Git for Windows to C:\Apps\Git
  • Install Console2 to C:\Apps\Console2
  • Extract AnsiCon to C:\Apps\ansicon

Setup Console2

  • Run Console2
  • Go to Edit > Settings
  • Go to Tabs
  • Click Add to add a new tab setting
  • Set the Title to Git Bash
  • Set the Icon to C:\Apps\Git\etc\git.ico
  • Set the Shell to C:\Apps\Ansi166\x64\ansicon.exe "C:\Apps\Git\bin\bash.exe" --login -i We go through ansicon because cygwin doesn't handle ANSI colours natively, which ends up with messy output.
  • Set Startup dir to %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%
  • Set Cursor to xterm

Override "Git Bash Here"

Part of installing Git for Windows gives you that handy right-click-anywhere and "Git Bash Here" feature. We want that to open Console2 instead of cygwin bash, so:

  • Create this file: C:\Apps\console.vbs
Set AppObj = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
If WScript.Arguments.Length=1 Then
    AppObj.ShellExecute "C:\Apps\Console2\Console.exe", " -t ""Git Bash"" -d """ & WScript.Arguments(0) & """"
    AppObj.ShellExecute "C:\Apps\Console2\Console.exe", " -t ""Git Bash"""
End If

Running this should open a Console2 tab for Git Bash.

  • Create this temporary file: C:\Apps\bash.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"C:\\windows\\SysWOW64\\wscript\" \"C:\\Apps\\console.vbs\" \"%1\""

Running this will update the Git For Windows "Git Bash Here" command to use our console.vbs.

All Done

Now if you right-click anywhere in Windows Explorer, and select "Git Bash Here" it should load Console2 with Bash CLI and support for ANSI Colours.

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