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Created July 3, 2012 16:03
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function Isolate() {}
var $$ = {};
var $ = Isolate.$isolateProperties;
$$.ExceptionImplementation = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = this._msg;
return t1 == null ? 'Exception' : 'Exception: ' + $.S(t1);
$$.HashMapImplementation = {"":
["_numberOfDeleted", "_numberOfEntries", "_loadLimit", "_values", "_keys?"],
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return $.mapToString(this);
containsKey$1: function(key) {
return !$.eqB(this._probeForLookup$1(key), -1);
forEach$1: function(f) {
var length$ = $.get$length(this._keys);
if (typeof length$ !== 'number') return this.forEach$1$bailout(1, f, length$);
for (var i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
var key = $.index(this._keys, i);
!(key == null) && !(key === $.CTC3) && f.$call$2(key, $.index(this._values, i));
forEach$1$bailout: function(state, f, length$) {
for (var i = 0; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i) {
var key = $.index(this._keys, i);
!(key == null) && !(key === $.CTC3) && f.$call$2(key, $.index(this._values, i));
get$length: function() {
return this._numberOfEntries;
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq(this._numberOfEntries, 0);
operator$index$1: function(key) {
var index = this._probeForLookup$1(key);
if (typeof index !== 'number') return this.operator$index$1$bailout(1, index, 0);
if (index < 0) return;
var t1 = this._values;
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this.operator$index$1$bailout(2, t1, index);
if (index !== (index | 0)) throw $.iae(index);
var t2 = t1.length;
if (index < 0 || index >= t2) throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
operator$index$1$bailout: function(state, env0, env1) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
index = env0;
case 2:
t1 = env0;
index = env1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var index = this._probeForLookup$1(key);
case 1:
state = 0;
if ($.ltB(index, 0)) return;
var t1 = this._values;
case 2:
state = 0;
return $.index(t1, index);
operator$indexSet$2: function(key, value) {
var index = this._probeForAdding$1(key);
var t1 = $.index(this._keys, index);
if (!(t1 == null)) {
t1 = $.index(this._keys, index);
t1 = t1 === $.CTC3;
} else t1 = true;
if (t1) this._numberOfEntries = $.add(this._numberOfEntries, 1);
$.indexSet(this._keys, index, key);
$.indexSet(this._values, index, value);
clear$0: function() {
this._numberOfEntries = 0;
this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
var length$ = $.get$length(this._keys);
if (typeof length$ !== 'number') return this.clear$0$bailout(1, length$);
for (var i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
$.indexSet(this._keys, i, null);
$.indexSet(this._values, i, null);
clear$0$bailout: function(state, length$) {
for (var i = 0; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i) {
$.indexSet(this._keys, i, null);
$.indexSet(this._values, i, null);
_grow$1: function(newCapacity) {
var capacity = $.get$length(this._keys);
if (typeof capacity !== 'number') return this._grow$1$bailout(1, newCapacity, capacity, 0, 0);
this._loadLimit = $._computeLoadLimit(newCapacity);
var oldKeys = this._keys;
if (typeof oldKeys !== 'string' && (typeof oldKeys !== 'object' || oldKeys === null || (oldKeys.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this._grow$1$bailout(2, newCapacity, oldKeys, capacity, 0);
var oldValues = this._values;
if (typeof oldValues !== 'string' && (typeof oldValues !== 'object' || oldValues === null || (oldValues.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this._grow$1$bailout(3, newCapacity, oldKeys, oldValues, capacity);
this._keys = $.List(newCapacity);
var t1 = $.List(newCapacity);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({E: 'V'}));
this._values = t1;
for (var i = 0; i < capacity; ++i) {
t1 = oldKeys.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
var t2 = oldKeys[i];
if (t2 == null || t2 === $.CTC3) continue;
t1 = oldValues.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
var t3 = oldValues[i];
var newIndex = this._probeForAdding$1(t2);
$.indexSet(this._keys, newIndex, t2);
$.indexSet(this._values, newIndex, t3);
this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
_grow$1$bailout: function(state, env0, env1, env2, env3) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
var newCapacity = env0;
capacity = env1;
case 2:
newCapacity = env0;
oldKeys = env1;
capacity = env2;
case 3:
newCapacity = env0;
oldKeys = env1;
oldValues = env2;
capacity = env3;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var capacity = $.get$length(this._keys);
case 1:
state = 0;
this._loadLimit = $._computeLoadLimit(newCapacity);
var oldKeys = this._keys;
case 2:
state = 0;
var oldValues = this._values;
case 3:
state = 0;
this._keys = $.List(newCapacity);
var t1 = $.List(newCapacity);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({E: 'V'}));
this._values = t1;
for (var i = 0; $.ltB(i, capacity); ++i) {
var key = $.index(oldKeys, i);
if (key == null || key === $.CTC3) continue;
var value = $.index(oldValues, i);
var newIndex = this._probeForAdding$1(key);
$.indexSet(this._keys, newIndex, key);
$.indexSet(this._values, newIndex, value);
this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
_ensureCapacity$0: function() {
var newNumberOfEntries = $.add(this._numberOfEntries, 1);
if ($.geB(newNumberOfEntries, this._loadLimit)) {
this._grow$1($.mul($.get$length(this._keys), 2));
var numberOfFree = $.sub($.sub($.get$length(this._keys), newNumberOfEntries), this._numberOfDeleted);
$.gtB(this._numberOfDeleted, numberOfFree) && this._grow$1($.get$length(this._keys));
_probeForLookup$1: function(key) {
var hash = $._firstProbe($.hashCode(key), $.get$length(this._keys));
for (var numberOfProbes = 1; true; ) {
var existingKey = $.index(this._keys, hash);
if (existingKey == null) return -1;
if ($.eqB(existingKey, key)) return hash;
var numberOfProbes0 = numberOfProbes + 1;
hash = $._nextProbe(hash, numberOfProbes, $.get$length(this._keys));
numberOfProbes = numberOfProbes0;
_probeForAdding$1: function(key) {
var hash = $._firstProbe($.hashCode(key), $.get$length(this._keys));
if (hash !== (hash | 0)) return this._probeForAdding$1$bailout(1, key, hash, 0, 0, 0);
for (var numberOfProbes = 1, insertionIndex = -1; true; ) {
var t1 = this._keys;
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this._probeForAdding$1$bailout(2, numberOfProbes, hash, key, insertionIndex, t1);
var t2 = t1.length;
if (hash < 0 || hash >= t2) throw $.ioore(hash);
t1 = t1[hash];
if (t1 == null) {
if (insertionIndex < 0) return hash;
return insertionIndex;
if ($.eqB(t1, key)) return hash;
if (insertionIndex < 0 && $.CTC3 === t1) insertionIndex = hash;
var numberOfProbes0 = numberOfProbes + 1;
hash = $._nextProbe(hash, numberOfProbes, $.get$length(this._keys));
if (hash !== (hash | 0)) return this._probeForAdding$1$bailout(3, key, numberOfProbes0, insertionIndex, hash, 0);
numberOfProbes = numberOfProbes0;
_probeForAdding$1$bailout: function(state, env0, env1, env2, env3, env4) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
var key = env0;
hash = env1;
case 2:
numberOfProbes = env0;
hash = env1;
key = env2;
insertionIndex = env3;
t1 = env4;
case 3:
key = env0;
numberOfProbes0 = env1;
insertionIndex = env2;
hash = env3;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var hash = $._firstProbe($.hashCode(key), $.get$length(this._keys));
case 1:
state = 0;
var numberOfProbes = 1;
var insertionIndex = -1;
case 2:
case 3:
L0: while (true) {
switch (state) {
case 0:
if (!true) break L0;
var t1 = this._keys;
case 2:
state = 0;
var existingKey = $.index(t1, hash);
if (existingKey == null) {
