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Created November 17, 2011 03:09
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Proc version of menu selection
# Not saying it's a good idea, but it's interesting.
# A Proc is just something you can call, with arguments.
p = { |wat| puts wat } "ohai"
# => "ohai"
# The argument to is what's returned if a key isn't found.
# This will return a callable proc that returns the string "Menu.last".
menus = { |p| "Menu.last" })
# The "items" and "categories" controllers behave the same way.
# This Proc uses its parameter, the params hash.
itemcats = { |p| "Menu.find(#{p[:menu_id]})" }
menus["items"] = menus["categories"] = itemcats
# This returns a callable proc that checks for the :id key in the hash.
menus["menus"] = { |p| p[:id] ? "Menu.find(#{p[:id]})" : "Menu.first" }
# Should get the default.
puts menus["bogus_controller"]
# Need a menu_id. Although you should decide what to do if there isn't one.
params = { :menu_id => 42 }
puts menus["items"].call(params)
puts menus["categories"].call(params)
# The "menus" controller has two paths, if there's an id...
params = { :id => 69 }
puts menus["menus"].call(params)
#... and if there isn't.
params = {}
puts menus["menus"].call(params)
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