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Last active December 15, 2015 11:59
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Ever wanted to debounce only the AJAX portion of a call, but still have the client-side attributes update immediately? This mixin uses composition and _.compose to give you that ability :D
app.mixins.addDebounceToModelSave = (model, milliseconds) ->
debouncedSaver = _.debounce(, milliseconds)
setter = (attrs, options) ->
{attributes: model.set(attrs).attributes, options}
saver = (args) ->, args.attributes, args.options) = _.compose(saver, setter)
# some view that increments a quantity by 1 every time a user clicks
# we dont want to trigger an AJAX call on fast successive clicks...
app.views.QuantityView = Backbone.View.extend
"click .increment" : "incrementByOne"
initialize: ->
# but we want our model.attributes to update instantly
# so our view can keep the DOM fragment representing quantity in sync
@model.on("change:quantity", @updateQuantityDisplay)
# so we mix in the behaviour
app.mixins.addDebounceToModelSave(@model, 750)
# now incrementByOne can be called multiple times in succession...
incrementByOne: =>
# our attributes update immediately, and we only have 1 AJAX call to the server
# but we only have to call instead of model.set +{quantity: @model.get('quantity') + 1})
updateQuantity: (__, quantity) =>
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