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Created August 20, 2010 18:26
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Mura CMSdisplay object to select a month and year to jump to on Calendar type pages
Gist has been moved into Mura plugin at
<cfif $.content('Type') EQ 'calendar'>
if(structKeyExists(URL,'month'))cMonth = URL.month;
else cMonth = month(now());
if(structKeyExists(URL,'year'))cYear = URL.year;
else cYear = year(now());
<form name="selectDate" method="post" action="?LinkServID=#$.content('contentid')#">
<fieldset> <legend>Jump to Date</legend>
<select name="ddMonth" id="ddMonth">
<cfloop from="1" to="12" step="1" index="iMonth">
<option value="#iMonth#" #iif(iMonth EQ cMonth,de('selected="selected"'),de(''))#>#monthAsString(iMonth)#</option>
<select name="ddYear" id="ddYear">
<cfset yFrom = (year(now()) - 3) />
<cfset yTo = (year(now()) + 3) />
<cfloop from="#yFrom#" to="#yTo#" step="1" index="iYear">
<option value="#iYear#" #iif(iYear EQ cYear,de('selected="selected"'),de(''))#>#iYear#</option>
<input type="button" value="Go" onclick="document.location.href='?LinkServID=#$.content('contentid')#&month=' + $('##ddMonth').val() + '&year=' + $('##ddYear').val()" /></li>
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