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💈 (autohotkey) - combine auto-execute sections from #included scripts into your main script
save_folder =
[script folders]
folder_1 =
folder_2 =
C:\Users\documents\example script name.ahk
C:\Users\documents\example folder name
last_refresh_time = 20171120064635
a_tick_count =
[script info]
version = 0.3.6
description = combine auto-execute/exit sections from #included scripts into your main script
author = davebrny
source =
ex_this(byRef script_list="", refresh_all="") {
start_time := a_tickCount
revert_batch := a_batchLines
setBatchLines, -1
iniRead, save_folder, % a_lineFile, settings, save_folder
iniRead, last_refresh_time, % a_lineFile, stats, last_refresh_time
iniRead, ignore_pattern, % a_lineFile, ignore
save_folder := (fileExist(save_folder) ? save_folder : a_temp "\ex_this")
fileRead, last_script_list, % save_folder "\script list.txt"
iniRead, script_folder, % a_lineFile, script folders, folder_%a_index%
if (script_folder = "")
continue ; > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
loop, files, % script_folder "\*.ahk", FR
if inStr(ignore_pattern . "`n", a_loopFileDir . "`n")
ignore_folder := a_loopFileDir
if a_loopFileDir contains %ignore_folder%
continue ; > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
if inStr(ignore_pattern, a_loopFileFullPath)
continue ; > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >
script_list .= (script_list? "`n" : "") . a_loopFileFullPath
if (refresh_all)
or (a_loopFileTimeModified > last_refresh_time) ; if file has changed since
or (a_loopFileTimeCreated > last_refresh_time) ; if newly created (or copied into the folder)
or !inStr(last_script_list, a_loopFileFullPath) ; catch the files that have been 'moved' or 'cut'
fileRead, contents, % a_loopFileFullPath
if inStr(contents, "/*")
contents := ex_strip(contents) ; strip comment blocks
loop, 2
type := (a_index = 1) ? "execute" : "exit" ; check for each type
if !inStr(contents, ";" . type . "_this")
not_using_ex .= type . a_loopFileFullPath "`n"
else ; if file is using execute_this or exit_this
new_text := ex_section(type, contents) ; get execute/exit text
stringGetPos, pos, script_folder, \, R1 ; get parent folder name
stringMid, parent_folder, script_folder, pos + 2
end_path := strReplace(a_loopFileFullPath, script_folder "\") ; remove dir
ex_path := save_folder "\" type "\" parent_folder "\" end_path ; append to ex_this dir
fileRead, current_text, % ex_path
top_text := " `; " . a_loopFileFullPath . "`n"
. " `; ! auto-generated file. any changes made here will be overwritten`n`n"
if (current_text != top_text . new_text)
if fileExist(ex_path)
fileDelete, % ex_path
else fileCreateDir, % subStr(ex_path, 1, strLen(ex_path) - strLen(a_loopFileName))
fileAppend, % top_text . new_text, % ex_path
until (script_folder = "ERROR") ; loop end
loop, files, % save_folder . "\*.ahk", FR
if a_loopFileFullPath contains ~execute_this,~exit_this
continue ; > > > > > > > > > > > >
type := inStr(a_loopFileDir, "\execute\") ? "execute" : "exit"
source_path := ex_source(a_loopFileFullPath)
; if file no longer exists, or if it no longer contains execute/exit_this
if !inStr(script_list, source_path) or inStr(not_using_ex, type . source_path)
fileDelete, % a_loopFileFullPath
else %type%_this .= "#include, " a_loopFileFullPath "`n" ; create include list
ex_update_list(execute_this, save_folder "\~execute_this.ahk")
ex_update_list(exit_this, save_folder "\~exit_this.ahk")
ex_update_list(script_list, save_folder "\script list.txt")
iniWrite, % " " a_now, % a_lineFile, stats, last_refresh_time
iniWrite, % " " a_tickCount - start_time, % a_lineFile, stats, a_tick_count
setBatchLines, % revert_batch
ex_strip(string) { ;# strip out comment blocks
original_string := string
if inStr(string, "`r`n")
stringReplace, string, string, `r`n, `n, all
if (subStr(string, 1, 2) = "/*") ; if at first line
stringReplace, string, string, % "/*", % "`n/*"
strReplace(string, "`n/*", "", block_start) ; get number of blocks
strReplace(string, "`n*/", "", block_end)
block_count := (block_start > block_end) ? (block_end) : (block_start)
loop, % block_count
if (a_index = 1) ; get text before 1st block
stringGetPos, block_start, string, % "`n/*", L1
stringMid, first_section, string, block_start, , L
new_string .= first_section "`n"
else ; every other loop (text between blocks)
stringGetPos, block_start, string, % "`n/*", L%a_index%
stringMid, middle_sections, string, block_start, , L
stringGetPos, block_end, middle_sections, % "`n*/", R1,
stringMid, middle_sections, middle_sections, block_end + 5
new_string .= middle_sections "`n"
} ; text after last block
stringGetPos, block_end, string, % "`n*/", R1
stringMid, end_section, string, block_end + 5
new_string .= end_section
if inStr(original_string, "`r`n")
stringReplace, new_string, new_string, `n, `r`n, all
return new_string
ex_section(type, contents) { ;# get execute / exit text
strReplace(contents, ";" type "_this", "", this_count)
loop, % this_count
stringGetPos, pos, contents, % ";" type "_this", % "L" a_index
stringMid, text_after, contents, pos + 1
stringGetPos, pos, text_after, `n, L1 ; the first line after execute_this
stringMid, section_start, text_after, pos + 2
stringGetPos, pos, section_start, % ";" type "_end", L1
stringMid, section_block, section_start, % pos, , L
section_text .= (section_text ? "`r`n" : "") . section_block
if inStr(section_text, "`r`n`r`n")
loop, ; remove empty lines
stringReplace, section_text, section_text, `r`n`r`n, `r`n, all
until !InStr(section_text, "`r`n`r`n")
loop, parse, section_text, `n, `r
if a_loopField is space
continue ; skip lines that contains only spaces or tabs
if (inStr(ltrim(a_loopField), ";") = 1)
continue ; skip commented lines
new_text .= (new_text ? "`r`n" : "") . a_loopField
return new_text
ex_source(ex_path) { ;# get the source/original path from line 1 of the file
file := fileOpen(ex_path, "r")
source_path := trim(file.readLine(), "`r`n `;")
return source_path
ex_update_list(new_text, list_file) { ;# update the list (if there are changes)
file := fileOpen(list_file, "r `n")
current_text :=
top_text := " `; ! auto-generated file. any changes made here will be overwritten`n`n"
new_text := top_text . new_text
if (current_text != new_text)
file := fileOpen(list_file, "w `n")
::;exe:: ; hotstrings
::;exes:: ; (append ex_this source url)
ex_type := inStr(a_thisLabel, "exe") ? "execute" : "exit"
ex_link := inStr(a_thisLabel, "s") ? " `; source:" : ""
string := ";{1}_this{2}`n;{1}_end"
string := strReplace(string, "{1}", ex_type)
string := strReplace(string, "{2}", ex_link)
send % string
Copy link

