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Last active March 18, 2020 14:57
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Code for Removing Web Add-in Customization from the Ribbon in Outlook
public string GetCustomUI(string ribbonID)
// the property tag for the user profile entry
const string PR_EMSMDB_SECTION_UID = "";
// laod the base ribbon
string LstrRibbonXml = GetResourceText("RemoveOfficeWebAddin.DisableWebAddinsRibbon.xml");
// code base is the install directory where the vsto file is located
string LstrPath = new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase).LocalPath.ToString();
LstrPath = LstrPath.Substring(0, LstrPath.LastIndexOf("\\"));
string LstrSettingFile = Path.Combine(LstrPath, "RemovedCustomizations.txt");
int iCount = 0; // for namespaces
// open the settings file and get the list of customiztions:
// - type,TabName,Type_AppID_Name.
// For example:
// - customgroup,TabNewMailMessage,Group_5febe0ec-e536-4275-bd02-66818bf9e191_msgEditGroup_TabNewMailMessage
StreamReader LobjReader = new StreamReader(LstrSettingFile);
List<string> LobjLines = LobjReader.ReadToEnd().Split('\n').ToList<string>();
// build the List from the data and load into array of class objects
List<RibbonRemovalData> LobjData = new List<RibbonRemovalData>();
string LstrWebAddinID = LobjLines[0].Trim();
int LintCount = 0;
foreach (string LstrLine in LobjLines)
if (LintCount == 1) continue; // skip the first one, because it is our ID
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LstrLine)) continue;
string[] LstrParts = LstrLine.Split(',');
LobjData.Add(new RibbonRemovalData(
(RibbonRemovalData.ItemTypesEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RibbonRemovalData.ItemTypesEnum), LstrParts[0].Trim()),
// build and create a list of namespaces for each account loaded in Outlook
// what we will do is create an entry for every account since we do not know if
// which one the add-in is loaded in. It could be one, or all
Dictionary<string, string> LobjAccountUIDs = new Dictionary<string, string>();
// loop through each account and add a ribbon NS element for each one
foreach (Outlook.Account account in Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Session.Accounts)
Outlook.PropertyAccessor propertyAccessor = account.CurrentUser.PropertyAccessor;
string ns = "x" + iCount.ToString();
LobjAccountUIDs.Add(ns, LstrWebAddinID + "_" + propertyAccessor.BinaryToString(propertyAccessor.GetProperty(PR_EMSMDB_SECTION_UID)));
// now build custom ribbon tabs into a list
string LstrTabsToAdd = "";
foreach (string LstrTab in LobjData.Where(item => item.ItemType == RibbonRemovalData.ItemTypesEnum.customtab)
.Select(item => item.TabName).Distinct().ToList<string>())
// add a copy of the group for each account
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> LobjUID in LobjAccountUIDs)
// <tab idQ="xyz1:Tab_5febe0ec-e536-4275-bd02-66818bf9e191_MyTab" visible="false" />
LstrTabsToAdd += "<tab idQ='" + LobjUID.Key + ":" + LstrTab + "' visible='false' />\n";
// now build the built-in tabs and add the groups
foreach (string LstrTab in LobjData.Where(item => item.ItemType == RibbonRemovalData.ItemTypesEnum.customgroup)
.Select(item => item.TabName).Distinct().ToList<string>())
string LstrTabInfo = "<tab idMso=\"" + LstrTab + "\">\n";
List<string> LobjGroups = new List<string>();
// get each group in this tab
foreach (string LstrGroup in LobjData.Where(item => item.ItemType == RibbonRemovalData.ItemTypesEnum.customgroup &&
item.TabName == LstrTab)
.Select(item => item.GroupName).ToList<string>())
// add a copy of the group for each account
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> LobjUID in LobjAccountUIDs)
// <group idQ="xyz1:Group_5febe0ec-e536-4275-bd02-66818bf9e191_msgEditGroup_TabNewMailMessage" visible="false" />
LstrTabInfo += "<group idQ=\"" + LobjUID.Key + ":" + LstrGroup + "\" visible=\"false\" />\n";
LstrTabInfo += "</tab>\n";
// now add the tab to the collection
LstrTabsToAdd += LstrTabInfo;
// add the custom ribbon tabs for each
LstrRibbonXml = LstrRibbonXml.Replace("<!--{{ADDIN_RIBBON_REMOVE_PART}}-->", LstrTabsToAdd);
// add the namespaces to the root of the ribbon note
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode ele = doc.DocumentElement.GetElementsByTagName("ribbon")[0];
// append the attributes for each namespace for each UID we found / per account
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in LobjAccountUIDs)
XmlAttribute attr = doc.CreateAttribute("xmlns:" + kvp.Key);
attr.Value = kvp.Value;
LstrRibbonXml = doc.OuterXml;
// all done - return the results
return LstrRibbonXml;
catch(Exception PobjEx)
MessageBox.Show("Ribbon customization failed to load: \n\n" + PobjEx.ToString(),
"Disable Web Add-ins", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
return null;
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