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Last active April 27, 2023 19:47
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Rasterize a vector dataset based on a reference netcdf grid
import geopandas
import numpy
import xarray
from affine import Affine
from rasterio.features import rasterize
def rasterize_vector_onto_netcdf(aoi_path, netcdf_path, target_filepath):
"""Rasterize a vector dataset based on a reference netcdf grid.
This example assumes,
1. the vector and netcdf have a common coordinate system.
2. the netcdf has dimensions named 'lon' and 'lat'.
3. the netcdf has regular grid spacing (distance between points does not vary).
with xarray.open_dataset(netcdf_path) as dataset:
coords = dataset.coords
width = coords['lon'][1] - coords['lon'][0]
height = coords['lat'][1] - coords['lat'][0] # should be negative
translation = Affine.translation(
coords['lon'][0] - width / 2, coords['lat'][0] + numpy.abs(height) / 2)
scale = Affine.scale(width, height)
transform = translation * scale
aoi_df = geopandas.read_file(aoi_path)
out_shape = (len(coords['lat']), len(coords['lon']))
# rasterize defaults to value of 1 where geometry is present, 0 elsewhere
raster = rasterize(
da = xarray.DataArray(
'lon': coords['lon'],
'lat': coords['lat']
dims=('lat', 'lon'))
ds = xarray.Dataset({'aoi': da})
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