if ($.ltB(insertionIndex, 0)) return hash;
return insertionIndex;
if ($.eqB(existingKey, key)) return hash;
if ($.ltB(insertionIndex, 0) && $.CTC3 === existingKey) insertionIndex = hash;
var numberOfProbes0 = numberOfProbes + 1;
hash = $._nextProbe(hash, numberOfProbes, $.get$length(this._keys));
case 3:
state = 0;
numberOfProbes = numberOfProbes0;
HashMapImplementation$0: function() {
this._numberOfEntries = 0;
this._numberOfDeleted = 0;
this._loadLimit = $._computeLoadLimit(8);
this._keys = $.List(8);
var t1 = $.List(8);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({E: 'V'}));
this._values = t1;
is$Map: function() { return true; }
$$.HashSetImplementation = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return $.collectionToString(this);
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $.HashSetIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({E: 'E'}));
return t1;
get$length: function() {
return $.get$length(this._backingMap);
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.isEmpty(this._backingMap);
forEach$1: function(f) {
var t1 = ({});
t1.f_1 = f;
$.forEach(this._backingMap, new $.Closure9(t1));
contains$1: function(value) {
return this._backingMap.containsKey$1(value);
add$1: function(value) {
var t1 = this._backingMap;
if (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || ((t1.constructor !== Array || !!t1.immutable$list) && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior())) return this.add$1$bailout(1, t1, value);
if (value !== (value | 0)) throw $.iae(value);
var t2 = t1.length;
if (value < 0 || value >= t2) throw $.ioore(value);
t1[value] = value;
add$1$bailout: function(state, t1, value) {
$.indexSet(t1, value, value);
clear$0: function() {
HashSetImplementation$0: function() {
this._backingMap = $.HashMapImplementation$0();
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$$.HashSetIterator = {"":
["_nextValidIndex", "_entries"],
super: "Object",
_advance$0: function() {
var t1 = this._entries;
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this._advance$0$bailout(1, t1);
var length$ = t1.length;
var entry = null;
do {
var t2 = this._nextValidIndex + 1;
this._nextValidIndex = t2;
if ($.geB(t2, length$)) break;
t2 = this._nextValidIndex;
if (t2 !== (t2 | 0)) throw $.iae(t2);
var t3 = t1.length;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3) throw $.ioore(t2);
entry = t1[t2];
} while ((entry == null || entry === $.CTC3));
_advance$0$bailout: function(state, t1) {
var length$ = $.get$length(t1);
var entry = null;
do {
var t2 = $.add(this._nextValidIndex, 1);
this._nextValidIndex = t2;
if ($.geB(t2, length$)) break;
entry = $.index(t1, this._nextValidIndex);
} while ((entry == null || entry === $.CTC3));
next$0: function() {
if (this.hasNext$0() !== true) throw $.captureStackTrace($.CTC0);
var t1 = this._entries;
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return$0$bailout(1, t1);
var t2 = this._nextValidIndex;
if (t2 !== (t2 | 0)) throw $.iae(t2);
var t3 = t1.length;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3) throw $.ioore(t2);
t2 = t1[t2];
return t2;
next$0$bailout: function(state, t1) {
var res = $.index(t1, this._nextValidIndex);
return res;
hasNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._nextValidIndex;
if (typeof t1 !== 'number') return this.hasNext$0$bailout(1, t1, 0);
var t2 = this._entries;
if (typeof t2 !== 'string' && (typeof t2 !== 'object' || t2 === null || (t2.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this.hasNext$0$bailout(2, t1, t2);
var t3 = t2.length;
if (t1 >= t3) return false;
if (t1 !== (t1 | 0)) throw $.iae(t1);
if (t1 < 0 || t1 >= t3) throw $.ioore(t1);
t1 = t2[t1];
t1 === $.CTC3 && this._advance$0();
t1 = this._nextValidIndex;
if (typeof t1 !== 'number') return this.hasNext$0$bailout(3, t1, t2);
return t1 < t2.length;
hasNext$0$bailout: function(state, env0, env1) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
t1 = env0;
case 2:
t1 = env0;
t2 = env1;
case 3:
t1 = env0;
t2 = env1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var t1 = this._nextValidIndex;
case 1:
state = 0;
var t2 = this._entries;
case 2:
state = 0;
if ($.geB(t1, $.get$length(t2))) return false;
t1 = $.index(t2, this._nextValidIndex);
t1 === $.CTC3 && this._advance$0();
t1 = this._nextValidIndex;
case 3:
state = 0;
return $.lt(t1, $.get$length(t2));
HashSetIterator$1: function(set_) {
$$._DeletedKeySentinel = {"":
super: "Object"
$$.StringBufferImpl = {"":
["_length", "_buffer"],
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = $.get$length(this._buffer);
if (t1 === 0) return '';
t1 = $.get$length(this._buffer);
if (t1 === 1) return $.index(this._buffer, 0);
var result = $.concatAll(this._buffer);
$.add$1(this._buffer, result);
return result;
clear$0: function() {
var t1 = $.List(null);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({E: 'String'}));
this._buffer = t1;
this._length = 0;
return this;
add$1: function(obj) {
var str = $.toString(obj);
if (str == null || $.isEmpty(str) === true) return this;
$.add$1(this._buffer, str);
var t1 = this._length;
if (typeof t1 !== 'number') return this.add$1$bailout(1, str, t1);
var t2 = $.get$length(str);
if (typeof t2 !== 'number') return this.add$1$bailout(2, t1, t2);
this._length = t1 + t2;
return this;
add$1$bailout: function(state, env0, env1) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
str = env0;
t1 = env1;
case 2:
t1 = env0;
t2 = env1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var str = $.toString(obj);
if (str == null || $.isEmpty(str) === true) return this;
$.add$1(this._buffer, str);
var t1 = this._length;
case 1:
state = 0;
var t2 = $.get$length(str);
case 2:
state = 0;
this._length = $.add(t1, t2);
return this;
isEmpty$0: function() {
var t1 = this._length;
return t1 === 0;
get$length: function() {
return this._length;
StringBufferImpl$1: function(content$) {
$$.JSSyntaxRegExp = {"":
["ignoreCase?", "multiLine?", "pattern?"],
super: "Object",
allMatches$1: function(str) {
return $._AllMatchesIterable$2(this, str);
hasMatch$1: function(str) {
return $.regExpTest(this, $.checkString(str));
firstMatch$1: function(str) {
var m = $.regExpExec(this, $.checkString(str));
if (m == null) return;
var matchStart = $.regExpMatchStart(m);
var matchEnd = $.add(matchStart, $.get$length($.index(m, 0)));
return $.MatchImplementation$5(this.pattern, str, matchStart, matchEnd, m);
JSSyntaxRegExp$_globalVersionOf$1: function(other) {
is$JSSyntaxRegExp: true
$$.MatchImplementation = {"":
["_groups", "_end", "_start", "str", "pattern?"],
super: "Object",
operator$index$1: function(index) {
group$1: function(index) {
return $.index(this._groups, index);
$$._AllMatchesIterable = {"":
["_str", "_re"],
super: "Object",
iterator$0: function() {
return $._AllMatchesIterator$2(this._re, this._str);
$$._AllMatchesIterator = {"":
["_done", "_next", "_str", "_re"],
super: "Object",
hasNext$0: function() {
if (this._done === true) return false;
if (!$.eqNullB(this._next)) return true;
this._next = this._re.firstMatch$1(this._str);
if ($.eqNullB(this._next)) {
this._done = true;
return false;
return true;
next$0: function() {
if (this.hasNext$0() !== true) throw $.captureStackTrace($.CTC0);
var next = this._next;
this._next = null;
return next;
$$.ListIterator = {"":
["list", "i"],
super: "Object",
next$0: function() {
if (this.hasNext$0() !== true) throw $.captureStackTrace($.NoMoreElementsException$0());
var value = (this.list[this.i]);
var t1 = this.i;
if (typeof t1 !== 'number') return$0$bailout(1, t1, value);
this.i = t1 + 1;
return value;
next$0$bailout: function(state, t1, value) {
this.i = $.add(t1, 1);
return value;
hasNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this.i;
if (typeof t1 !== 'number') return this.hasNext$0$bailout(1, t1);
