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davejohn /
Created February 14, 2012 00:33 — forked from lxbarth/
Webfoundatation - TED maps

Initial Request Date: Mar 21


Estoy añadiendo informacion at OpenStreetMap, lo que es la wikipedia de los mapas. Encontré su sitio con datos geográficas, y me gustaría añadir las calles del estado de Jaslico y sus nombres para que sean completamente abiertos y disponibles para la comuidad. Es importante que añadimos los calles para que tengamos un mapa mundial manejado de datos abiertos como un alternativo a google maps, que no deja que la comunidad descargue sus datos.

Entonces quiero saber si es posible descargar los datos del atlas de caminos y carreteras.

Aviséme con cualquier pregunta o duda, gracias por su tiempo!

davejohn /
Created September 21, 2012 17:42 — forked from tmcw/
OSM Growth

What is this? It's about 7 years of OpenStreetMap growth. Each step in the animation is 72 days, and the colors alternate between red and blue. The data is from Latest Weekly Changesets from, processed into an SQLite database with sometimemachine. The points being drawn are the centers of the bounding boxes of changesets. There are 13,098,655 changesets in the database. The script to generate the visualization is below, and the rest of the make steps are

gm mogrify -format gif *.png
gifsicle --loop -d20 *.gif > ../animation.gif

Requiring gifsicle and graphicsmagick.

Fast growth in rectangular areas (like the DRC) is typically because of imports to the OSM data from other open datasources. The d

Site Delivery

Hi everyone,

We're exicted to deliver the final site for your feedback. After the last two weeks of working with the data and tweaking the interface, we're confident in the mapping platforms ability to highlight overall trends while easily navigating users to the finer details at the local level. We've written up more explanation below broken down by the major features and componenets of the site.

Highlighting headlines and methodlogy with map layer switching