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Created September 13, 2013 19:06
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Old php codes is old.
// Dave Mosher, CST224
// December 7, 2006
//builds an html code header for a page
function genHeader($sTitle, $sMetaRefresh="", $sJScripts="includes/finalScripts.js", $sStyleSheet="includes/phpfinal.css", $sAuthor="Dave Mosher, CST224")
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN' ''>
<title><? print $sTitle ?></title>
<meta name='author' content='<? print $sAuthor ?>'>
<link href='<? print $sStyleSheet ?>' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<script language='Javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<? print $sJScripts ?>' ></script>
function genNav()
function startContent()
<div id='content'>
function endContent()
</div><!-- End of Content Div -->
//builds a footer for the page.
function genFooter()
<div id='footer'><p>&copy; 2006 CST224. All rights reserved.</p></div>
//Show the login box
//username added to allow for autofilling of the formfield if the cookie is set
function showLogin($userName="")
<table id="loginBox">
<tr><td colspan="2">Please login to the system to continue</td></tr>
<form id="userLogin" name="userLogin" method="POST" action="procLogin.php">
<tr><td class="right">UserID <input type="text" name="userID" value="<? print $userName ?>" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="right">Password <input type="password" name="password" /></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Login" /></td></tr>
<h3>Haven't registered yet?</h3>
<a href="studentRegister.php">Register as a Student</a><br />
<a href="tutorRegister.php">Register as a Tutor</a><br />
<h3>Forgot password?</h3>
<a href="forgotPassword.php">Click here to recover password.</a><br />
//Show the student reg form
//TODO: validate with JS
function showStudRegForm()
<table id="loginBox">
<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Please fill out ALL the fields below.</b></td></tr>
<form id="studentReg" name="studentReg" method="POST" action="procReg.php" onSubmit="return validateReg(this)">
<tr><td>CST Account Number <input type="text" id="userID" name="userID" onKeyUp="checkName(this)"/></td></tr>
<tr><td class="right">First Name <input type="text" id="firstName" name="firstName" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="right">Last Name <input type="text" id="lastName" name="lastName" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="right">Phone Number <input type="text" id="phone" name="phone" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="right">Email <input type="text" id="email" name="email" /></td></tr>
<tr><td class="right">Password <input type="password" id="password" name="password" /></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Register" /></td></tr>
function showPasswordRetrievalForm()
<table id="loginBox">
<tr><td colspan="2"><b>Please fill in your username and click submit. Your password will be emailed to the address you specified on your registration.</b></td></tr>
<form id="forgotPass" name="forgotPass" method="POST" action="mailPass.php">
<tr><td>CST Account Number <input type="text" id="userID" name="userID" /></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" value="Send me my Password" /></td></tr>
function showTutorSelectCourses($obDB)
//Build an associate the selection stuff
$result = $obDB->query("SELECT * FROM FCourse");
<table id="loginBox">
<form id="selectTutorCourse" name="selectTutorCourse" method="POST" action="procTutorSelect.php">
<tr><td><? print "<select name='tutorSelection[]' id='tutorSelection[]' multiple size='6'>\n"; ?>
//Loop thru for each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
print "<option value='" . $row[courseID] . "'>" . $row[courseID] . " -> " . $row[courseName] . "</option>\n";
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit Course Selections" /></td></tr>
function showTutoringJobsForm($obDB, $userID)
//Build an associate the selection stuff
$result = $obDB->query("SELECT ta.courseID, c.courseName FROM FTutorAvail ta JOIN FCourse c ON c.courseID=ta.courseID WHERE tutorID='" . $userID . "'");
<table id="loginBox">
<form id="selectTutorJob" name="selectTutorJob" >
<tr><td><? print "<select name='jobSelection' id='jobSelection' size='6'>\n"; ?>
//Loop thru for each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
print "<option value='" . $row[courseID] . "' onclick='showJobs(this)'>" . $row[courseID] . " -> " . $row[courseName] . "</option>\n";
function showStudentCourseSelection($obDB)
//Build a form with course selections
$result = $obDB->query("SELECT * FROM FCourse");
<table id="loginBox">
<form id="selectStudentCourse" name="selectStudentCourse" method="POST" action="procStudentSelect.php">
<tr><td><? print "<select name='studentSelection[]' id='studentSelection[]' multiple size='6'>\n"; ?>
//Loop thru for each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
print "<option value='" . $row[courseID] . "'>" . $row[courseID] . " -> " . $row[courseName] . "</option>\n";
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit Tutoring Requests" /></td></tr>
function showStudentCourseCancel($obDB, $userID)
//Build a form with current course selections for the given user
$result = $obDB->query("SELECT c.courseName, sr.courseID FROM FStudentRequest sr JOIN FCourse c ON c.courseID=sr.courseID WHERE sr.studentID='" . $userID . "'");
<table id="loginBox">
<form id="cancelTutorRequest" name="cancelTutorRequest" method="POST" action="procStudentCancel.php">
<tr><td><? print "<select name='studentCancel[]' id='studentCancel[]' multiple size='6'>\n"; ?>
//Loop thru for each row
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc())
print "<option value='" . $row[courseID] . "'>" . $row[courseID] . " -> " . $row[courseName] . "</option>\n";