return t1 < (this.list.length);
hasNext$0$bailout: function(state, t1) {
return $.lt(t1, (this.list.length));
$$.Closure10 = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Closure';
$$.MetaInfo = {"":
["set?", "tags", "tag?"],
super: "Object"
$$.StringMatch = {"":
["pattern?", "str", "_lib0_start"],
super: "Object",
group$1: function(group_) {
if (!$.eqB(group_, 0)) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(group_));
return this.pattern;
operator$index$1: function(g) {
$$.Object = {"":
super: "",
toString$0: function() {
return $.objectToString(this);
$$.IndexOutOfRangeException = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'IndexOutOfRangeException: ' + $.S(this._index);
$$.NoSuchMethodException = {"":
["_existingArgumentNames", "_arguments", "_functionName", "_receiver"],
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
var sb = $.StringBufferImpl$1('');
var t1 = this._arguments;
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this.toString$0$bailout(1, sb, t1);
var i = 0;
for (; i < t1.length; ++i) {
i > 0 && sb.add$1(', ');
var t2 = t1.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t2) throw $.ioore(i);
t1 = this._existingArgumentNames;
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this.toString$0$bailout(2, t1, sb);
var actualParameters = sb.toString$0();
sb = $.StringBufferImpl$1('');
for (i = 0; i < t1.length; ++i) {
i > 0 && sb.add$1(', ');
t2 = t1.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t2) throw $.ioore(i);
var formalParameters = sb.toString$0();
t1 = this._functionName;
return 'NoSuchMethodException: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named \'' + $.S(t1) + '\'\nReceiver: ' + $.S(this._receiver) + '\n' + 'Tried calling: ' + $.S(t1) + '(' + $.S(actualParameters) + ')\n' + 'Found: ' + $.S(t1) + '(' + $.S(formalParameters) + ')';
toString$0$bailout: function(state, env0, env1) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
sb = env0;
t1 = env1;
case 2:
t1 = env0;
sb = env1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var sb = $.StringBufferImpl$1('');
var t1 = this._arguments;
case 1:
state = 0;
var i = 0;
for (; $.ltB(i, $.get$length(t1)); ++i) {
i > 0 && sb.add$1(', ');
sb.add$1($.index(t1, i));
t1 = this._existingArgumentNames;
case 2:
state = 0;
if (t1 == null) return 'NoSuchMethodException : method not found: \'' + $.S(this._functionName) + '\'\n' + 'Receiver: ' + $.S(this._receiver) + '\n' + 'Arguments: [' + $.S(sb) + ']';
var actualParameters = sb.toString$0();
sb = $.StringBufferImpl$1('');
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, $.get$length(t1)); ++i) {
i > 0 && sb.add$1(', ');
sb.add$1($.index(t1, i));
var formalParameters = sb.toString$0();
t1 = this._functionName;
return 'NoSuchMethodException: incorrect number of arguments passed to method named \'' + $.S(t1) + '\'\nReceiver: ' + $.S(this._receiver) + '\n' + 'Tried calling: ' + $.S(t1) + '(' + $.S(actualParameters) + ')\n' + 'Found: ' + $.S(t1) + '(' + $.S(formalParameters) + ')';
$$.ObjectNotClosureException = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Object is not closure';
$$.IllegalArgumentException = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Illegal argument(s): ' + $.S(this._arg);
$$.StackOverflowException = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Stack Overflow';
$$.NullPointerException = {"":
["arguments", "functionName"],
super: "Object",
get$exceptionName: function() {
return 'NullPointerException';
toString$0: function() {
var t1 = this.functionName;
if ($.eqNullB(t1)) return this.get$exceptionName();
return $.S(this.get$exceptionName()) + ' : method: \'' + $.S(t1) + '\'\n' + 'Receiver: null\n' + 'Arguments: ' + $.S(this.arguments);
$$.NoMoreElementsException = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'NoMoreElementsException';
$$.UnsupportedOperationException = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'UnsupportedOperationException: ' + $.S(this._message);
$$.IllegalJSRegExpException = {"":
["_errmsg", "_pattern"],
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'IllegalJSRegExpException: \'' + $.S(this._pattern) + '\' \'' + $.S(this._errmsg) + '\'';
$$._AbstractWorkerEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._AudioContextEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._BatteryManagerEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._BodyElementEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_ElementEventsImpl"
$$._DOMApplicationCacheEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._DedicatedWorkerContextEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_WorkerContextEventsImpl"
$$._DeprecatedPeerConnectionEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._DocumentEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_ElementEventsImpl",
get$click: function() {
return this.operator$index$1('click');
$$._ElementEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl",
get$click: function() {
return this.operator$index$1('click');
$$._EventSourceEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._EventsImpl = {"":
super: "Object",
operator$index$1: function(type) {
return $._EventListenerListImpl$2(this._ptr, type);
$$._EventListenerListImpl = {"":
["_type", "_ptr"],
super: "Object",
_add$2: function(listener, useCapture) {
this._ptr.$dom_addEventListener$3(this._type, listener, useCapture);
add$2: function(listener, useCapture) {
this._add$2(listener, useCapture);
return this;
add$1: function(listener) {
return this.add$2(listener,false)
$$._FileReaderEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._FileWriterEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._FrameSetElementEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_ElementEventsImpl"
$$._IDBDatabaseEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._IDBRequestEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._IDBTransactionEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._IDBVersionChangeRequestEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_IDBRequestEventsImpl"
$$._InputElementEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_ElementEventsImpl"
$$._JavaScriptAudioNodeEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._MediaElementEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_ElementEventsImpl"
$$._MediaStreamEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._MessagePortEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._ChildNodeListLazy = {"":
super: "Object",
operator$index$1: function(index) {
var t1 = this._this.get$$$dom_childNodes();
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return this.operator$index$1$bailout(1, index, t1);
if (index !== (index | 0)) throw $.iae(index);
var t2 = t1.length;
if (index < 0 || index >= t2) throw $.ioore(index);
return t1[index];
operator$index$1$bailout: function(state, index, t1) {
return $.index(t1, index);
get$length: function() {
return $.get$length(this._this.get$$$dom_childNodes());
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
iterator$0: function() {
return $.iterator(this._this.get$$$dom_childNodes());
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this._this.$dom_replaceChild$2(value, this.operator$index$1(index));
clear$0: function() {
removeLast$0: function() {
var result = this.last$0();
!$.eqNullB(result) && this._this.$dom_removeChild$1(result);
return result;
add$1: function(value) {
last$0: function() {
return this._this.lastChild;;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$$._NotificationEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl",
get$click: function() {
return this.operator$index$1('click');
$$._PeerConnection00EventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._SVGElementInstanceEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl",
