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Last active July 27, 2023 16:24
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πŸ“‹ (autohotkey) - microscopic clipboard manager (text only)
#singleInstance, force
history := []
history_total = 20
truncate = 65
return ; end of auto-execute
$^c:: ; add to clipboard history
clipboard := ""
send % "^{" . trim(a_thisHotkey, "$^") . "}"
clipWait, 0.3
if (clipboard)
for index, value in history
if (value = clipboard) ; if already in history
history.insertAt(1, clipboard)
if (history.maxIndex() > history_total)
#c:: ; add to clipboard but not history
send % "^{" . trim(a_thisHotkey, "#") . "}"
#v:: ; show clipboard history
loop, % history.maxIndex() {
menu_item := strReplace(history[a_index], "`n", " ``n ", line_count)
line_number := (line_count) ? (a_tab "[" (line_count + 1) " lines]") : ("")
if (strLen(menu_item) > truncate)
menu_item := subStr(menu_item, 1, (truncate // 2)) " . . . . " subStr(menu_item, -(truncate // 2))
menu, tiny_clipboard, add, % menu_item . line_number, history_select
menu, tiny_clipboard, useErrorLevel
menu, tiny_clipboard, show
menu, tiny_clipboard, delete
if getKeyState("ctrl", "p")
history.removeAt(a_thisMenuItemPos) ; remove from history
else {
clipboard := history[a_thisMenuItemPos]
send ^{v}
[script info]
version = 1.4.2
description = microscopic clipboard manager
author = davebrny
source =
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davebrny commented Mar 10, 2017

add to history

  • ctrl+c and ctrl+x save to the clipboard like normal but also save to the clipboard history at the same time

  • if you want to add something like a password to the clipboard but not the history, then use win+c and win+x

show history

  • use win+v to show the clipboard history

    • lines that are longer than 65 characters are truncated and Β  . . . . Β  will be show in the middle
    • the default number of items in the history is 20
    • if an item has multiple lines then [# lines] will be shown at the end of the line

remove from history

  • ctrl+click on an item in the list to remove it from the history
  • to clear the history completely, reload the script from the tray menu


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