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Last active May 23, 2022 08:19
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Very basic attempt at a snooker style game using P5.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Pot Black</title>
<script src=""></script>
body {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
text-align: center;
main {
align-items: center;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
p {
margin-top: 0;
#shot-feedback {
color: white;
font-size: 1.5rem;
margin-bottom: 0;
padding: 12px;
width: 200px;
.pot {
background: black;
.foul {
background: red;
<h1>Pot Black</h1>
<p>Aim & click</p>
<p id="shot-feedback"></p>
<script src="sketch.js"></script>
const feedback = document.querySelector('#shot-feedback');
let whiteBall, whiteX, whiteY, whiteTargetX, whiteTargetY, moveWhiteBall,
blackBall, blackX, blackY, blackTargetX, blackTargetY, moveBlackBall,
calculatePath, inTopPocket, inBtmPocket, bounceX, bounceTopY, bounceBtmY;
let i = 0, j=0;
function createEllipse(fillColour, shadowVal, rad) {
return {
show: function(x, y) {
drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = shadowVal;
drawingContext.shadowBlur = shadowVal*2;
drawingContext.shadowColor = '#020';
ellipse(x, y, rad);
r: rad
function cushion([tl, tr, br, bl], shadow) {
drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = shadow.x;
drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = shadow.y;
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 8;
vertex(tl.x, tl.y);
vertex(tr.x, tr.y);
vertex(br.x, br.y);
vertex(bl.x, bl.y);
function guideLine(msY) {
const targetStart = createVector(whiteX, whiteY);
const visibleStart = createVector(whiteX, whiteY);
const targetEnd = createVector(width, msY);
const visibleEnd = createVector(width, msY);
const maxVisibleEnd = visibleEnd.sub(visibleStart).normalize().mult(320).add(visibleStart);
drawingContext.setLineDash([5, 15]);
guide = line(visibleStart.x, visibleStart.y, maxVisibleEnd.x, maxVisibleEnd.y);
const maxTargetEnd = targetEnd.sub(targetStart).normalize().mult(370).add(targetStart);
whiteTargetX = maxTargetEnd.x;
whiteTargetY = maxTargetEnd.y;
return guide;
function showFeedback(text, feedbackClass) {
feedback.textContent = text;
function calculateBlackTarget([x, y]) {
const path = createVector(x, y, 0);
const endPoints = path.lerp(floor(blackX), floor(blackY), 0, 16.5);
blackTargetX = endPoints.x;
blackTargetY = endPoints.y
calculatePath = false;
moveBlackBall = true;
function resetTable(startPos, pockets, path, bounces, balls) {
(startPos === true) && (whiteX = 80, whiteY = height/2, blackX = width/2, blackY = height/2);
(pockets === true) && (inTopPocket = false, inBtmPocket = false);
(path === true) && (calculatePath = undefined);
(bounces === true) && (bounceX = false, bounceTopY = false, bounceBtmY = false)
balls.length && (moveWhiteBall = balls[0], moveBlackBall = balls[1]);
function setup() {
const canvas = createCanvas(760, 560);
canvas.position((innerWidth/2 - width/2), 190);
// Reset options: startPos, pockets, path, bounces, balls[moveWhite, moveBlack]
resetTable(true, true, false, false, [false, false]);
topPocket = createEllipse('#030', 0, 60);
btmPocket = createEllipse('#030', 0, 60);
whiteBall = createEllipse('white', 5, 35);
blackBall = createEllipse('black', 5, 35);
function draw() {
// table
drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = 0;
drawingContext.shadowBlur = 0;
rect(0, 0, width, height, 0, 35, 35 ,0);
// Top corner
drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = 0;
rect(width - 80, 0, 80, 80, 0, 30, 0, 30);