get$click: function() {
return this.operator$index$1('click');
$$._SharedWorkerContextEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_WorkerContextEventsImpl"
$$._SpeechRecognitionEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._TextTrackEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._TextTrackCueEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._TextTrackListEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._WebSocketEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._WindowEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl",
get$click: function() {
return this.operator$index$1('click');
$$._WorkerEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_AbstractWorkerEventsImpl"
$$._WorkerContextEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._XMLHttpRequestEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._XMLHttpRequestUploadEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_EventsImpl"
$$._IDBOpenDBRequestEventsImpl = {"":
super: "_IDBRequestEventsImpl"
$$._FixedSizeListIterator = {"":
["_lib_length", "_pos", "_array"],
super: "_VariableSizeListIterator",
hasNext$0: function() {
var t1 = this._lib_length;
if (typeof t1 !== 'number') return this.hasNext$0$bailout(1, t1, 0);
var t2 = this._pos;
if (typeof t2 !== 'number') return this.hasNext$0$bailout(2, t1, t2);
return t1 > t2;
hasNext$0$bailout: function(state, env0, env1) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
t1 = env0;
case 2:
t1 = env0;
t2 = env1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var t1 = this._lib_length;
case 1:
state = 0;
var t2 = this._pos;
case 2:
state = 0;
return $.gt(t1, t2);
$$._VariableSizeListIterator = {"":
super: "Object",
next$0: function() {
if (this.hasNext$0() !== true) throw $.captureStackTrace($.CTC0);
var t1 = this._array;
if (typeof t1 !== 'string' && (typeof t1 !== 'object' || t1 === null || (t1.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return$0$bailout(1, t1, 0);
var t2 = this._pos;
if (typeof t2 !== 'number') return$0$bailout(2, t1, t2);
this._pos = t2 + 1;
if (t2 !== (t2 | 0)) throw $.iae(t2);
var t3 = t1.length;
if (t2 < 0 || t2 >= t3) throw $.ioore(t2);
return t1[t2];
next$0$bailout: function(state, env0, env1) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
t1 = env0;
case 2:
t1 = env0;
t2 = env1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
if (this.hasNext$0() !== true) throw $.captureStackTrace($.CTC0);
var t1 = this._array;
case 1:
state = 0;
var t2 = this._pos;
case 2:
state = 0;
this._pos = $.add(t2, 1);
return $.index(t1, t2);
hasNext$0: function() {
var t1 = $.get$length(this._array);
if (typeof t1 !== 'number') return this.hasNext$0$bailout(1, t1, 0);
var t2 = this._pos;
if (typeof t2 !== 'number') return this.hasNext$0$bailout(2, t2, t1);
return t1 > t2;
hasNext$0$bailout: function(state, env0, env1) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
t1 = env0;
case 2:
t2 = env0;
t1 = env1;
switch (state) {
case 0:
var t1 = $.get$length(this._array);
case 1:
state = 0;
var t2 = this._pos;
case 2:
state = 0;
return $.gt(t1, t2);
$$.Closure = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$1: function(e) {
return $.window().alert$1('Clicked!');
$$.Closure0 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$1: function(e) {
return $.print('Woot, new activity!');
$$.Closure1 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$1: function(e) {
return $.add$1(this.box_0.activitiesList_1.get$nodes(), $.Element$tag('p'));
$$.Closure2 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$1: function(e) {
this.box_0.lastitem_2.set$text('Wow, clicked action 1.');
return 'Wow, clicked action 1.';
$$.Closure3 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$1: function(e) {
this.box_0.lastitem_2.set$text('Woot, action 2.');
return 'Woot, action 2.';
$$.Closure4 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$1: function(e) {
this.box_0.lastitem_2.set$text('Woot, action 3.');
return 'Woot, action 3.';
$$.Closure5 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$2: function(k, v) {
var t1 = this.box_0;
t1.first_3 !== true && $.add$1(t1.result_1, ', ');
this.box_0.first_3 = false;
t1 = this.box_0;
$._emitObject(k, t1.result_1, t1.visiting_2);
$.add$1(this.box_0.result_1, ': ');
var t2 = this.box_0;
$._emitObject(v, t2.result_1, t2.visiting_2);
$$.Closure6 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$0: function() {
return this.box_0.closure_1.$call$0();
$$.Closure7 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$0: function() {
var t1 = this.box_0;
return t1.closure_1.$call$1(t1.arg1_2);
$$.Closure8 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$0: function() {
var t1 = this.box_0;
return t1.closure_1.$call$2(t1.arg1_2, t1.arg2_3);
$$.Closure9 = {"":
super: "Closure10",
$call$2: function(key, value) {
$$.Closure10 = {"":
super: "Object",
toString$0: function() {
return 'Closure';
Isolate.$defineClass('Closure11', 'Closure10', ['self', 'target'], {
$call$0: function() { return this.self[](); }
$.mul$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return a * b;
return a.operator$mul$1(b);
$.iae = function(argument) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(argument));
$._ChildNodeListLazy$1 = function(_this) {
return new $._ChildNodeListLazy(_this);
$._AudioContextEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._AudioContextEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.floor = function(receiver) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'number')) return receiver.floor$0();
return Math.floor(receiver);
$.truncate = function(receiver) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'number')) return receiver.truncate$0();
return receiver < 0 ? $.ceil(receiver) : $.floor(receiver);
$.eqB = function(a, b) {
if (a == null) return b == null;
if (typeof a === "object") {
if (!!a.operator$eq$1) {
var t1 = a.operator$eq$1(b);
return t1 === true;
return a === b;
return a === b;
$._containsRef = function(c, ref) {
for (var t1 = $.iterator(c); t1.hasNext$0() === true; ) {
var t2 =$0();
if (t2 == null ? ref == null : t2 === ref) return true;
return false;
$.allMatchesInStringUnchecked = function(needle, haystack) {
var result = $.List(null);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(result, ({E: 'Match'}));
var length$ = $.get$length(haystack);
var patternLength = $.get$length(needle);
if (patternLength !== (patternLength | 0)) return $.allMatchesInStringUnchecked$bailout(1, needle, haystack, length$, patternLength, result);
for (var startIndex = 0; true; ) {
var position = $.indexOf$2(haystack, needle, startIndex);
if ($.eqB(position, -1)) break;
result.push($.StringMatch$3(position, haystack, needle));
var endIndex = $.add(position, patternLength);
if ($.eqB(endIndex, length$)) break;
else {
startIndex = $.eqB(position, endIndex) ? $.add(startIndex, 1) : endIndex;
return result;
$.indexOf = function(a, element, startIndex, endIndex) {
if (typeof a !== 'string' && (typeof a !== 'object' || a === null || (a.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return $.indexOf$bailout(1, a, element, startIndex, endIndex);
if (typeof endIndex !== 'number') return $.indexOf$bailout(1, a, element, startIndex, endIndex);
if ($.geB(startIndex, a.length)) return -1;
if ($.ltB(startIndex, 0)) startIndex = 0;
if (typeof startIndex !== 'number') return $.indexOf$bailout(2, a, element, startIndex, endIndex);
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i) {
if (i !== (i | 0)) throw $.iae(i);
var t1 = a.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
if ($.eqB(a[i], element)) return i;
return -1;
$.isJsArray = function(value) {
return !(value == null) && (value.constructor === Array);
