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Created September 2, 2016 07:41
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# Adapted from original code from
# Added MAC Address, Network Connection, Storage Profile and setup as a function
function Get-VDCVMDetails {
$objects = @()
$vms = $input | Get-CIVM
foreach($vm in $vms)
$hardware = $vm.ExtensionData.GetVirtualHardwareSection()
$diskMB = (($hardware.Item | where {$_.resourcetype.value -eq "17"}) | %{$_.hostresource[0].anyattr[0]."#text"} | Measure-Object -Sum).sum
$primaryMACAddress = ($hardware.Item | where {$_.resourcetype.value -eq "10"}).Address.value.ToString()
$primaryNetConn = ($hardware.Item | where {$_.resourcetype.value -eq "10"}).connection.value.ToString()
$row = New-Object PSObject -Property @{ `
"vapp" = $vm.vapp; `
"name"=$vm.Name; `
"guestos"=$vm.GuestOSFullName; `
"Status"=$vm.Status; `
"cpuCount"=$vm.CpuCount; `
"memoryGB"=$vm.MemoryGB; `
"primaryMACAddress"=$primaryMACAddress; `
"primaryNetConn"=$primaryNetConn; `
"storageGB"=($diskMB/1024); `
$objects += $row
# Use select object to get the column order right. Sort by vApp. Force table formatting and auto-width.
$objects | select-Object name,status,vapp,guestos,cpuCount,memoryGB,primaryMACAddress,primaryNetConn,storageGB,storageProfile
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