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Last active August 13, 2018 01:30
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<!doctype html>
height: 100vh;
width: 100vw;
font-size: 83vh;
color: white;
text-align: center;
<div id="TheThing" onclick="next()">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path d="M 8 2 C 8 3.0318506 8.4777024 4.5034945 9.71875 5.34375 C 9.6375011 5.6214487 9.59375 5.894812 9.59375 6.1875 C 9.59375 7.8170055 10.642868 7.994962 11.9375 8 C 11.45327 8 11.008205 8.3334187 10.65625 8.875 L 7 6.4375 L 7 3 L 5 3 L 5 7 L 5 7.53125 L 5.4375 7.84375 L 8.6875 10 L 2 10 L 2 12 L 8.84375 12 L 5.6875 13.0625 L 5 13.28125 L 5 14 L 5 22 L 7 22 L 7 14.71875 L 10.0625 13.6875 C 10.117445 13.91645 10.205726 14.109651 10.28125 14.3125 C 9.2167955 14.724606 8.5 15.52363 8.5 16.65625 C 8.5 18.31325 10.0045 22 11.9375 22 C 13.8705 22 15.5 18.31325 15.5 16.65625 C 15.5 15.52363 14.721983 14.724606 13.625 14.3125 C 13.69902 14.109222 13.758797 13.885049 13.8125 13.65625 L 17 14.71875 L 17 22 L 19 22 L 19 14 L 19 13.28125 L 18.3125 13.0625 L 15.125 12 L 22 12 L 22 10 L 15.3125 10 L 18.5625 7.84375 L 19 7.53125 L 19 7 L 19 3 L 17 3 L 17 6.4375 L 13.25 8.9375 C 12.907309 8.3840341 12.477522 8.0274125 12 8 C 13.325 8 14.40625 7.8445 14.40625 6.1875 C 14.40625 5.9047248 14.355669 5.644033 14.28125 5.375 C 15.553966 4.5357666 16 3.03125 16 2 C 16 2.5199732 15.026753 3.659439 13.84375 4.375 C 13.336423 3.5688352 12.576515 3 12 3 C 11.448158 3 10.70274 3.5688352 10.1875 4.375 C 8.9913012 3.6575694 8 2.5141038 8 2 z"/>
var deck = []
function getRandomInt() {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 2048);
function getRandomIntN(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max) ;
function getRandomPretext() {
return preTexts[ getRandomIntN(preTexts.length)]
var colors = ["#f44336","#c18afd","#3bc6fb","yellow","#4caf50"]
var shapes = ["■","▲","●","♥","★"]
var shapeTexts = ["square","triangle","circle","heart","star"]
var preTexts = ["How about a ", "Can you find a ", "Get a ", "Take a ", "Oooh, can you spot a "]
function newDeck() {
var tempDeck = []
for (var c = 0; c < colors.length ; c++ ){
for (var s = 0; s < shapes.length ; s ++ ){
tempDeck[getRandomInt()] = {"color":colors[c],"shape":shapes[s], "shapeText":shapeTexts[s]}
deck = tempDeck.filter(word => word !== undefined);
function next(){
if (deck.length == 0) {
var o = deck.pop()
var t = document.getElementById("TheThing")
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(getRandomPretext()+ o.shapeText);
msg.rate = .80
// msg.pitch = 1.5
msg.lang = 'en-US'
// t.textContent = o.shape = o.color
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