$.indexSet$slow = function(a, index, value) {
if ($.isJsArray(a) === true) {
if (!((typeof index === 'number') && (index === (index | 0)))) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(index));
if (index < 0 || $.geB(index, $.get$length(a))) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(index));
$.checkMutable(a, 'indexed set');
a[index] = value;
a.operator$indexSet$2(index, value);
$._nextProbe = function(currentProbe, numberOfProbes, length$) {
return $.and($.add(currentProbe, numberOfProbes), $.sub(length$, 1));
$._AllMatchesIterable$2 = function(_re, _str) {
return new $._AllMatchesIterable(_str, _re);
$.allMatches = function(receiver, str) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.allMatches$1(str);
return $.allMatchesInStringUnchecked(receiver, str);
$.dynamicSetMetadata = function(inputTable) {
var t1 = $.buildDynamicMetadata(inputTable);
$.substringUnchecked = function(receiver, startIndex, endIndex) {
return receiver.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
$.get$length = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver === 'string' || $.isJsArray(receiver) === true) return receiver.length;
return receiver.get$length();
$.ge$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return a >= b;
return a.operator$ge$1(b);
$.endsWith = function(receiver, other) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.endsWith$1(other);
var receiverLength = receiver.length;
var otherLength = $.get$length(other);
if ($.gtB(otherLength, receiverLength)) return false;
if (typeof otherLength !== 'number') throw $.iae(otherLength);
return $.eq(other, $.substring$1(receiver, receiverLength - otherLength));
$.ListIterator$1 = function(list) {
return new $.ListIterator(list, 0);
$.IllegalJSRegExpException$2 = function(_pattern, _errmsg) {
return new $.IllegalJSRegExpException(_errmsg, _pattern);
$.checkNum = function(value) {
if (!(typeof value === 'number')) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(value));
return value;
$._IDBOpenDBRequestEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._IDBOpenDBRequestEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.typeNameInIE = function(obj) {
var name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if ($.eqB(name$, 'Window')) return 'DOMWindow';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'Document')) {
if (!!obj.xmlVersion) return 'Document';
return 'HTMLDocument';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'HTMLTableDataCellElement')) return 'HTMLTableCellElement';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'HTMLTableHeaderCellElement')) return 'HTMLTableCellElement';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'MSStyleCSSProperties')) return 'CSSStyleDeclaration';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'CanvasPixelArray')) return 'Uint8ClampedArray';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'HTMLPhraseElement')) return 'HTMLElement';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'MouseWheelEvent')) return 'WheelEvent';
return name$;
$.constructorNameFallback = function(obj) {
var constructor$ = (obj.constructor);
var t1 = (typeof(constructor$));
if (t1 === 'function') {
var name$ = (constructor$.name);
t1 = (typeof(name$));
if (t1 === 'string' && $.isEmpty(name$) !== true && !(name$ === 'Object')) return name$;
var string = (;
return $.substring$2(string, 8, string.length - 1);
$.regExpMatchStart = function(m) {
return m.index;
$._WorkerEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._WorkerEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.ltB = function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number') var t1 = (a < b);
else {
t1 = $.lt$slow(a, b);
t1 = t1 === true;
return t1;
$.NullPointerException$2 = function(functionName, arguments$) {
return new $.NullPointerException(arguments$, functionName);
$.JSSyntaxRegExp$_globalVersionOf$1 = function(other) {
var t1 = other.get$pattern();
var t2 = other.get$multiLine();
t1 = new $.JSSyntaxRegExp(other.get$ignoreCase(), t2, t1);
return t1;
$.tdiv = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return $.truncate((a) / (b));
return a.operator$tdiv$1(b);
$.clear = function(receiver) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) !== true) return receiver.clear$0();
$.set$length(receiver, 0);
$.convertDartClosureToJS = function(closure, arity) {
if (closure == null) return;
var function$ = (closure.$identity);
if (!!function$) return function$;
function$ = (function() {
return $.invokeClosure.$call$5(closure, $, arity, arguments[0], arguments[1]);
closure.$identity = function$;
return function$;
$._FixedSizeListIterator$1 = function(array) {
return new $._FixedSizeListIterator($.get$length(array), 0, array);
$.printString = function(string) {
if (typeof dartPrint == "function") dartPrint(string);
else {
if (typeof console == "object") console.log(string);
else {
$.typeNameInChrome = function(obj) {
var name$ = (;
if (name$ === 'Window') return 'DOMWindow';
if (name$ === 'CanvasPixelArray') return 'Uint8ClampedArray';
return name$;
$.split = function(receiver, pattern) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.split$1(pattern);
return $.stringSplitUnchecked(receiver, pattern);
$.concatAll = function(strings) {
return $.stringJoinUnchecked($._toJsStringArray(strings), '');
$._InputElementEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._InputElementEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.S = function(value) {
var res = $.toString(value);
if (!(typeof res === 'string')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(value));
return res;
$._TextTrackListEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._TextTrackListEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._dynamicMetadata = function(table) {
$dynamicMetadata = table;
$._dynamicMetadata0 = function() {
var t1 = (typeof($dynamicMetadata));
if (t1 === 'undefined') {
t1 = [];
return $dynamicMetadata;
$._DeprecatedPeerConnectionEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._DeprecatedPeerConnectionEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.shr = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) {
a = (a);
b = (b);
if (b < 0) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(b));
if (a > 0) {
if (b > 31) return 0;
return a >>> b;
if (b > 31) b = 31;
return (a >> b) >>> 0;
return a.operator$shr$1(b);
$.eqNull = function(a) {
if (a == null) return true;
if (typeof a === "object") {
if (!!a.operator$eq$1) return a.operator$eq$1(null);
return false;
$.regExpGetNative = function(regExp) {
var r = (regExp._re);
return r == null ? (regExp._re = $.regExpMakeNative(regExp, false)) : r;
$.throwNoSuchMethod = function(obj, name$, arguments$) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.NoSuchMethodException$4(obj, name$, arguments$, null));
$.checkNull = function(object) {
if (object == null) throw $.captureStackTrace($.NullPointerException$2(null, $.CTC));
return object;
$.and = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return (a & b) >>> 0;
return a.operator$and$1(b);
$.substring$2 = function(receiver, startIndex, endIndex) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.substring$2(startIndex, endIndex);
var length$ = receiver.length;
if (endIndex == null) endIndex = length$;
if ($.ltB(startIndex, 0)) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(startIndex));
if ($.gtB(startIndex, endIndex)) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(startIndex));
if ($.gtB(endIndex, length$)) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(endIndex));
return $.substringUnchecked(receiver, startIndex, endIndex);
$.indexSet = function(a, index, value) {
if (a.constructor === Array && !a.immutable$list) {
var key = (index >>> 0);
