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Last active July 6, 2017 00:33
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Prototype model of inheritance in Javascript
"In JavaScript, a prototype is a property of functions and of objects that are created by constructor functions.
The prototype of a function is an object. Its main use is when a function is used as a constructor."
"Since Javascript doesn't exactly have sub-class objects, prototype is a useful workaround to make a "base class"
object of certain functions that act as objects."
Here's a whimsical example ...
var Dog = function() {
this.canTalk = false;
this.greet = function() {
if (this.canTalk) {
console.log("Hi, I'm a talking dog named " +;
var Breed = function(n, o) {
this.breedname = n;
this.origin = o;
var welsh_springer = new Breed('Welsh Springer', 'Wales');
var lab = new Breed('Labrador Retriever', 'Canada');
Breed.prototype = new Dog();
var Pet = function(n, a, g) {
this.petname = n;
this.age = a;
this.gender = g;
Pet.prototype = new Breed();
var Talking_Pet = function(canTalk) {
this.canTalk = true;
Talking_Pet.prototype = new Breed();
/* now see what happens */
var ava = new Pet('Ava','9', 'female');
ava.prototype = welsh_springer;
var jack = new Pet('Jack', '3', 'male');
jack.prototype = lab;
var joe = new Talking_Pet(); = 'Joe';
{ petname: 'Ava',
age: '9',
gender: 'female',
prototype: { breedname: 'Welsh Springer', origin: 'Wales' } }
{ petname: 'Jack',
age: '3',
gender: 'male',
prototype: { breedname: 'Labrador Retriever', origin: 'Canada' } }
{ breedname: 'Welsh Springer', origin: 'Wales' }
Hi, I'm a talking dog named Joe
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