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Created April 10, 2010 21:55
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package client;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import client.BattleCharacter.CHARACTER_TYPE;
public class GoTeamVenture_AI extends AI{
//Some variable declarations
private BattleMap myBattleMap;
private BattleCharacter[] characters;
private BattleCharacter[] teamVenture;
private BattleCharacter[] enemyTeam;
private BattleCharacter[] enemiesInRange;
private BattleCharacter targetEnemy;
private Vector<Point> nontrav;
public GoTeamVenture_AI( ){
* Initializing method for your AI, this will only be called once before
* the game starts.
public void init() {
* This method is called whenever a character who is on your team has a turn.
public void runBattle(BattleCharacter character) {
myBattleMap = this.getBattleMap();
characters = this.getAllBattleCharacters();
teamVenture = this.getMyCharacters();
enemyTeam = this.getEnemyCharacters();
if(nontrav != null)
nontrav = this.getNonTrav();
try {
} catch (Exception e){
System.out.println("F'ed up target change.");
//System.out.println("Prioritized Target: " + targetEnemy.getID() + " t = " + targetEnemy.getTeam() + " hp: " + targetEnemy.getCurHealth());
if(character.isDead()) return;
Vector<Point> moves = this.getBestMove(character);
if (!moves.isEmpty()) {
ActionError err = this.battleMove(moves.get(0));
if (err.errorExists() ) {
if(character.isDead()) return;
* This method is called once at the beginning of the game to determine what characters you will
* have on your team.
public CHARACTER_TYPE[] setBattleTeam() {
return temp;
public void attackTargetEnemy(BattleCharacter character) {
ActionError err = new ActionError("TeamVenture Attacking Errors");
if(isRanged(character)) {
err = this.battleUseSpecial(targetEnemy.getID());
public void attackAnyEnemy(BattleCharacter character) {
ActionError err2 = this.battleAttack(targetEnemy.getID());
if(err2.errorExists()) {
err2.addError("Failed to attack priority target. Lets mess with (anyone) someone else!");
for(int i=0; i < enemyTeam.length-1; i++) {
ActionError err3 = this.battleAttack(enemyTeam[i].getID());
public void changeTargetIfNeeded() {
if ( targetEnemy == null || targetEnemy.isDead() )
targetEnemy = getBestEnemyToAttack();
public BattleCharacter getBestEnemyToAttack() {
BattleCharacter temp = null;
for(int i=0; i<enemyTeam.length; i++) {
if( temp == null || getValue(enemyTeam[i].getCharacterType().toString()) < getValue(temp.getCharacterType().toString())){
temp = enemyTeam[i];
if (temp == null)
return enemyTeam[0];
return temp;
public int getValue(String s) {
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("ASSASIN"))
return 9;
else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("HEALER"))
return 8;
else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("RANGED"))
return 7;
else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("SUPPORT"))
return 5;
else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("MELEE"))
return 3;
return 1;
public boolean isRanged(BattleCharacter c) {
return getValue(c.getCharacterType().toString()) == getValue("RANGED");
public boolean isSupport(BattleCharacter c) {
return getValue(c.getCharacterType().toString()) == getValue("SUPPORT");
public boolean isMelee(BattleCharacter c){
return getValue(c.getCharacterType().toString()) == getValue("MELEE");
public void moveToEnemy(BattleCharacter character ) {
Point location = targetEnemy.getGridLoc();
if( this.getAllPossibleMoveLocations(character).contains( location ) ){
public Vector<Point> getBadPoints(){
Vector<Point> bad = new Vector<Point>();
for(int i = 0; i < enemyTeam.length; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < teamVenture.length; i++)
return bad;
public Vector<Point> getNonTrav(){
Vector<Point> bad = new Vector<Point>();
BattleMapTile[][] tiles = myBattleMap.getTiles();
for(int i = 0; i < myBattleMap.getRows(); i++)
for(int z = 0; i < myBattleMap.getColumns(); i++)
bad.add(new Point(i,z));
return bad;
public boolean shouldIRun(BattleCharacter character){
return character.getCurHealth() / character.getMaxHealth() < .35;
public Point safeHarbors(BattleCharacter character){
Vector<Point> moves = this.getAllPossibleMoveLocations(character);
for(moves.elements(); moves.elements().hasMoreElements();)
return null;
return null;
// Jaclyns methods
public Vector<Point> getBestMove(BattleCharacter character) {
Vector<Point> possibleLocs = this.getAllPossibleMoveLocations(character);
Point whereAmI = character.getGridLoc();
return possibleLocs;
//Point closestItem = this.getClosestItemLoc(whereAmI, myBattleMap.getAllItemsOnMap(), possibleLocs);
Point closestEnemy = targetEnemy.getGridLoc();//this.getClosestEnemyLoc(whereAmI, possibleLocs); //
return this.getClosestMovesToEnemy(possibleLocs, character, closestEnemy, whereAmI);
public Vector<Point> moveTowardEnemy(Vector<Point> possibleLocs, BattleCharacter character, Point enemyLoc, Point whereAmI) {
Vector<Point> narrowedDown = this.findNearestTiles(character, enemyLoc, possibleLocs);
Point supportChar = this.getSupportChar();
// Stay where you are if you are too far away from support.