if (key === index && key < (a.length)) {
a[key] = value;
$.indexSet$slow(a, index, value);
$._DOMApplicationCacheEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._DOMApplicationCacheEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.ExceptionImplementation$1 = function(msg) {
return new $.ExceptionImplementation(msg);
$.StringMatch$3 = function(_start, str, pattern) {
return new $.StringMatch(pattern, str, _start);
$.invokeClosure = function(closure, isolate, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2) {
var t1 = ({});
t1.arg2_3 = arg2;
t1.arg1_2 = arg1;
t1.closure_1 = closure;
if ($.eqB(numberOfArguments, 0)) return new $.Closure6(t1).$call$0();
if ($.eqB(numberOfArguments, 1)) return new $.Closure7(t1).$call$0();
if ($.eqB(numberOfArguments, 2)) return new $.Closure8(t1).$call$0();
throw $.captureStackTrace($.ExceptionImplementation$1('Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure'));
$._EventListenerListImpl$2 = function(_ptr, _type) {
return new $._EventListenerListImpl(_type, _ptr);
$.stringJoinUnchecked = function(array, separator) {
return array.join(separator);
$.gt = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? (a > b) : $.gt$slow(a, b);
$._WindowEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._WindowEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.last = function(receiver) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) !== true) return receiver.last$0();
return $.index(receiver, $.sub($.get$length(receiver), 1));
$.buildDynamicMetadata = function(inputTable) {
if (typeof inputTable !== 'string' && (typeof inputTable !== 'object' || inputTable === null || (inputTable.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return $.buildDynamicMetadata$bailout(1, inputTable, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; t1 = inputTable.length, i < t1; ++i) {
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
var tag = $.index(inputTable[i], 0);
var t2 = inputTable.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t2) throw $.ioore(i);
var tags = $.index(inputTable[i], 1);
var set = $.HashSetImplementation$0();
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(set, ({E: 'String'}));
var tagNames = $.split(tags, '|');
if (typeof tagNames !== 'string' && (typeof tagNames !== 'object' || tagNames === null || (tagNames.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return $.buildDynamicMetadata$bailout(2, inputTable, result, tagNames, tag, i, tags, set);
for (var j = 0; t1 = tagNames.length, j < t1; ++j) {
if (j < 0 || j >= t1) throw $.ioore(j);
$.add$1(result, $.MetaInfo$3(tag, tags, set));
return result;
var t1;
$.checkNumbers = function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === 'number') {
if (typeof b === 'number') return true;
throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(b));
return false;
$.contains$1 = function(receiver, other) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.contains$1(other);
return $.contains$2(receiver, other, 0);
$._EventSourceEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._EventSourceEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.mul = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? (a * b) : $.mul$slow(a, b);
$._NotificationEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._NotificationEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.lt$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return a < b;
return a.operator$lt$1(b);
$.index$slow = function(a, index) {
if (typeof a === 'string' || $.isJsArray(a) === true) {
if (!((typeof index === 'number') && (index === (index | 0)))) {
if (!(typeof index === 'number')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(index));
var t1 = $.truncate(index);
if (!(t1 === index)) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(index));
if ($.ltB(index, 0) || $.geB(index, $.get$length(a))) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(index));
return a[index];
return a.operator$index$1(index);
$._emitCollection = function(c, result, visiting) {
$.add$1(visiting, c);
var isList = typeof c === 'object' && c !== null && (c.constructor === Array ||$List0());
$.add$1(result, isList ? '[' : '{');
for (var t1 = $.iterator(c), first = true; t1.hasNext$0() === true; ) {
var t2 =$0();
!first && $.add$1(result, ', ');
$._emitObject(t2, result, visiting);
first = false;
$.add$1(result, isList ? ']' : '}');
$.checkMutable = function(list, reason) {
if (!!(list.immutable$list)) throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1(reason));
$.toString = function(value) {
if (typeof value == "object" && value !== null) {
if ($.isJsArray(value) === true) return $.collectionToString(value);
return value.toString$0();
if (value === 0 && (1 / value) < 0) return '-0.0';
if (value == null) return 'null';
if (typeof value == "function") return 'Closure';
return String(value);
$.sub$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return a - b;
return a.operator$sub$1(b);
$.toStringWrapper = function() {
return $.toString((this.dartException));
$._WorkerContextEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._WorkerContextEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._PeerConnection00EventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._PeerConnection00EventsImpl(_ptr);
$.contains$2 = function(receiver, other, startIndex) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.contains$2(other, startIndex);
return $.stringContainsUnchecked(receiver, other, startIndex);
$._DocumentEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._DocumentEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.regExpTest = function(regExp, str) {
return $.regExpGetNative(regExp).test(str);
$._toJsStringArray = function(strings) {
if (typeof strings !== 'object' || strings === null || ((strings.constructor !== Array || !!strings.immutable$list) && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior())) return $._toJsStringArray$bailout(1, strings);
var length$ = strings.length;
if ($.isJsArray(strings) === true) {
for (var i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
var t1 = strings.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
var t2 = strings[i];
if (!(typeof t2 === 'string')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(t2));
var array = strings;
} else {
array = $.List(length$);
for (i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
t1 = strings.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
t2 = strings[i];
if (!(typeof t2 === 'string')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(t2));
t1 = array.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
array[i] = t2;
return array;
$.IndexOutOfRangeException$1 = function(_index) {
return new $.IndexOutOfRangeException(_index);
$._TextTrackEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._TextTrackEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._EventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._EventsImpl(_ptr);
$.charCodeAt = function(receiver, index) {
if (typeof receiver === 'string') {
if (!(typeof index === 'number')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(index));
if (index < 0) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(index));
if (index >= receiver.length) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(index));
return receiver.charCodeAt(index);
return receiver.charCodeAt$1(index);
$._BatteryManagerEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._BatteryManagerEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.HashSetImplementation$0 = function() {
var t1 = new $.HashSetImplementation(null);
return t1;
$._IDBRequestEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._IDBRequestEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.stringSplitUnchecked = function(receiver, pattern) {
