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Last active July 16, 2019 07:06
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initial deploy of local site to staging server
# for initial site deployment to staging server, excludes dev tools and build files
# uses current directory as theme path and ssh alias
# 3 user inputs: dbname, dbuser, dbpass
firstdeploy() {
cd ~/Sites/$current || return
echo "Staging database name:"
read dbname
echo "Staging database user:"
read dbuser
echo "Staging database password:"
read dbpass
# rsync the local database to staging site
wp db export $current.sql
rsync $current.sql $current-s:~/
wp @stage core download --path=www --skip-content
wp @stage config create --dbname="$dbname" --dbuser="$dbuser" --dbpass="$dbpass" --skip-check --extra-php <<PHP
define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );
define('SAVEQUERIES', false);
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', 5 );
define( 'JETPACK_STAGING_MODE', true);
wp @stage db import $current.sql
wp @stage search-replace "$current.localhost" "$" --all-tables
rsync --exclude-from "rsync-exclude.txt" wp-content $current-s:~/www
# remove plugins that aren't needed
wp @stage plugin deactivate debug-bar query-monitor acf-theme-code-pro wordpress-seo
wp @stage plugin delete debug-bar query-monitor acf-theme-code-pro wordpress-seo
# Discourage search engines from indexing this site
wp @stage option update blog_public 0
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