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Last active January 16, 2018 01:19
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LINUX Ubuntu Installation on Virtual Box

LINUX Ubuntu Install on Virtualbox


Installation Instructions

LINUX Ubuntu Information PAge

Instructions (see Ubuntu Virtual Box Start docs) Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


  1. In Virtualbox goto menu path Applications > Accessories > Virtualbox OSE
  2. Click New to start the "Create New Virtual Machine" Wizard.
  3. VM Name Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04 LTS / OS Type Linux
  4. RAM Memory at 515.
  5. Either choose an existing image, go and find one with the Existing button, or press "New" to start the "Create New Virtual Disk" Wizard.
  6. Select dynamic Expanding Image.
  7. Disk size 8 GB
  8. Finish

Next you want to create a virtual machine

  1. Select the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  2. Finish.

Attach CDROM Image

  1. Details tab > select Storage
  2. Click on CD icon.
  3. Mount CD/DVD
  4. Select "Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file...", browse and select the ISO image file.

Start the Emulator

  1. Select the VM and start.
  2. The LINUX distro should start and you see in window the command line prompt.

Install Guest Additions, this will allow you to interact with your machine and the VM machine. Without it, you will be unable to transfer things between the two, ie copy paste, or files. Instructions can be found here. Different instructions depending on your local machine (OS, Windows etc).

Updating Your Linux Distro

Aptitude Package Manager

Command line

aptitude update


aptitude full-upgrade

apt-get and apt-cdrom

apt-get update


apt-get dist-upgrade

add Sudo user

Sudo gives you root access.

adduser <put user name here>

Note do not do this instead replace with user.

Add user to the sudo group.

usermod -aG sudo <user>

To switch to this user

sudo su - <user>

To see which user you are in


To test protected commands that require sudo (always think twice when you sudo, that you are doing the correct thing. Generally sudo means you are doing something in the core LINUX files needed to make it work. This is why you want a user ID, as it has that extra step requiring you to put sudo in front of the command you want to do. To test this:

Enter command

ls -la /root

You should get a statement back that requires sudo to do this command. If you did not, you missed a step above.

The command you need to enter to see root directory is

sudo ls -la /root
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What choices do you have? You got to mount the virtual CD driving be to iso image (Ubuntu 14 version).

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