davebrny commented Nov 20, 2017



if all of your autohotkey scripts are split up into individual files and included into one main script then there can be a bit of going back and forth between the current file and the auto-execute section any time you need to change something there.  ex_this() solves this problem (in most cases) by letting you add to the auto-execute section (or exit subroutine) from anywhere in your script

it also solves the problem of getting "label not found" errors when you remove a file but forgot to remove the goSub or timer that was in the auto-execute section

another benefit of using this method is that sharing code with others becomes easier since everything is self contained in one file.
if the person youre sharing a script with is also using ex_this() then all they have to do is include it into their own script and reload to get things up and running.   if theyre not, then the execute/exit tags can act sort of like instructions about which parts need to be copied to auto-execute section of their script

lastly, since the execute/exit tags are just comments, they dont have any effect if someone decides to run the script it on its own


ex_this() copies the code between the execute/exit tags and then stores it in \AppData\Local\Temp\ex_this\
this means means that msgBox errors will show that location and not the source file, as will certain variables such as a_lineFile.

in certain situations you might be able to work around these problems by using the "goto error" timer below or by using the following function to convert a_lineFile to the actual source file

source_file := ex_source(a_lineFile)

i havnt tested this it out in all the different situations it could be used in yet so there are probably more drawbacks than the ones listed above



  • #include ex_this.ahk into your main script
  • add your script folder(s) to the ini section at the top of the file
    • to add more folders, increment the number for each folder: folder_3, folder_4 etc
  • put ex_this() in the auto-execute section (or have it run from a hotkey)
  • after ex_this() is run once include the following into your main script:
; include near the top of the auto-execute section  
onExit, exit_label
#include, C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ex_this\~execute_this.ahk
; include anywhere else in your script
#include, C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\ex_this\~exit_this.ahk

if save_folder is left empty then the files will be created in \AppData\Local\Temp\ex_this


auto-execute example:

#noEnv     ; things that are set in the main script
#singleInstance, force
setWorkingDir, %a_scriptDir%

var = 1     ; things that are specific to the included script
setTimer, some_label, 1000

return ; end of auto-execute section

if the above was in a standalone script then everything would be executed.
if this was in an included script then only the commands between the tags would run, while the same script settings would be set in the auto-execute section of your main script

see restart clipboard.ahk for a working example


when/why files are scanned

  • the first time ex_this() is run, every file is read to see if it contains an execute_this or exit_this tag
  • after that, a file is only read again if it has been modified after the time ex_this() was last run
  • when theres a change anywhere in the file, the code between the tags is checked against the saved version and is only updated if there is a change
  • commented lines are ignored so any changes to these comments wont be updated to the saved version of the code


disable temporarily

put a space somewhere in the middle of the first tag and then reload your script

;exec ute_this

or put a comment block around the tags

this = 1
that = 2

or comment out every line

;this = 1
;that = 2


ignoring files and folders

if you have a lot of scripts that will be scanned every time you use ex_this() then you might be able to cut down the scan time a bit by ignoring certain folders that you know you will never be using the execute/exit tags in:


check a_tick_count in the [stats] section to see how long the last scan took



use ;exe to add the execute_this tags and ;exi to add the exit_this tags


add an s to the end of these hotstrings to send the tag along with the source url for ex_this()



goto error

add the following code to your script to have it open the source file any time it detects a msgBox with an error in the \ex_this\ folder

setTimer, ex_goto_error, 1000

if winExist("ahk_exe AutoHotkey.exe", "in #include file")
    and winExist("ahk_exe AutoHotkey.exe", "\ex_this\")
    setTimer, ex_goto_error, off

    winGetText, error_text, ahk_class #32770
    stringGetPos, pos, error_text, % "in #include file"
    stringMid, text_after, error_text, pos + 19
    stringGetPos, pos, text_after, % """", L1
    stringMid, error_file, text_after, pos, , L
    if inStr(error_file, "\ex_this\")
        error_file := ex_source(error_file)
    ; -------------------------------------
    editor_path := ""
    ; -------------------------------------
    editor_path := (editor_path = "") ? "edit" : """" editor_path """"
    if fileExist(error_file)
        run, %editor_path% "%error_file%"

    winWaitClose, ahk_class #32770, in #include file
    setTimer, ex_goto_error, on

if editor_path is empty then the file will be opened in the default program for editing text files

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