if (typeof pattern === 'string') return receiver.split(pattern);
if (typeof pattern === 'object' && pattern !== null && !!$JSSyntaxRegExp) return receiver.split($.regExpGetNative(pattern));
throw $.captureStackTrace('StringImplementation.split(Pattern) UNIMPLEMENTED');
$.checkGrowable = function(list, reason) {
if (!!(list.fixed$length)) throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1(reason));
$._SpeechRecognitionEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._SpeechRecognitionEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._SVGElementInstanceEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._SVGElementInstanceEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._WebSocketEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._WebSocketEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.collectionToString = function(c) {
var result = $.StringBufferImpl$1('');
$._emitCollection(c, result, $.List(null));
return result.toString$0();
$.iterator = function(receiver) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) === true) return $.ListIterator$1(receiver);
return receiver.iterator$0();
$.MetaInfo$3 = function(tag, tags, set) {
return new $.MetaInfo(set, tags, tag);
$._MediaStreamEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._MediaStreamEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.add$1 = function(receiver, value) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) === true) {
$.checkGrowable(receiver, 'add');
return receiver.add$1(value);
$.defineProperty = function(obj, property, value) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, property,
{value: value, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true});
$.regExpExec = function(regExp, str) {
var result = ($.regExpGetNative(regExp).exec(str));
if (result === null) return;
return result;
$.checkString = function(value) {
if (!(typeof value === 'string')) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(value));
return value;
$.dynamicFunction = function(name$) {
var f = (Object.prototype[name$]);
if (!(f == null) && (!!f.methods)) return f.methods;
var methods = ({});
var dartMethod = (Object.getPrototypeOf($.CTC4)[name$]);
!(dartMethod == null) && (methods['Object'] = dartMethod);
var bind = (function() {return $.dynamicBind.$call$4(this, name$, methods,;});
bind.methods = methods;
$.defineProperty((Object.prototype), name$, bind);
return methods;
$.add = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? (a + b) : $.add$slow(a, b);
$.print = function(obj) {
return $.printString($.toString(obj));
$.geB = function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number') var t1 = (a >= b);
else {
t1 = $.ge$slow(a, b);
t1 = t1 === true;
return t1;
$.stringContainsUnchecked = function(receiver, other, startIndex) {
if (typeof other === 'string') {
var t1 = $.indexOf$2(receiver, other, startIndex);
return !(t1 === -1);
if (typeof other === 'object' && other !== null && !!$JSSyntaxRegExp) return other.hasMatch$1($.substring$1(receiver, startIndex));
return $.iterator($.allMatches(other, $.substring$1(receiver, startIndex))).hasNext$0();
$.ObjectNotClosureException$0 = function() {
return new $.ObjectNotClosureException();
$.window = function() {
return window;;
$.objectToString = function(object) {
return 'Instance of \'' + $.S($.objectTypeName(object)) + '\'';
$.indexOf0 = function(a, element, startIndex, endIndex) {
if (typeof a !== 'string' && (typeof a !== 'object' || a === null || (a.constructor !== Array && !$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior()))) return $.indexOf0$bailout(1, a, element, startIndex, endIndex);
if (typeof endIndex !== 'number') return $.indexOf0$bailout(1, a, element, startIndex, endIndex);
if ($.geB(startIndex, a.length)) return -1;
if ($.ltB(startIndex, 0)) startIndex = 0;
if (typeof startIndex !== 'number') return $.indexOf0$bailout(2, a, element, startIndex, endIndex);
for (var i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i) {
if (i !== (i | 0)) throw $.iae(i);
var t1 = a.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
if ($.eqB(a[i], element)) return i;
return -1;
$._firstProbe = function(hashCode, length$) {
return $.and(hashCode, $.sub(length$, 1));
$.objectTypeName = function(object) {
var name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(object);
if ($.eqB(name$, 'Object')) {
var decompiled = (String(object.constructor).match(/^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/)[1]);
if (typeof decompiled === 'string') name$ = decompiled;
var t1 = $.charCodeAt(name$, 0);
return t1 === 36 ? $.substring$1(name$, 1) : name$;
$.set$length = function(receiver, newLength) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) === true) {
if (!((typeof newLength === 'number') && (newLength === (newLength | 0)))) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(newLength));
if (newLength < 0) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(newLength));
$.checkGrowable(receiver, 'set length');
receiver.length = newLength;
} else receiver.set$length(newLength);
return newLength;
$.ioore = function(index) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(index));
$.regExpAttachGlobalNative = function(regExp) {
regExp._re = $.regExpMakeNative(regExp, true);
$.gt$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return a > b;
return a.operator$gt$1(b);
$.forEach1 = function(iterable, f) {
for (var t1 = $.iterator(iterable); t1.hasNext$0() === true; ) {
$.regExpMakeNative = function(regExp, global) {
var pattern = regExp.get$pattern();
var multiLine = regExp.get$multiLine();
var ignoreCase = regExp.get$ignoreCase();
var sb = $.StringBufferImpl$1('');
multiLine === true && $.add$1(sb, 'm');
ignoreCase === true && $.add$1(sb, 'i');
global === true && $.add$1(sb, 'g');
try {
return new RegExp(pattern, $.toString(sb));
} catch (exception) {
var t1 = $.unwrapException(exception);
var e = t1;
throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalJSRegExpException$2(pattern, (String(e))));
$.typeNameInFirefox = function(obj) {
var name$ = $.constructorNameFallback(obj);
if ($.eqB(name$, 'Window')) return 'DOMWindow';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'Document')) return 'HTMLDocument';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'XMLDocument')) return 'Document';
if ($.eqB(name$, 'WorkerMessageEvent')) return 'MessageEvent';
return name$;
$.forEach = function(receiver, f) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) !== true) return receiver.forEach$1(f);
return $.forEach0(receiver, f);
$.forEach0 = function(iterable, f) {
for (var t1 = $.iterator(iterable); t1.hasNext$0() === true; ) {
$.hashCode = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver === 'number') return receiver & 0x1FFFFFFF;
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.hashCode$0();
var length$ = (receiver.length);
for (var hash = 0, i = 0; i < length$; ++i) {
var hash0 = 536870911 & hash + (receiver.charCodeAt(i));
var hash1 = 536870911 & hash0 + (524287 & hash0 << 10);
hash1 = (hash1 ^ $.shr(hash1, 6)) >>> 0;
hash = hash1;
hash0 = 536870911 & hash + (67108863 & hash << 3);
hash0 = (hash0 ^ $.shr(hash0, 11)) >>> 0;
return 536870911 & hash0 + (16383 & hash0 << 15);
$.mapToString = function(m) {
var result = $.StringBufferImpl$1('');
$._emitMap(m, result, $.List(null));
return result.toString$0();
$.isEmpty = function(receiver) {
if (typeof receiver === 'string' || $.isJsArray(receiver) === true) return receiver.length === 0;
return receiver.isEmpty$0();
$._XMLHttpRequestEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._XMLHttpRequestEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._JavaScriptAudioNodeEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._JavaScriptAudioNodeEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._emitObject = function(o, result, visiting) {
