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Last active August 25, 2022 13:55
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prometheus to OpenTSDB metrics formetter
# curls a prometheus metrics endpoint, and awk's it into OpenTSDB format
curl -s $JMX_URL | awk '
BEGIN { ts=systime() }
match($0, /{(.*)}/, a) {
gsub(/ /, "_", tags);
gsub(/,/, " ", tags);
gsub(/[^[:alnum:]_/= \-\.]/, "", tags);
match($NF, /.*E.*/, result) {
split(result[0], numArr, "E");
metric=(numArr[1] * 10**numArr[2]);
/^[^#]/ {
sub(/\{.*/, "", $1);
gsub(/_/, ".", $1);
printf "zookeeper.nre.jmx.%s %d %f %s\n", $1, ts, metric, tags;
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