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Created July 31, 2012 18:53
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Monkey patch to cuisine to improve mode_local behavior
import ssh
import subprocess
import time
from fabric.api import env, settings
from fabric.state import output
from fabric.operations import (_shell_wrap, _prefix_commands, _prefix_env_vars,
_sudo_prefix, _AttributeString)
from import output_loop
from fabric.thread_handling import ThreadHandler
import cuisine
def patch():
Patch cuisine so that mode_local works transparently.
This implementation mirrors fabric.operations._run_command pretty closely
and adds correct handling of things like command prefixes, current working
directory, and output. Otherwise, common context managers like cd() and
path() don't apply as expected.
See also:
cuisine.run_local = run_local
def run_local(command, sudo=False, shell=True, pty=True, combine_stderr=None):
'''Local implementation of using subprocess.'''
return _run_command_local(command, shell, combine_stderr, sudo)
def _run_command_local(command, shell=True, combine_stderr=True, sudo=False,
Local implementation of fabric.operations._run_command that uses
subprocess to execute.
# Conditionally import error handling function, since different fabric
# versions handle this differently
from fabric.utils import error
except ImportError:
from fabric.operations import _handle_failure
error = lambda msg=None, **kwargs: _handle_failure(msg)
# Set up new var so original argument can be displayed verbatim later.
given_command = command
# Pick up cuisine sudo mode and password as appropriate
if sudo and cuisine.sudo_password():
sudo_prefix = ('echo "%s" | %s -S -p ""' %
(cuisine.sudo_password, env.sudo_prefix))
sudo_prefix = env.sudo_prefix
# Handle context manager modifications, and shell wrapping
with settings(sudo_prefix=sudo_prefix):
wrapped_command = _shell_wrap(
_prefix_commands(_prefix_env_vars(command), 'remote'),
_sudo_prefix(user) if sudo else None
# Execute info line
which = 'sudo' if sudo else 'run'
if output.debug:
print("[%s] %s: %s" % ('local', which, wrapped_command))
elif output.running:
print("[%s] %s: %s" % ('local', which, given_command))
# Actual execution, stdin/stdout/stderr handling, and termination
stdout, stderr, status = _execute_local(wrapped_command, shell=shell,
# Assemble output string
out = _AttributeString(stdout)
err = _AttributeString(stderr)
# Error handling
out.failed = False
if status != 0:
out.failed = True
msg = "%s() received nonzero return code %s while executing" % (
which, status
if env.warn_only:
msg += " '%s'!" % given_command
msg += "!\n\nRequested: %s\nExecuted: %s" % (
given_command, wrapped_command
error(message=msg, stdout=out, stderr=err)
# Attach return code to output string so users who have set things to
# warn only, can inspect the error code.
out.return_code = status
# Convenience mirror of .failed
out.succeeded = not out.failed
# Attach stderr for anyone interested in that.
out.stderr = err
return out
def _execute_local(command, shell=True, combine_stderr=None):
Local implementation of fabric.operations._execute using subprocess.
if combine_stderr is None:
combine_stderr = env.combine_stderr
stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if combine_stderr else subprocess.PIPE
process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=shell,
# Create handlers to buffer and store output with fabric's output_loop()
capture_out, capture_err = [], []
channel = MockChannel(process.stdout, process.stderr)
workers = (
ThreadHandler('out', output_loop, channel, "recv", capture_out),
ThreadHandler('err', output_loop, channel, "recv_stderr", capture_err),
# Wait for process to finish, raising on any errors
while process.poll() is None:
for worker in workers:
e = worker.exception
if e:
raise e[0], e[1], e[2]
# Join threads to make sure all output was read
for worker in workers:
out = ''.join(capture_out).rstrip('\n')
err = ''.join(capture_err).rstrip('\n')
return out, err, process.returncode
class MockChannel(object):
Implement just enough of an interface so that we can act as an output
channel in fabric's output_loop() function.
Input is not implemented at this time.
def __init__(self, stdout, stderr):
def reader(buf):
def recv(*args, **kwargs):
return*args, **kwargs)
return recv if buf else lambda *a, **kw: ''
self.recv = reader(stdout)
self.recv_stderr = reader(stderr)
self.sendall = lambda *a, **kw: None # no-op
import monkey
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