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Created August 19, 2014 13:18
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ClojureScript stopwatch
(ns stopwatch)
(defn seconds-to-time
(let [d (js/Date. (* secs 1000))]
{:hours (.getUTCHours d)
:minutes (.getUTCMinutes d)
:seconds (.getUTCSeconds d)}))
(defn display-time
"Pretty-prints minutes:seconds, given time map of the form {:hours x :seconds y}."
(let [pad (fn [n]
(if (< n 10)
(str "0" n)
mm (pad (:minutes tm))
ss (pad (:seconds tm))]
;; (str mm ":" ss) <-- if you were to actually use this to update the DOM
(.log js/console (str mm ":" ss))))
(def clock (atom 0))
(def start-time (atom 0))
(def time-fn (atom inc)) ;; included so we can swap it out for countdowns
(defn keep-time [func]
(display-time (seconds-to-time @clock))
(swap! clock func))
(defonce interval (atom 0))
(defn pause []
(js/clearInterval @interval))
(defn start []
(reset! interval (js/setInterval #(keep-time @time-fn) 1000)))
(defn reset []
(js/clearInterval @interval)
(reset! clock @start-time))
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