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Created November 15, 2022 20:31
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List running EC2 instances with a given tag older than a certain number of hours
# Author: David Adams
# License: Public Domain
# Provides a bash function for listing EC2 instances with a given tag value older than a
# certain number of hours. This script is not particularly robust to unexpected error
# conditions. This is just a quick example.
# You must have the AWS CLI installed and in your path as `aws` and you must have jq 1.6+
# installed and in your path as `jq`. This function also assumes you have appropriate AWS
# credentials configured with access to run ec2:DescribeInstances. Finally, you should also
# have your AWS region configured either via your AWS CLI config or by setting the AWS_REGION
# environment variable.
# Load this file into your shell by running `source`.
# To list all instances with tag Role=worker launched more than 72 hours ago, run:
# $ list-old-instances Role worker 72
# i-010102930184dab
# [... etc ...]
# If no instances are found a message will be written to stderr:
# $ list-old-instances Role none 100000
# No instances found with tag 'Role'='none' running longer than 100000 hours.
list-old-instances() {
if (( # < 3 )); then
echo "USAGE: list-old-instances <tag-name> <tag-value> <hours>" >&2
return 1
local tagname=$1
local tagvalue=$2
local hours=$3
local result=$(
aws ec2 describe-instances \
--output json \
--filters \
Name=tag:"$tagname",Values="$tagvalue" \
Name=instance-state-name,Values=running \
| jq -r --argjson hours "$hours" '
|select((.LaunchTime|sub("\\+00:00$";"Z")|fromdate) < (now - ($hours*60*60)))
if [[ -z $result ]]; then
echo "No instances found with tag '$tagname'='$tagvalue' running longer than $hours hours." >&2
echo "$result"
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