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Created May 21, 2014 14:45
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from fabric.api import *
import boto
from boto import regioninfo
from boto import ec2
from boto.ec2.elb import ELBConnection
import app
# Some default environment settings
env.user = 'ec2-user'
env.aws_region = 'eu-west-1'
# Get the correct ELB region to use from the endpoint
elb_region = boto.regioninfo.RegionInfo(
# Make a connection to that ELB
elb = boto.connect_elb(region=elb_region)
# Instantiate an empty list for instances
instanceList = []
def elb_list(load_balancer_name='public-elb', project='', environment='stge'):
loadBalancer = elb.get_all_load_balancers([load_balancer_name + '-' + project + '-' + environment])[0]
if loadBalancer:
for instance in instanceList:
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