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ClojureBridge Berlin curriculum 2: Data Structures
;; # Data Structures
;; So far, we've dealt with discrete pieces of data: one number, one
;; string, one value. When programming, it is more often the case that
;; you want to work with groups of data.
;; Clojure has great facilities for working with these groups, or
;; *collections*, of data. Not only does it provide four different types
;; of collections, but it also provides a uniform way to use all of these
;; collections together.
;; ## Vectors
;; A vector is a sequential collection of values. A vector may be
;; empty. A vector may contain values of different types.
;; Each value in a vector is numbered starting at 0, that number is
;; called its index. The index is used to refer to each value when
;; looking them up.
;; To imagine a vector, imagine a box split into some number of
;; equally-sized compartments. Each of those compartments has a number.
;; You can put a piece of data inside each compartment and always know
;; where to find it, as it has a number.
;; Note that the numbers start with 0. That may seem strange, but we
;; often count from zero when programming.
;; ![Vector](img/vector.png)
;; Vectors are written using square brackets with any number of pieces
;; of data inside them, separated by spaces. Here are some examples of
;; vectors:
[1 2 3 4 5]
[56.9 60.2 61.8 63.1 54.3 66.4 66.5 68.1 70.2 69.2 63.1 57.1]
;; ### Creation
;; Instead of writing a vector with square brackets, you can also use the vector
;; function to create a vector. All arguments are collected and placed inside a new
;; vector.
(vector 5 10 15)
;; `conj` takes a vector and some other values, and returns a new vector with the
;; extra value added. `conj` is short for conjoin, which means to join or combine.
;; This is what we're doing: we're joining the extra value to the vector. `conj`
;; can be used with any kind of collection. Right now the only kind of
;; collection we've encountered is a vector.
(conj [5 10] 15)
;; ### Extraction
;; Now, take a look at these four functions. `count` gives us a
;; count of the number of items in a vector. `nth` gives us the nth
;; item in the vector. Note that we start counting at 0, so in the
;; example, calling `nth` with the number 1 gives us what we'd call the
;; second element when we aren't programming. `first` returns the first
;; item in the collection. `rest` returns all except the first item.
;; Try not to think about that and `nth` at the same time, as they can
;; be confusing.
(count [5 10 15])
(nth [5 10 15] 1)
(first [5 10 15])
(rest [5 10 15])
;; ### EXERCISE: Make a vector
;; Make a vector of the high temperatures for the next 7 days in the
;; town where you live. Then use the `nth` function to get the high
;; temperature for next Tuesday.
;; ## Maps
;; Maps hold a set of keys and values associated with them. You can
;; think of it like a dictionary: you look up things using a word (a
;; keyword) and see the definition (its value). If you've programmed in
;; another language, you might have seen something like maps--maybe
;; called dictionaries, hashes, or associative arrays.
;; FIXME ![Map](img/map.png)
;; We write maps by enclosing alternating keys and values in curly braces, like so.
;; Maps are useful because they can hold data in a way we normally
;; think about it. Take our made up example, Sally Brown. A map can
;; hold her first name and last name, her address, her favorite food,
;; or anything else. It's a simple way to collect that data and make it
;; easy to look up. The last example is an empty map. It is a map that
;; is ready to hold some things, but doesn't have anything in it yet.
;; {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"} {:a 1 :b "two"} {}
;; `assoc` and `dissoc` are paired functions: they associate and disassociate items from a map. See how we add the last name "Brown" to the map with `assoc`, and then we remove it with `dissoc`. `merge` merges two maps together to make a new map.
(assoc {:first "Sally"} :last "Brown")
(dissoc {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"} :last)
(merge {:first "Sally"} {:last "Brown"})
;; `count` every collection has this function. Why do you think the
;; answer is two? `count` is returning the number of associations.
;; Since map is a key-value pair, the key is used to get a value from a
;; map. One of the ways often used in Clojure is the examples below.
;; We can use a keyword like using a function in order to look
;; up values in a map. In the last example, we supplied the key `:MISS`.
;; This works when the key we asked for is not in the map.
(count {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"})
(get {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"} :first)
(get {:first "Sally"} :last)
(get {:first "Sally"} :last :MISS)
;; Then we have `keys` and `vals`, which are pretty simple: they return
;; the keys and values in the map. The order is not guaranteed, so we
;; could have gotten `(:first :last)` or `(:last :first)`.
(keys {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"})
(vals {:first "Sally" :last "Brown"})
;; After the creation, we want to save a new value associated to the
;; key. The `assoc` function can be used by assigning a new value to
;; the existing key.
;; Also, there's handy function `update`. The function takes map and
;; a key with a function. The value of specified key will be the first
;; argument of the given function.
;; The `update-in` function works like `update`, but takes a vector of keys
;; to update at a path to a nested map.
(def hello {:count 1 :words "hello"})
(update hello :count inc)
(update hello :words str ", world")
(def mine {:pet {:age 5 :name "able"}})
(update-in mine [:pet :age] - 3)
;; ## Collections of Collections
;; > Simple values such as numbers, keywords, and strings are not the
;; > only types of things you can put into collections. You can also put
;; > other collections into collections, so you can have a vector of
;; > maps, or a list of vectors, or whatever combination fits your data.
;; ### Vector of Maps
(def characters
[{:name "Snoopy"
:species "dog"}
{:name "Woodstock"
:species "bird"}
{:name "Charlie Brown"
:species "human"}])
(:name (first characters))
(map :name characters)
;; ### EXERCISE: Modeling Yourself
;; * Make a map representing yourself
;; * Make sure it contains your first name and last name
;; * Then, add your hometown to the map using [assoc]( or [merge](
;; ### EXERCISE \[BONUS\]: Modeling your classmates
;; * First, take the map you made about yourself in previous exercise.
;; * Then, create a vector of maps containing the first name, last name and hometown of two or three other classmates around you.
;; * Lastly, add your map to their information using [conj](
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