<tr><td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value="Submit Cancellations" /></td></tr>
function showCurrentStudentSelections($obDB, $userName)
$currCourses = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT fsr.courseID, fc.courseName FROM FStudentRequest fsr JOIN FCourse fc ON fsr.courseID=fc.courseID WHERE fsr.studentID=?");
$currCourses->bind_param("s", $userName);
$currCourses->bind_result($courseID, $courseName);
print "<p>$courseID -> $courseName</p>\n";
function showCurrentTutoringSelections($obDB, $tutorID)
$currTutoring = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT ta.courseID, c.courseName FROM FTutorAvail ta JOIN FCourse c ON c.courseID=ta.courseID WHERE ta.tutorID=?");
$currTutoring->bind_param("s", $tutorID);
$currTutoring->bind_result($courseID, $courseName);
print "<p>$courseID -> $courseName</p>\n";
//Check Login
function checkLogin($obDB, $userID, $password)
$result = false;
//query the db for the information
$qryUser = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT userID, password FROM FUser WHERE userID=?");
$qryUser->bind_param("s", $userID);
$qryUser->bind_result($qUserID, $qPassword);
//check the username password
if($userID == $qUserID && $password == $qPassword)
$result = true;
//return the result of the check
return $result;
//Inserts users registration information into the DB
function insertRegistration($obDB, $userID, $firstName, $lastName, $phone, $email, $password)
$insUser = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "INSERT INTO FUser (userID, firstName, lastName, phone, email, password) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)");
$insUser->bind_param("ssssss", $userID, $firstName, $lastName, $phone, $email, $password);
function insertTutorSelection($obDB, $userID, $courseID)
//first, check if we've already inserted an entry for this user into the table
$check = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT * FROM FTutorAvail WHERE tutorID=? AND courseID=?");
$check->bind_param("ss", $userID, $courseID);
$check->bind_result($tutorID, $course);
//Check if the entry already exists
if($tutorID != null)
//The user already has an entry for this in the db
print "<p>You are already tutoring $courseID . This entry was not added</p>";
//Otherwise, add it to the table
print "<p>Added you as a tutor for $courseID</p>";
$insertClass = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "INSERT INTO FTutorAvail VALUES (?,?)");
$insertClass->bind_param("ss", $userID, $courseID);
function insertStudentCourseSelection($obDB, $userID, $courseID)
//first, check if we've already inserted an entry for this user into the table
$check = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT * FROM FStudentRequest WHERE studentID=? AND courseID=?");
$check->bind_param("ss", $userID, $courseID);
$check->bind_result($tutorID, $course);
//Check if the entry already exists
if($tutorID != null)
//The user already has an entry for this in the db
print "<p>You are already signed up to be tutored for $courseID . This entry was not added</p>";
//Otherwise, add it to the table
print "<p>Added you to the list to be tutored for $courseID</p>";
$insertClass = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "INSERT INTO FStudentRequest VALUES (?,?)");
$insertClass->bind_param("ss", $userID, $courseID);
function removeStudentCourseSelection($obDB, $userID, $courseID)
//first, check if there are no entries for this user in the table
$check = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT studentID, courseID FROM FStudentRequest WHERE studentID=? AND courseID=?");
$check->bind_param("ss", $userID, $courseID);
$check->bind_result($studentID, $course);
//Check if there were no entries
if($studentID == null)
//The user already has an entry for this in the db
print "<p>There were no tutoring requests for $userID found in the database.</p>";
//Otherwise, remove it from the table
print "<p>Removed your tutoring request for $courseID</p>";
//Needed for some reason because a function can't re-use the db object within a function
$innerDB = new mysqli("", "CST224", "IPBRYL", "CST224");
$removeRequest = mysqli_prepare($innerDB, "DELETE FROM FStudentRequest WHERE studentID=? AND courseID=?");
$removeRequest->bind_param("ss", $userID, $courseID);
function hasTutoringRequests($obDB, $userID)
$result = false;
$qryUser = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT studentID FROM FStudentRequest WHERE studentID=?");
$qryUser->bind_param("s", $userID);
//check that the user has a tutoring request in the table
if($studentID != null)
$result = true;
//return the result of the check
return $result;
function hasTutoringJobs($obDB, $tutorID)
$result = false;
$qryUser = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT tutorID FROM FTutorAvail WHERE tutorID=?");
$qryUser->bind_param("s", $tutorID);
//check that the user has a tutoring request in the table
if($tutorID != null)
$result = true;
//return the result of the check
return $result;
function getEmail($obDB, $student)
$qryEmail = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT email FROM FUser WHERE userID=?");
$qryEmail->bind_param("s", $student);
return $email;
function getName($obDB, $student)
$qryName = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT CONCAT(firstName, \" \", lastName) FROM FUser WHERE userID=?");
$qryName->bind_param("s", $student);
return $name;
function getPhone($obDB, $student)
$qryPhone = mysqli_prepare($obDB, "SELECT phone FROM FUser WHERE userID=?");
$qryPhone->bind_param("s", $student);
return $phone;
* Function estCookie
* Purpose This routine shall be responsible for going through
* and setting a cookie value
* Params sName - Name of the Cookie
* sVal - Value of the cookie
* nDuration - How many days cookie lasts
function estCookie($sName, $sVal, $nDuration)
setcookie($sName, $sVal, time() + 24 * 3600 * $nDuration);
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