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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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  • Save davehull/b9c1c663ec96f25671c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save davehull/b9c1c663ec96f25671c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
XOR-Decrypt.ps1 takes a hexadecimal encoded string and uses the English
alpha and numeric characters as a key space, XORing the string with
each single character and returning a XOR decrypted string.
.PARAMETER hexString
A required argument -- the hexadecimal encoded string to be decoded.
An optional switch that causes the script to return the all decrypted
objects, by default the script will only return the object with the
highest score -- the object with the decrypted string that's most
likely to be sensible English text based on letter frequency, bigrams
and trigrams. Oh my!
XOR-Decrypt.ps1 -hexString 093235282e7a292e2833343d7a3d352e7a34357a283f3b293534
Key : Z
EncryptedText : 093235282e7a292e2833343d7a3d352e7a34357a283f3b293534
DecryptedText : Short string got no reason
Entropy : 3.38256808327608
LetterFreqScore : 457
BiGramScore : 282
TriGramScore : 64
TotalScore : 803
function ConvertHex-ToByte {
$byteString = $(if ($hexString.Length -eq 1) {
([System.Convert]::ToByte( $hexString, 16))
} elseif ($hexString.Length % 2 -eq 0) {
$hexString -split "([a-fA-F0-9]{2})" | ForEach-Object {
if ($_) {
$ByteInHex = [String]::Format("{0:D}", $_)
$PaddedHex = $ByteInHex.PadLeft(2,"0")
[System.Convert]::ToByte( $PaddedHex, 16 )
function GetKeyByte {
function Score-LetterFrequency {
$Score = 0
$DecodedUpper = $DecodedString.ToUpper()
# Score the string according to English letter frequency counts
for($i = 0; $i -lt $DecodedUpper.Length; $i++) {
switch -Regex ($DecodedUpper[$i]) {
"[^-A-Z0-9!@#$~%^&*)(\[\]\.\\:;<>,.?/'```" ]" {
$Score -= 100
"E" {
$Score += 26
"T" {
$Score += 25
"A" {
$Score += 24
"O" {
$Score += 23
"I" {
$Score += 22
"N" {
$Score += 21
"S" {
$Score += 20
"R" {
$Score += 19
"H" {
$Score += 18
"L" {
$Score += 17
"D" {
$Score += 16
"C" {
$Score += 15
"U" {
$Score += 14
"M" {
$Score += 13
"F" {
$Score += 12
"P" {
$Score += 11
"G" {
$Score += 10
"W" {
$Score += 09
"Y" {
$Score += 08
"B" {
$Score += 07
"V" {
$Score += 06
"K" {
$Score += 05
"X" {
$Score += 04
"J" {
$Score += 03
"Q" {
$Score += 02
"Z" {
$Score += 01
Default {
$Score += 0
function Score-BiGrams {
$Score = 0
$DecodedUpper = $DecodedString.ToUpper()
# Score according to English bi-gram frequency
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $DecodedUpper.Length; $i++) {
switch (($DecodedUpper[$i..($i + 1)]) -join "") {
"TH" {
$Score += 50
"HE" {
$Score += 49
"IN" {
$Score += 48
"ER" {
$Score += 47
"AN" {
$Score += 46
"RE" {
$Score += 45
"ON" {
$Score += 44
"AT" {
$Score += 43
"EN" {
$Score += 43
"ND" {
$Score += 41
"TI" {
$Score += 40
"ES" {
$Score += 39
"OR" {
$Score += 38
"TE" {
$Score += 37
"OF" {
$Score += 36
"ED" {
$Score += 35
"IS" {
$Score += 34
"IT" {
$Score += 33
"AL" {
$Score += 32
"AR" {
$Score += 31
"ST" {
$Score += 30
"TO" {
$Score += 29
"NT" {
$Score += 28
"NG" {
$Score += 27
"SE" {
$Score += 26
"HA" {
$Score += 25
"AS" {
$Score += 24
"OU" {
$Score += 23
"IO" {
$Score += 22
"LE" {
$Score += 21
"VE" {
$Score += 20
"CO" {
$Score += 19
"ME" {
$Score += 18
"DE" {
$Score += 17
"HI" {
$Score += 16
"RI" {
$Score += 15
"RO" {
$Score += 14
"IC" {
$Score += 13
"NE" {
$Score += 12
"EA" {
$Score += 11
