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Dave Maurer davemaurer

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davemaurer / writingSampleDavidMaurer
Created October 20, 2014 02:06
Applicant evaluation explained
Applicant evaluation is the process by which a person (the applicant) is determined to be acceptable, or not acceptable, according to the standards outlined for the position being applied to. Whether for a job, school, or social club, the evaluation process is a muddy science, but most of it can be broken down into two main categories: 1 - Constants, and 2 - Variables
1 - Constants focus on predetermined, rigid methods with right or wrong conclusions. They are affected by measurables such as location, degrees/certifications, test scores, and even predicted behaivors that have been outlined based on prior data and experience.
Examples of Constants:
- A company that needs a person to travel at least 75% of the time.
- A school that requires an entrance exam, with a score of 80% or above.
- Multiple choice questions asking what you would do in certain situations.
2 - Variables are less structured, sometimes lacking any guidelines at all. They are based on opinion rather than measurable data and
davemaurer / gist:809b415c2e00fc93c6cb
Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
Refactoring Patterns - Part 2
  1. Why do we refactor? why do we refactor?, to make our code more resilient and give it longevity.
  2. What's the difference between "refactoring" and "changing shit"? refactoring changes the code without changing the external behavior, and maintains test integrity. Changing shit doesn't take external behavior or test coverage into account, or does so by accident.
  3. What role do patterns play in refactoring? Patterns allow you to identify code smells in order to dig deeper, or to identify code templates to use in refactoring other areas.
  4. Why do some refactoring patterns seem to be opposites? Because refactoring depends on context.
  5. Does refactoring always make code better? 99 percent of the time, I would say yes. Always?, no. Save it as a public Gist Edit the Gist (thus creating a second version) Answer the questions to the best of your knowledge Save it
davemaurer / gist:27f8d5c61836030e9d59
Created June 19, 2015 18:59
How to treat getting a job like a job
I'm going to talk about how spending 10 or more hours per week on your job search will yield much better results than putting your resume out on four different sites and waiting for the fish to jump into the boat.
davemaurer / gist:ebad8494835cf3dad7d5
Created June 23, 2015 20:56
Lightning Talk - Job = Get a Job
<h1>Job = Get a Job</h1>
<h2>From a shady website</h2>
<p>According to surveys cited by David Wessel in The Wall Street Journal,
“The unemployed in the United States spend 40 minutes a day looking for work and 3 hours and 20 minutes a day watching TV.”</p>
<p>According to a study commissioned by Microsoft, 79 percent of employers now conduct an online search of applicants. Fully 70 percent say they have turned down applicants by what they found online.
Only 7 percent of job applicants were concerned about their online reputations.</p>
<h1>Chapter 1 - The Decompression Trap</h1>
davemaurer / gist:2a88a65dafb245d27b86
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
What is that thing? Seven deadly things you should get to know in Ruby
Every object is not a snowflake. They are all made of the same basic stuff:
Learning Ruby is hard, and can be intimidating. It seems there are an infinite number of rules to learn, and things to learn
about. Metaphorically, that's true, but a programming language is like any spoken language. There are infinite ways to
express yourself, but only a finite amount of letters you need to learn in order to speak it. Like letters in a language,
Ruby has a finite set of Data types that govern it's behavior. Knowing that can help new programmers when looking at
unfamiliar objects. Here are seven to get you started.
The seven deadly objects
class HistogramRectangle
def initialize(histogram)
@hist = histogram
def find_rectangle
area = []
@hist.each_with_index do |coords, index|
@new_index = (index + 1)
davemaurer /
Created August 3, 2015 18:48
Ideas for my module 3 personal project at Turing


With thousands of beers to choose from these days, its easy to lose track of which ones you've tasted, and what you thought of them. With Beerbank,

you will always know what you've tried, and whether or not it's worth buying it again. No more getting home, popping one open, and saying "yeah,
now I remember why I don't buy this one often. No more wasted money, or hops, or malt, or drinking time!

Oneliner: Beerbank remembers your favorite beers, and not so favorite beers, for you, so you can drink what you like, not guess whether you liked it or not.


davemaurer / git_workflow.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Git cheat sheet for beginners
* git branch
- Displays branches you have in the current directory. The branch you are on will be highlighted/emphasized
* git checkout *mybranch*
- Switches you to whatever branch you put in the place of *mybranch* (*mybranch* is just a placeholder name)
* git checkout -b *newbranch*
- Creates a new branch named whatever you put in place of *newbranch*, which is just a placeholder name
davemaurer /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
Git guide for beginners, in markdown.


This is a short guide to start you off with Git. It's a bit of a learning curve to use it effectively, but like all good tools, Git will pay you back in spades once you understand even the basic commands.

#####First, a few concepts to familiarize you. Reading these through 3-5 times would not be a bad idea.

  • A file is a String on your harddrive. Git's purpose is to help you track, understand, and manage the history of these strings, and ease the difficulty of multiple people working on the same codebases.
  • Git is primarily concerned with lines of code, and not tends to handle files badly (not seeing empty
davemaurer / gist:82efc39071292d40aca8
Created September 14, 2015 20:14
Late life to avoid it
This talk is about saving money. Not what to invest in or how to invest, but what your money can look like with even moderate
returns over time.
I will use a combination of a compound interest calculator site and some snazzy slides to show everyone what a modest
monthly contribution turns into after 25, 30, 35, and 40 years. There is a lot of data to back up the long term investment
strategy (long term being 20 years or more without touching the egg). It's a talk my father had with me when I was young,
but it didn't really hit home until I saw in plain numbers what compound interest does at about 8 percent. If I had known
then that I could be a millionaire now, you bet your a$$ I would have been saving 10 years earlier than I started.