if(!this.meleeIsDead() && !this.supportIsDead()) {
if(this.getDistanceMoved(supportChar, character.getGridLoc()) > 5) {
return narrowedDown;
// If you can't reach the enemy, get as close as possible
if(narrowedDown.isEmpty()) {
double minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(possibleLocs.get(0), enemyLoc);
Point maxMove = possibleLocs.get(0);
for(int i=0; i<possibleLocs.size(); i++) {
Vector<Item> items = myBattleMap.getAllItemsOnMap();
if(this.canGetToItem(possibleLocs, items)) {
maxMove = this.getClosestItemLoc(whereAmI, items, possibleLocs);
else {
Point moveLoc = possibleLocs.get(i);
if(this.getDistanceMoved(moveLoc, enemyLoc) < minDist) {
minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(moveLoc, enemyLoc);
maxMove = moveLoc;
return this.getFarthestTileInRange(narrowedDown, enemyLoc, character.getAttackRange(), character.getGridLoc());
public Vector<Point> followMelee(Vector<Point> possibleLocs, BattleCharacter character) {
Point meleeChar = this.getMeleeChar();
double minDist = 999;
Point whereTo = possibleLocs.get(0);
// Get points near the melee character
Vector<Point> narrowedDown = this.findNearestTiles(character, meleeChar, possibleLocs);
// If there are none, get as close as possible
if(narrowedDown.isEmpty()) {
Point maxMove = possibleLocs.get(0);
Vector<Item> items = myBattleMap.getAllItemsOnMap();
if(this.canGetToItem(possibleLocs, items)) {
maxMove = this.getClosestItemLoc(character.getGridLoc(), items, possibleLocs);
else {
for(int i=0; i<possibleLocs.size(); i++) {
Point moveLoc = possibleLocs.get(i);
if(this.getDistanceMoved(moveLoc, meleeChar) < minDist) {
minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(moveLoc, meleeChar);
maxMove = moveLoc;
else {
minDist = 999;
for(Enumeration e = narrowedDown.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Point tile = (Point) e.nextElement();
if(this.getDistanceMoved(tile, meleeChar) < minDist) {
minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(tile, meleeChar);
whereTo = tile;
return narrowedDown;
public boolean canGetToItem(Vector<Point> possibleLocs, Vector<Item> items) {
/* for(int i=0; i<items.size(); i++) {
if(items.get(i).getGridLoc() != null && possibleLocs.contains((Point) items.get(i).getGridLoc())) {
return true;
return false;
public Vector<Point> getFarthestTileInRange(Vector<Point> tiles, Point enemyLoc, int range, Point characterLoc) {
Vector<Item> items = myBattleMap.getAllItemsOnMap();
if(this.canGetToItem(tiles, items)) {
tiles.add(this.getClosestItemLoc(characterLoc, items, tiles));
else {
for(Enumeration e = tiles.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
Point tile = (Point) e.nextElement();
if(this.getDistanceMoved(tile, enemyLoc) == range) {
return tiles;
public Vector<Point> moveRanged(Vector<Point> possibleLocs, BattleCharacter character, Point enemyLoc, Point whereAmI) {
Vector<Point> narrowedDown = this.findNearestTiles(character, enemyLoc, possibleLocs);
int range = character.getAttackRange();
if(narrowedDown.isEmpty()) {
return this.followMelee(possibleLocs, character);
return getFarthestTileInRange(narrowedDown, enemyLoc, range, character.getGridLoc());
public Vector<Point> getClosestMovesToEnemy(Vector<Point> possibleLocs, BattleCharacter character, Point enemyLoc, Point whereAmI) {
Vector<Point> narrowedDown = (Vector<Point>) possibleLocs.clone(); // HACK
narrowedDown.clear(); // HACK
if(this.isMelee(character)) {
return this.moveTowardEnemy(possibleLocs, character, enemyLoc, whereAmI);
