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Created March 29, 2014 21:41
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(ns generative-checking.schema
(:use plumbing.core)
[schema.core :as s]
[clojure.pprint :as pprint]
[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen]))
(defn g-by [f & args]
(partial apply f)
(apply gen/tuple args)))
(defn g-apply-by [f args]
(gen/fmap f (apply gen/tuple args)))
(defn g-or [& args]
(gen/one-of args))
(defprotocol Generatable
(generate [x] "return a generator for x"))
(extend-type Object
(generate [x]
(= x s/Int) gen/int
(= x s/Bool) gen/boolean
(= x Boolean) gen/boolean
(= x String) gen/string-ascii
(= x s/Keyword) gen/keyword
:else (gen/return x))))
(extend-type schema.core.Either
(generate [x]
(gen/one-of (map generate (:schemas x)))))
(extend-type schema.core.One
(generate [x]
(generate (:schema x))))
(extend-type clojure.lang.APersistentVector
(generate [x]
(let [[ones [repeated]] (split-with #(instance? schema.core.One %) x)
[required optional] (split-with (comp not :optional?) ones)]
(apply gen/tuple (map generate required))
(apply gen/tuple (map generate (concat required optional))))
(if repeated
(gen/vector (generate repeated))
(gen/return []))))))
(extend-type schema.core.RequiredKey
(generate [x]
(gen/return (:k x))))
(extend-type schema.core.OptionalKey
(generate [x]
(gen/return (:k x))))
(defn optional-entry [[k v]]
(gen/return {})
(g-by hash-map (generate k) (generate v))))
(extend-type clojure.lang.APersistentMap
(generate [x]
(let [[required other] (split-with
(fn [[k v]]
(or (keyword? k)
(instance? schema.core.RequiredKey k))) x)
[optional [repeated]] (split-with
(fn [[k v]] (instance? schema.core.OptionalKey k)) other)]
(g-apply-by (partial into {}) (map optional-entry optional))
(if repeated
(->> repeated (map generate) (apply gen/map))
(gen/return {}))
(partial into {})
(for [entry required]
(apply gen/tuple (map generate entry))))))))
(doseq [schm [{:x s/Int
(s/optional-key "hi") s/Bool
s/Keyword s/Bool}
[(s/one s/Bool "first") (s/optional s/Keyword "maybe") s/Int]]]
(println "\n\n=== SCHEMA ===")
(pprint/pprint (s/explain schm))
(println "== Samples ==")
(-> schm generate gen/sample pprint/pprint))
;; === SCHEMA ===
;; {:x Int,
;; (optional-key "hi") java.lang.Boolean,
;; Keyword java.lang.Boolean}
;; == Samples ==
;; ({:x 0}
;; {:x 1, :FP false}
;; {:x -2, :8j true, :5J false, "hi" true}
;; {:x -2}
;; {:x -3, :npv false, :937 true, :GtNL false}
;; {:x 1, :RD1P false, :1yjJ7 false, :MvJJB false, "hi" true}
;; {:x -5, :G0z6Q5 false, :Y9XT true, :YJ false, "hi" true}
;; {:x 4, "hi" false}
;; {:x -5,
;; :3tTmb3H false,
;; :Ms59j false,
;; :7g5 true,
;; :pGu69 true,
;; :1J false,
;; :GF27V16 false,
;; "hi" false}
;; {:x 1,
;; :IK true,
;; :V87X4F3mY false,
;; :uX false,
;; :mqOcoU false,
;; :559khUj5 false,
;; :UXE2 false,
;; :Wu9b95x2 false})
;; === SCHEMA ===
;; [(one java.lang.Boolean "first") (optional Keyword "maybe") Int]
;; == Samples ==
;; ((true :D)
;; (true)
;; (false :g -2 0)
;; (true :orkp9a 1 1)
;; (true :B7f 4)
;; (true -4)
;; (true :5 0)
;; (false :I6jDb1 0 -2 -6 1 6)
;; (true :96wv3999 -1 4)
;; (false :08RF5t -7 -6 -5 2))
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