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Created August 31, 2012 20:13
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Save davecowart/3558319 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
S3 Implementation of IFileSystem for N2CMS
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Amazon;
using Amazon.S3;
using Amazon.S3.Model;
using N2.Engine;
namespace N2.Edit.FileSystem {
public class S3FileSystem : IFileSystem {
private readonly string _accessKeyId;
private readonly string _secretAccessKey;
private readonly AmazonS3 _s3;
private readonly string _bucketName;
private const string RootURL = @"{0}/{1}";
private const string EmptyFilename = @"__empty";
public S3FileSystem() {
_accessKeyId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSAccessKeyID"];
_secretAccessKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSSecretAccessKey"];
_bucketName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AWSBucketName"];
_s3 = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(_accessKeyId, _secretAccessKey);
#region Implementation of IFileSystem
public IEnumerable<FileData> GetFiles(string parentVirtualPath) {
var request = new ListObjectsRequest()
IEnumerable<FileData> files;
using (var response = _s3.ListObjects(request)) {
files = response.S3Objects.Where(file => file.Size > 0).Select(file => new FileData {
VirtualPath = file.Key,
Name = file.Key.Substring(file.Key.LastIndexOf('/') + 1),
Length = file.Size,
Created = DateTime.Parse(file.LastModified),
Updated = DateTime.Parse(file.LastModified)
return files;
public FileData GetFile(string virtualPath) {
var request = new GetObjectRequest()
FileData file;
using (var response = _s3.GetObject(request)) {
file = new FileData {
Name = response.Key.Substring(response.Key.LastIndexOf('/') + 1),
Updated = DateTime.Now,
Created = DateTime.Now,
Length = response.ContentLength,
VirtualPath = response.Key
return file;
public IEnumerable<DirectoryData> GetDirectories(string parentVirtualPath) {
parentVirtualPath = FixVirtualPath(parentVirtualPath);
var request = new ListObjectsRequest()
IEnumerable<DirectoryData> directories;
using (var response = _s3.ListObjects(request)) {
directories = response.CommonPrefixes.Select(dir => new DirectoryData {
Created = DateTime.Now,
Updated = DateTime.Now,
Name = dir.TrimEnd('/').Substring(dir.TrimEnd('/').LastIndexOf('/') + 1),
VirtualPath = dir
return directories;
public DirectoryData GetDirectory(string virtualPath) {
virtualPath = FixVirtualPath(virtualPath);
return new DirectoryData {
Name = string.Format(RootURL, _bucketName, virtualPath),
VirtualPath = virtualPath,
Created = DateTime.Now,
Updated = DateTime.Now
public bool FileExists(string virtualPath) {
var request = new GetObjectMetadataRequest()
try {
using (_s3.GetObjectMetadata(request)) { }
} catch (AmazonS3Exception) {
return false;
return true;
public void MoveFile(string fromVirtualPath, string destinationVirtualPath) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void DeleteFile(string virtualPath) {
var request = new DeleteObjectRequest()
using (_s3.DeleteObject(request)) { }
if (FileDeleted != null)
FileDeleted.Invoke(this, new FileEventArgs(virtualPath, null));
public void CopyFile(string fromVirtualPath, string destinationVirtualPath) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Stream OpenFile(string virtualPath) {
var request = new GetObjectRequest()
var stream = new MemoryStream();
using (var response = _s3.GetObject(request)) {
var buffer = new byte[32768];
while (true) {
var read = response.ResponseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (read <= 0)
stream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
return stream;
public void WriteFile(string virtualPath, Stream inputStream) {
var request = new PutObjectRequest()
using (_s3.PutObject(request)) { }
public void ReadFileContents(string virtualPath, Stream outputStream) {
var request = new GetObjectRequest()
using (var response = _s3.GetObject(request)) {
var buffer = new byte[32768];
while (true) {
var read = response.ResponseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
if (read <= 0) break;
outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, read);
public bool DirectoryExists(string virtualPath) { // ~/upload/28/
virtualPath = FixVirtualPath(virtualPath) + EmptyFilename;
var request = new GetObjectMetadataRequest()
try {
using (_s3.GetObjectMetadata(request)) { }
} catch (AmazonS3Exception) {
return false;
return true;
public void MoveDirectory(string fromVirtualPath, string destinationVirtualPath) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void DeleteDirectory(string virtualPath) { //upload/test/
virtualPath = FixVirtualPath(virtualPath);
if (DirectoryDeleted != null)
DirectoryDeleted.Invoke(this, new FileEventArgs(virtualPath, null));
public void CreateDirectory(string virtualPath) {
virtualPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}", FixVirtualPath(virtualPath), EmptyFilename);
var request = new PutObjectRequest()
using (_s3.PutObject(request)) { }
//TODO: implement these (need to figure out exactly what to set in FileEventArgs)
public event EventHandler<FileEventArgs> FileWritten;
public event EventHandler<FileEventArgs> FileCopied;
public event EventHandler<FileEventArgs> FileMoved;
public event EventHandler<FileEventArgs> FileDeleted;
public event EventHandler<FileEventArgs> DirectoryCreated;
public event EventHandler<FileEventArgs> DirectoryMoved;
public event EventHandler<FileEventArgs> DirectoryDeleted;
private string FixVirtualPath(string virtualPath) {
if (virtualPath.StartsWith(@"~/"))
virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"~/", string.Empty);
if (virtualPath.StartsWith(@"/N2/"))
virtualPath = virtualPath.Replace(@"/N2/", string.Empty);
return virtualPath.TrimStart('/');
private void DeleteDirectoryAndChildren(string virtualPath) {
var directories = GetDirectories(virtualPath);
foreach (var directory in directories)
var files = GetFiles(virtualPath);
foreach (var file in files)
var request = new DeleteObjectRequest()
.WithKey(virtualPath + EmptyFilename);
using (_s3.DeleteObject(request)) { }
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