else if(this.isSupport(character)) {
return this.moveTowardEnemy(possibleLocs, character, enemyLoc, whereAmI);
return this.followMelee(possibleLocs, character);
else if(this.meleeIsDead()) {
return this.moveTowardEnemy(possibleLocs, character, enemyLoc, whereAmI);
return this.moveRanged(possibleLocs, character, enemyLoc, whereAmI);
public Vector<Point> getClosestMovesToItem(Vector<Point> possibleLocs, Point itemLoc, Point whereAmI) {
Vector<Point> narrowedDown = (Vector<Point>) possibleLocs.clone(); // HACK
narrowedDown.clear(); // HACK
if(narrowedDown.isEmpty()) {
double minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(possibleLocs.get(0), itemLoc);
Point maxMove = possibleLocs.get(0);
for(int i=0; i<possibleLocs.size(); i++) {
Point moveLoc = possibleLocs.get(i);
if(this.getDistanceMoved(moveLoc, itemLoc) < minDist) {
minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(moveLoc, itemLoc);
maxMove = moveLoc;
return narrowedDown;
public Point getClosestItemLoc(Point whereAmI, Vector<Item> items, Vector<Point> possibleLocs) {
double minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(whereAmI, items.get(0).getGridLoc());
Point closest = items.get(0).getGridLoc();
for(int i=0; i<items.size(); i++) {
Point itemLoc = items.get(i).getGridLoc();
for(int j=0; j<possibleLocs.size(); j++) {
if(this.getDistanceMoved(possibleLocs.get(j), itemLoc) < minDist) {
minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(possibleLocs.get(j), itemLoc);
closest = itemLoc;
return closest;
public Point getClosestEnemyLoc(Point whereAmI, Vector<Point> possibleLocs) {
double minDist = 999;
Point closest = enemyTeam[0].getGridLoc();
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
Point enemy = enemyTeam[i].getGridLoc();
for(int j=0; j<possibleLocs.size(); j++) {
if(this.getDistanceMoved(possibleLocs.get(j), enemy) < minDist) {
minDist = this.getDistanceMoved(possibleLocs.get(j), enemy);
closest = enemy;
return closest;
public Vector<Point> findNearestTiles(BattleCharacter character, Point whereIsHe, Vector<Point> possibleLocs) {
Point whereAmI = character.getGridLoc();
Vector<Point> nearestTile = (Vector<Point>) possibleLocs.clone();
if(this.getDistanceMoved(whereAmI, whereIsHe) > character.getMoveRange()) {
return nearestTile;
int range = character.getAttackRange();
double dist = 999;
for(int i=0; i<possibleLocs.size(); i++) {
Point move = possibleLocs.get(i);
double rangeTemp = this.getDistanceMoved(move, whereIsHe);
//double distTemp = this.getDistanceMoved(whereAmI, move);
if(rangeTemp <= range) {
return nearestTile;
public double getDistanceMoved(Point current, Point move) {
if(current == null || move == null)
return 999;
return Math.abs(current.getX() - move.getX()) + Math.abs(current.getY() - move.getY());
private Point getMeleeChar() {
for(int i=0; i<teamVenture.length; i++) {
return teamVenture[i].getGridLoc();
return teamVenture[0].getGridLoc();
private Point getSupportChar() {
for(int i=0; i<teamVenture.length; i++) {
return teamVenture[i].getGridLoc();
return teamVenture[0].getGridLoc();
public boolean meleeIsDead() {
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
if(this.isMelee(teamVenture[i]) && teamVenture[i].isDead())
return true;
return false;
public boolean supportIsDead() {
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
if(this.isSupport(teamVenture[i]) && teamVenture[i].isDead())
return true;
return false;
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