"RA" {
$Score += 10
"CE" {
$Score += 09
"LI" {
$Score += 08
"CH" {
$Score += 07
"LL" {
$Score += 06
"BE" {
$Score += 05
"MA" {
$Score += 04
"SI" {
$Score += 03
"OM" {
$Score += 02
"UR" {
$Score += 01
Default {
$Score += 0
function Score-TriGrams {
$Score = 0
$DecodedUpper = $DecodedString.ToUpper()
# Score according to English tri-gram frequency
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $DecodedUpper.Length; $i++) {
switch (($DecodedUpper[$i..($i + 2)]) -join "") {
"THE" {
$Score += 50
"AND" {
$Score += 49
"ING" {
$Score += 48
"ION" {
$Score += 47
"TIO" {
$Score += 46
"ENT" {
$Score += 45
"ATI" {
$Score += 44
"FOR" {
$Score += 43
"HER" {
$Score += 43
"TER" {
$Score += 41
"HAT" {
$Score += 40
"THA" {
$Score += 39
"ERE" {
$Score += 38
"ATE" {
$Score += 37
"HIS" {
$Score += 36
"CON" {
$Score += 35
"RES" {
$Score += 34
"VER" {
$Score += 33
"ALL" {
$Score += 32
"ONS" {
$Score += 31
"NCE" {
$Score += 30
"MEN" {
$Score += 29
"ITH" {
$Score += 28
"TED" {
$Score += 27
"ERS" {
$Score += 26
"PRO" {
$Score += 25
"THI" {
$Score += 24
"WIT" {
$Score += 23
"ARE" {
$Score += 22
"ESS" {
$Score += 21
"NOT" {
$Score += 20
"IVE" {
$Score += 19
"WAS" {
$Score += 18
"ECT" {
$Score += 17
"REA" {
$Score += 16
"COM" {
$Score += 15
"EVE" {
$Score += 14
"PER" {
$Score += 13
"INT" {
$Score += 12
"EST" {
$Score += 11
"STA" {
$Score += 10
"CTI" {
$Score += 09
"ICA" {
$Score += 08
"IST" {
$Score += 07
"EAR" {
$Score += 06
"AIN" {
$Score += 05
"ONE" {
$Score += 04
"OUR" {
$Score += 03
"ITI" {
$Score += 02
"RAT" {
$Score += 01
Default {
$Score += 0
function GetShannonEntropy {
$Entropy = 0.0
$FrequencyTable = @{}
$ByteArrayLength = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $DecodedString.Length; $i++) {
$byteMax = 255
for($byte = 0; $byte -le $byteMax; $byte++) {
$byteProb = ([double]$FrequencyTable[[byte]$byte])/$ByteArrayLength
if ($byteProb -gt 0) {
$Entropy += -$byteProb * [Math]::Log($byteProb, 2.0)
$keyspace = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
$byteString = ConvertHex-ToByte $hexString
$obj = "" | Select-Object Key,EncryptedText,DecryptedText,Entropy,LetterFreqScore,BiGramScore,TriGramScore,TotalScore
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $keyspace.Length; $j++) {
$keyByte = GetKeyByte $keyspace[$j]
$xordBytes = $(for ($i = 0; $i -lt $byteString.length; $i++) {
$byteString[$i] -bxor $keyByte
$DecodedString = $(
foreach($byte in $xordBytes) {
) -join ""
$DecodedString = $($xordBytes | ForEach-Object {
}) -join ""
$obj.Key = $keyspace[$j]
$obj.EncryptedText = $hexString
$obj.DecryptedText = $DecodedString.Trim()
$obj.Entropy = (GetShannonEntropy -DecodedString $DecodedString)
$obj.LetterFreqScore = [int](Score-LetterFrequency -DecodedString $DecodedString)
$obj.BiGramScore = [int](Score-BiGrams -DecodedString $DecodedString)
$obj.TriGramScore = [int](Score-TriGrams -DecodedString $DecodedString)
$obj.TotalScore = $obj.LetterFreqScore + $obj.BigramScore + $obj.TriGramScore
if ($AllResults) {
$obj | Select-Object Key,EncryptedText,DecryptedText,Entropy,LetterFreqScore,BiGramScore,TriGramScore,TotalScore
} else {
if (-not($HighScoreObj)) {
$HighScoreObj = $obj.PSObject.Copy()
} else {
if ($obj.TotalScore -gt $HighScoreObj.TotalScore) {
$HighScoreObj = $obj.PSObject.Copy()
if (-not($AllResults)) {
$HighScoreObj | Select-Object Key,EncryptedText,DecryptedText,Entropy,LetterFreqScore,BiGramScore,TriGramScore,TotalScore
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