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Last active September 30, 2020 14:28
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# Run from a PowerCLI shell that has been logged into the vCloud Director instance using “Connect-CIServer -server url”
# and then run the script passing the following parameters:
# -file or -f = The CSV file to import rules from
# -vOrg or -o = The Organisation Name (assumes the org only has one Org VDC)
# -vAppName or -v = The name of the vApp to import rules into
# -vAppNet or -n = The name of the vApp Network to import firewall rules into
# Example:
# ./ImportvAppFWRules.ps1 -f myrules.csv -o MyOrg -v My_vApp -n My_vAppNetwork
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="CSV Path")][alias("-file","f")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$csvFile,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Organisation Name")][alias("-vOrg","o")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$orgName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="vApp Name")][alias("-vAppName","v")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$vAppName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="vApp Network Name")][alias("-vAppNet","n")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$vAppNet
$csv = Import-CSV -Path $csvFile
$CIvApp = Get-Org $orgName | Get-OrgVDC | Get-CIVapp $vAppName
$networkConfigSection = $CIvApp.ExtensionData.GetNetworkConfigSection()
$vAppNetwork = $networkConfigSection.NetworkConfig | where {$_.networkName -eq $vAppNet}
$fwService = New-Object
$fwService.DefaultAction = "drop"
$fwService.LogDefaultAction = $false
$fwService.IsEnabled = $true
$fwService.FirewallRule = New-Object
$ruleNumber = 0
foreach ($rule in $csv)
if ($ruleNumber -ne 0)
$fwService.FirewallRule += New-Object
write-host $rule.Description
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].description = $rule.Description
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols = New-Object
# This sets a protocol to $false if it's not $true. This causes problems.
# $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.ANY = if ($rule.Proto_ANY -eq "TRUE") {$true} else {$false}
# $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.ICMP = if ($rule.Proto_ICMP -eq "TRUE") {$true} else {$false}
# $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.TCP = if ($rule.Proto_TCP -eq "TRUE") {$true} else {$false}
# $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.UDP = if ($rule.Proto_UDP -eq "TRUE") {$true} else {$false}
# This works better - if something isn't set to $true then it doesn't set it at all
if ($rule.Proto_ANY -eq "TRUE") { $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.ANY = $true }
if ($rule.Proto_ICMP -eq "TRUE") { $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.ICMP = $true }
if ($rule.Proto_TCP -eq "TRUE") { $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.TCP = $true }
if ($rule.Proto_UDP -eq "TRUE") { $fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].protocols.UDP = $true }
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].policy = $rule.Policy
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].port = $rule.Port
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].destinationportrange = $rule.destinationportrange
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].destinationIp = $rule.DestinationIP
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].sourceport = $rule.SourcePort
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].sourceportrange = $rule.SourcePortRange
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].sourceip = $rule.SourceIP
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].EnableLogging = if ($rule.EnableLogging -eq "TRUE") {$true} else {$false}
$fwService.FirewallRule[$ruleNumber].isenabled = if ($rule.IsEnabled -eq "TRUE") {$true} else {$false}
$vAppNetwork.Configuration.Features = $vAppNetwork.Configuration.Features | where {!($_ -is [])}
$vAppNetwork.configuration.features += $fwService
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