// Bottom corner
rect(width - 80, height - 80, 80, 80, 30, 0, 30, 0);
// Baize
rect(0, 40, 720, 480);
// Pockets
drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = 0; - 54, 54); - 54, height - 54);
// Balls & guide
if ((!inTopPocket && !inBtmPocket) || blackX < width - 50) {, blackY);
!moveWhiteBall && guideLine(mouseY);, whiteY);
// Top cushion
{x: 0, y: 40}, {x: width - 80, y: 40},
{x: width - 100, y: 60}, {x: 0, y: 60}],
{x: 0, y: 4, blur: 8}
// Btm cushion
{x: 0, y: height - 60}, {x: width - 100, y: height- 60},
{x: width - 80, y: height - 40}, {x: 0, y: height - 40}
{x: 0, y: -4}
// End cushion
{x: width - 60, y: 100}, {x: width - 40, y: 80},
{x: width - 40, y: height - 80}, {x: width - 60, y: height - 100}
{x: -4, y: 0}
// Ball movement logic
if (moveWhiteBall && floor(whiteX) !== floor(whiteTargetX)) {
whiteX = lerp(whiteX, whiteTargetX, 0.1);
whiteY = lerp(whiteY, whiteTargetY, 0.1);
if (floor(whiteX) === floor(whiteTargetX) && !moveBlackBall) {
showFeedback('Foul', 'foul');
// Reset options: startPos, pockets, path, bounces, balls[moveWhite, moveBlack]
resetTable(true, false, false, false, [false, null]);
if (moveBlackBall && floor(blackX) !== floor(blackTargetX) && (!bounceX && !bounceTopY && !bounceBtmY)) {
blackX = lerp(blackX, blackTargetX, 0.05);
blackY = lerp(blackY, blackTargetY, 0.05);
} else if (floor(blackX) === floor(blackTargetX)) {
// Reset options: startPos, pockets, path, bounces, balls[moveWhite, moveBlack]
resetTable(true, true, true, false, [false, false]);
// Ball collision logic
const ballDistance = dist(whiteX, whiteY, blackX, blackY);
if ((ballDistance < (whiteBall.r/2) + (blackBall.r/2)) && calculatePath !== false) {
calculateBlackTarget([whiteX, whiteY]);
// cushion bounce logic
if ((blackX > width - 74 && (!inTopPocket && !inBtmPocket)) || bounceX) {
// const extraDist = blackTargetX - (width - 60);
const newBlackTargetX = (width - 60) - (blackTargetX - (width - 60));
bounceX = true;
if (floor(blackX) !== floor(newBlackTargetX)) {
blackX = lerp(blackX, newBlackTargetX, 0.1);
} else {
// Reset options: startPos, pockets, path, bounces, balls[moveWhite, moveBlack]
resetTable(true, false, true, true, [false, false]);
if ((blackY < 75 && (!inTopPocket && !inBtmPocket)) || bounceTopY) {
const newBlackTargetY = blackTargetY < -90 ? blackTargetY * -1 : 90;
bounceTopY = true;
if (floor(blackY) !== floor(newBlackTargetY) -1) {
blackY = lerp(blackY, newBlackTargetY, 0.1);
} else {
// Reset options: startPos, pockets, path, bounces, balls[moveWhite, moveBlack]
resetTable(true, false, true, true, [false, false]);
if ((blackY > height - 75 && (!inTopPocket && !inBtmPocket)) || bounceBtmY) {
const newBlackTargetY = blackTargetY - blackX > 90 ? height - 180 : height - 90;
bounceBtmY = true;
if (floor(blackY) !== floor(newBlackTargetY)) {
blackY = lerp(blackY, newBlackTargetY, 0.1);
} else {
// Reset options: startPos, pockets, path, bounces, balls[moveWhite, moveBlack]
resetTable(true, false, true, true, [false, false]);
// Ball in pocket logic
const topPocketDistance = dist(blackX, blackY, width - 48, 48);
const btmPocketDistance = dist(blackX, blackY, width - 48, height - 48);
if (topPocketDistance < (topPocket.r/2) + (blackBall.r/2)) {
inTopPocket = true;
showFeedback('Nice pot', 'pot');
if (btmPocketDistance < (btmPocket.r/2) + (blackBall.r/2)) {
inBtmPocket = true;
showFeedback('Nice pot', 'pot');
function mousePressed() {
feedback.textContent = '';
feedback.classList.remove('pot', 'foul');
moveWhiteBall = true;
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