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Created February 22, 2018 23:18
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bash script to pull a production WP database to an existing local site
# pull a production WP database to an existing local site
# uses current directory as theme path and ssh alias
pullprod() {
START=$(date +%s)
# get current directory name, used for database and URL
# TODO: use echo get_template_directory() and get characters from right to first /
cd ~/Sites/$current
# make a backup of the current local database
wp db export _db.sql
wp db reset --yes
# connect to remote site and export the remote database down to our local directory
wp @prod db export - > $current.sql
echo "rsync of remote database to $current directory complete."
wp db import
# database is now imported so delete it
rm -rf $current.sql
# update everything
wp plugin update --all
wp theme update --all
wp core update
# deactivate plugins that aren't needed
wp plugin deactivate google-universal-analytics worker wp-rocket
# activate plugins used for development
wp plugin activate debug-bar query-monitor acf-theme-code-pro
# get the remote site URL, remove the http:// for our search replace
production_url=$(wp @prod eval '$full_url=get_site_url();$trimmed_url=str_replace("http://", "", $full_url); echo $trimmed_url;')
wp search-replace "$production_url" "$current.localhost" --all-tables-with-prefix
# Discourage search engines from indexing this site
wp option update blog_public 0
# udpate local admin user for easy access
END=$(date +%s)
DIFF=$(( $END - $START ))
echo -e "\n$production_url database now in use on $current.localhost site.\nIt took $DIFF seconds, enjoy!\n"
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