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Last active December 1, 2022 15:10
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* Example code to create an asset and save the meta to arweave
// base token uri
let URL = 'http://localhost:8081/asset/';
// get the chain id from the eth provider. It's needed for the metadata DID
const chainid = provider.getChainId();
// Get the factory
const factory = new ethers.Contract(factoryAddress, factoryabi.abi, signer);
// NOTE: before saving metadata to storage, ensure the caller's wallet is connected
// and they have sufficient balance to pay to create the Asset
// We need the bioasset address to create the metadata. BEFORE we actually create it. Use this
// 'free' call to get the address vs.filtering the tx receipt. Only temporary. Doesn't actually create it
const bioAssetAddress = await factory.callStatic.createAsset("doesn't matter");
// See this helper (may move in the future) to create the asset information from the UI form
const meta = createMetaData('...', chainid);
// Save the meta data to storage via the indexer. psuedo code...
const resp ='/asset).send(meta);
if(resp.status == 200) {
const tokenURI = `${URL}/${meta.did}`;
// ... now really create the contract
const tx = await factory.createAsset(tokenURI);
await tx.wait();
// contract is deployed...
const basset = new ethers.Contract(assetAddress, bioassetabi.abi, signer);
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