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Last active February 18, 2024 12:29
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✏️ (autohotkey) - wrap selected text in *symbols*
[wrap list]
( = (TXT)
`[ = [TXT]
{ = {TXT}
< = <TXT>
> = >TXT<
a = /`*TXT*`/
h = <!-- TXT -->
k = <kbd>TXT</kbd>
m = ``` TXT ```
p = '''' TXT ''''
select_after = true
input_limit = 1
delete_limit = 2
#singleInstance, force
sendMode input
iniRead, select_after, % a_lineFile, settings, select_after
iniRead, input_limit, % a_lineFile, settings, input_limit
iniRead, delete_limit, % a_lineFile, settings, delete_limit
iniRead, ini_section, % a_lineFile, wrap list ; save wraps to variables
sort, ini_section, F long_lines_first_w
stringReplace, ini_section, ini_section, % "/``*", % "/*", all ; remove literals
stringReplace, ini_section, ini_section, % "*``/", % "*/", all
loop, parse, % ini_section, `n, `r
occurrence := (inStr(a_loopField, "=", , 1) = 1) ? ("L2") : ("") ; (if key name is the equals symbol, then L2)
stringGetPos, pos, a_loopField, =, % occurrence
stringMid, ini_value, a_loopField, pos + 2
stringMid, ini_key, a_loopField, pos, , L
ini_key := trim(ini_key)
ini_value := trim(ini_value)
if (ini_key = "```;") or (ini_key = "``[") ; remove literals
stringTrimLeft, ini_key, ini_key, 1
asc := asc(ini_key) ; convert key character to key number
%asc% := ini_value
wrap_list .= (wrap_list = "" ? "":"`n") . ini_value
ini_section := ""
return ; end of auto-execute ---------------------------------------------------
!w:: goSub, select_wrap
!+w::goSub, repeat_last_wrap
toolTip, text wrap . . .
selected := selected_text_w()
if (a_thisLabel = "select_wrap")
input, key, L%input_limit% T5, {delete}{d}{enter}{esc}
key := (key = "") ? strReplace(errorLevel, "EndKey:", "") : key
key := (key = "Escape") ? strReplace(key, "Escape", "") : key
asc := asc(key)
this_wrap := %asc% ; get wrap stored in key number
if (key = "delete") or (key = "d")
goSub, remove_wrap
else if (errorLevel != "Timeout") and if (key != "")
if (this_wrap)
split_wrap(this_wrap, l_wrap, r_wrap)
l_wrap := key
r_wrap := key
if (strLen(key) > 1)
reversed_string := ""
loop, parse, key
reversed_string := a_loopField . reversed_string
r_wrap := reversed_string
paste_text_w(l_wrap . selected . r_wrap)
toolTip, ; close
new_string := ""
loop, parse, % wrap_list, `n, `r ; figure out which wrap is being used
split_wrap(a_loopField, l_wrap, r_wrap)
if inStr(selected, l_wrap) and inStr(selected, r_wrap)
l_len := strLen(l_wrap) ; length of characters
r_len := strLen(r_wrap)
l_string := subStr(selected, 1, l_len) ; take same length from the string
r_string := subStr(selected, 1 - r_len, r_len)
if (l_wrap = l_string) and (r_wrap = r_string) ; match found on both sides
new_string := subStr(selected, l_len + 1, strLen(selected) - (l_len + r_len))
if (new_string = "") ; check for matching character on each side
tmp_string := selected
loop, % delete_limit
left_char := subStr(tmp_string, 1, 1)
right_char := subStr(tmp_string, 0, 1)
if (left_char = right_char) and regExMatch(left_char, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]") ; if match and not alphanumeric
tmp_string := subStr(tmp_string, 2, strLen(tmp_string) - 2) ; remove both sides
else break
if (tmp_string != selected) ; if something changed
new_string := tmp_string
if (new_string)
long_lines_first_w(line_a, line_b, offset) {
if strLen(line_b) != strLen(line_a)
return strLen(line_b) - strLen(line_a)
return -offset
selected_text_w() {
global save_clipboard
save_clipboard := clipboardAll
clipboard := ""
send ^{c}
clipWait, 0.1
if clipboard is not space
return clipboard
paste_text_w(string) {
clipboard := string
send ^{v}
sleep 200
if (selected = "")
send % "{left " strLen(r_wrap) "}" ; move caret between characters
else if (select_after = "true")
if (a_thisLabel = "remove_wrap") ; select whole string
send % "{left " strLen(string) "}+{right " strLen(string) "}"
stringGetPos, pos, string, % selected ; select original selection
send % "{left " (strLen(string) - pos) "}+{right " strLen(selected) "}"
sleep 300
clipboard := save_clipboard
split_wrap(wrap_text, byRef l_wrap, byRef r_wrap) {
stringGetPos, pos, wrap_text, TXT
stringMid, l_wrap, wrap_text, pos, , L
stringMid, r_wrap, wrap_text, pos + 4
[script info]
version = 0.4
description = wrap selected text in %symbols%
author = davebrny
source =
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