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(ns toe.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
;; # Create board
(defn new-board [size]
(vec (repeat size (vec (repeat size :-)))))
;; # Draw board on screen
(defn int->char [i]
(char (+ 65 i)))
(defn clear-screen []
(println (str (char 27) "[2J")) ; clear screen
(println (str (char 27) "[;H"))) ; set cursor to top
(defn render-board [b & msg]
(let [max-index (count b)]
(if msg (apply println msg))
(println (str/join (map #(format " %c" (int->char %)) (range max-index)))) ; print letters along top
(doseq [row (range max-index)]
(print (format "%02d" (inc row))) ; print numbers along left
(doseq [col (range max-index)]
(print (-> (str (get-in b [row col]))
(clojure.string/replace #"[:-]" " ")))
(if (< col (dec max-index)) (print " |")))
(if (< row (dec max-index))
(println "\n " (apply str (repeat (dec (* 4 max-index)) "-")))
;; # Get input
(defn parse [x]
(if (integer? x)
(try (Integer/parseInt x)
(catch NumberFormatException e
(defn char->int [letter]
(let [c (if (string? letter)
(first (str/upper-case letter))
(- (int c) 65)))
(defn read-int
"May return nil. Call as `(or (read-int msg) default-value)`"
(if msg (println msg))
(some-> (read-line) str/trim parse))
(defn read-char [msg]
(loop [msg msg]
(if msg (println msg))
(if-let [c (-> (read-line) str/trim str/upper-case first)]
(recur "We're looking for letters"))))
(defn read-move [msg]
(loop [msg msg]
(if msg (println msg))
(let [input (read-line)
i (parse (re-find #"\d" input))
c (first (re-find #"[A-z]" (str/upper-case input)))]
(if (not-any? nil? [i c])
[(dec i) (char->int c)]
(recur "We'd like to accomodate your choice but how can we?")))))
(defn replay? []
(let [response (read-char "Play again? (YES/no)")]
(cond (= \Y response) true
(= \N response) false
:else (replay?))))
;; # Update board
(defn legal? [board [row col]]
(let [max-index (dec (count board))]
(and (every? #(<= 0 % max-index) [row col])
(= :- (get-in board [row col])))))
(defn update-board-human [board player message]
(if (seq? message) (apply println message))
(let [max-index (dec (count board))
pos (read-move (format "Where would you like to move, %s?" (str (name player))))]
(legal? board pos)
(assoc-in board pos player)
(update-board-human board player "That move appears to be impossible"))))
(defn update-board-computer [board player]
(loop [max-tries 0]
(if (> max-tries 10000)
(do (println "I'm tired...") board)
(let [max-index (count board)
pos [(rand-int max-index) (rand-int max-index)]]
(if (legal? board pos)
(assoc-in board pos player)
(recur (inc max-tries)))))))
(defn update-board [board player &{:keys [message]}]
(condp = player
:x (update-board-human board player message)
:o (update-board-computer board player)))
;; # Test game-over conditions
;; ## build representation of all "slices" of board
(defn rows [b]
(let [size (count b)]
(for [x (range size)]
(map #(get-in b %)
(partition 2 (interleave (repeat x) (range size)))))))
(defn columns [b]
(let [size (count b)]
(for [x (range size)]
(map #(get-in b %)
(partition 2 (interleave (range size) (repeat x)))))))
(defn right-&-left-diagonals [b x-coord y-coord]
(let [size (count b)
diag (fn [f]
(loop [elems []
x x-coord
y y-coord]
(if-let [e (get-in b [x y])]
(recur (conj elems e)
(inc x)
(f y))
(map diag [inc dec])))
(defn diagonals [b win-length]
(let [size (count b)]
(filter #(>= (count %) win-length)
;; top row
(mapcat (fn [y] (right-&-left-diagonals b 0 y))
(range size))
;; walk down edges
(mapcat (fn [x y] (right-&-left-diagonals b x y))
(mapcat (partial repeat 2) (range 1 size))
(cycle [0 (dec size)]))))))
;; ## Really test win-lose-draw-unfinished conditions
(defn winner
"Returns player with 'win-length` in a row, or nil if neither players has won"
[b win-length]
(let [size (count b)
slices (concat (rows b)
(columns b)
(diagonals b win-length))]
(some (fn [slice]
(some #(and (>= (count %) win-length)
(not= :- (first %))
(first %))
(partition-by identity slice)))
(defn winnable?
"Tests if a sequence can accomodate `length` of the same piece in a row"
[slice length]
(loop [[head & tail] slice
x 0
o 0]
(cond (or (= length x) (= length o)) true
(nil? head) false
(= head :x) (recur tail (inc x) 0)
(= head :o) (recur tail 0 (inc o))
:else (recur tail (inc x) (inc o)))))
(defn draw?
"Returns true if neither player can possibly get `win-length` in a row."
[board win-length]
(let [slices (concat (rows board)
(columns board)
(diagonals board win-length))]
(not-any? #(winnable? % win-length)
(defn result [board win-length]
(if-let [w (winner board win-length)]
(if (draw? board win-length) :draw :unfinished)))
;; # Run game
(defn game [board win-length players]
(render-board board)
(let [r (result board win-length)]
(= :unfinished r) (game (update-board board (first players))
(next players))
(= :draw r) (do (println "It's a DRAW") nil)
:else (do (println "The winner is" (name r)) r))))
(defn new-game []
(loop [score {:x 0 :o 0}]
(let [size (or (read-int "What size grid would you like? DEFAULT: 3") 3)
win-length (or (read-int (str "How many symbols in a row to win? DEFAULT:" size)) size)
winner (game (new-board size) win-length (cycle [:x :o]))
score' (if-not (nil? winner) (update score winner inc) score)]
(println "Score: x" (:x score') " o" (:o score'))
(if (replay?)
(recur score')
(System/exit 0)))))
(defn -main
"Entry Point"
[& args]
(defproject toe "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]]
:main ^:skip-aot toe.core
:target-path "target/%s"
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all}})
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