if (typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && (o.constructor === Array ||$Collection())) {
if ($._containsRef(visiting, o) === true) {
$.add$1(result, typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && (o.constructor === Array ||$List0()) ? '[...]' : '{...}');
} else $._emitCollection(o, result, visiting);
} else {
if (typeof o === 'object' && o !== null &&$Map()) {
if ($._containsRef(visiting, o) === true) $.add$1(result, '{...}');
else $._emitMap(o, result, visiting);
} else {
$.add$1(result, $.eqNullB(o) ? 'null' : o);
$._emitMap = function(m, result, visiting) {
var t1 = ({});
t1.visiting_2 = visiting;
t1.result_1 = result;
$.add$1(t1.visiting_2, m);
$.add$1(t1.result_1, '{');
t1.first_3 = true;
$.forEach(m, new $.Closure5(t1));
$.add$1(t1.result_1, '}');
$.startsWith = function(receiver, other) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.startsWith$1(other);
var length$ = $.get$length(other);
if ($.gtB(length$, receiver.length)) return false;
return other == receiver.substring(0, length$);
$._IDBDatabaseEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._IDBDatabaseEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.toStringForNativeObject = function(obj) {
return 'Instance of ' + $.S($.getTypeNameOf(obj));
$.dynamicBind = function(obj, name$, methods, arguments$) {
var tag = $.getTypeNameOf(obj);
var method = (methods[tag]);
if (method == null) {
var t1 = $._dynamicMetadata0();
var t2 = !(t1 == null);
t1 = t2;
} else t1 = false;
if (t1) {
for (var i = 0; $.ltB(i, $.get$length($._dynamicMetadata0())); ++i) {
var entry = $.index($._dynamicMetadata0(), i);
if ($.contains$1(entry.get$set(), tag) === true) {
method = (methods[entry.get$tag()]);
if (!(method == null)) break;
if (method == null) method = (methods['Object']);
var proto = (Object.getPrototypeOf(obj));
if (method == null) method = (function () {if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) === proto) {$.throwNoSuchMethod.$call$3(this, name$,;} else {return Object.prototype[name$].apply(this, arguments);}});
(!proto.hasOwnProperty(name$)) && $.defineProperty(proto, name$, method);
return method.apply(obj, arguments$);
$._MessagePortEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._MessagePortEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.removeLast = function(receiver) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) === true) {
$.checkGrowable(receiver, 'removeLast');
var t1 = $.get$length(receiver);
if (t1 === 0) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IndexOutOfRangeException$1(-1));
return receiver.pop();
return receiver.removeLast$0();
$.getFunctionForTypeNameOf = function() {
var t1 = (typeof(navigator));
if (!(t1 === 'object')) return $.typeNameInChrome;
var userAgent = (navigator.userAgent);
if ($.contains$1(userAgent, $.CTC2) === true) return $.typeNameInChrome;
if ($.contains$1(userAgent, 'Firefox') === true) return $.typeNameInFirefox;
if ($.contains$1(userAgent, 'MSIE') === true) return $.typeNameInIE;
return $.constructorNameFallback;
$.index = function(a, index) {
if (typeof a == "string" || a.constructor === Array) {
var key = (index >>> 0);
if (key === index && key < (a.length)) return a[key];
return $.index$slow(a, index);
$._TextTrackCueEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._TextTrackCueEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._ElementEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._ElementEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.MatchImplementation$5 = function(pattern, str, _start, _end, _groups) {
return new $.MatchImplementation(_groups, _end, _start, str, pattern);
$.List = function(length$) {
return $.newList(length$);
$.UnsupportedOperationException$1 = function(_message) {
return new $.UnsupportedOperationException(_message);
$._XMLHttpRequestUploadEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._XMLHttpRequestUploadEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.captureStackTrace = function(ex) {
var jsError = (new Error());
jsError.dartException = ex;
jsError.toString = $.toStringWrapper.$call$0;
return jsError;
$.indexOf$2 = function(receiver, element, start) {
if ($.isJsArray(receiver) === true) {
if (!((typeof start === 'number') && (start === (start | 0)))) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(start));
return $.indexOf(receiver, element, start, (receiver.length));
if (typeof receiver === 'string') {
if (!((typeof start === 'number') && (start === (start | 0)))) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(start));
if (!(typeof element === 'string')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(element));
if (start < 0) return -1;
return receiver.indexOf(element, start);
return receiver.indexOf$2(element, start);
$._DedicatedWorkerContextEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._DedicatedWorkerContextEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.StackOverflowException$0 = function() {
return new $.StackOverflowException();
$.eq = function(a, b) {
if (a == null) return b == null;
if (typeof a === "object") {
if (!!a.operator$eq$1) return a.operator$eq$1(b);
return a === b;
return a === b;
$.StringBufferImpl$1 = function(content$) {
var t1 = new $.StringBufferImpl(null, null);
return t1;
$.HashMapImplementation$0 = function() {
var t1 = new $.HashMapImplementation(null, null, null, null, null);
return t1;
$.substring$1 = function(receiver, startIndex) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'string')) return receiver.substring$1(startIndex);
return $.substring$2(receiver, startIndex, null);
$._FileReaderEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._FileReaderEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._SharedWorkerContextEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._SharedWorkerContextEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._IDBVersionChangeRequestEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._IDBVersionChangeRequestEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.NoMoreElementsException$0 = function() {
return new $.NoMoreElementsException();
$.gtB = function(a, b) {
if (typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number') var t1 = (a > b);
else {
t1 = $.gt$slow(a, b);
t1 = t1 === true;
return t1;
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo = function(target, typeInfo) {
!(target == null) && (target.builtin$typeInfo = typeInfo);
$.eqNullB = function(a) {
if (a == null) return true;
if (typeof a === "object") {
if (!!a.operator$eq$1) {
var t1 = a.operator$eq$1(null);
return t1 === true;
return false;
$.Element$tag = function(tag) {
return document.createElement(tag);
$._FrameSetElementEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._FrameSetElementEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.document = function() {
return document;;
$.add$slow = function(a, b) {
if ($.checkNumbers(a, b) === true) return a + b;
return a.operator$add$1(b);
$._FileWriterEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._FileWriterEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.newList = function(length$) {
if (length$ == null) return new Array();
if (!((typeof length$ === 'number') && (length$ === (length$ | 0))) || length$ < 0) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(length$));
var result = (new Array(length$));
result.fixed$length = true;
return result;
$.main = function() {
var t1 = ({});
$.add$1($.document().query$1('#tab_2').get$on().get$click(), new $.Closure());
var action1 = $.document().query$1('#action1');
var action2 = $.document().query$1('#action2');
var action3 = $.document().query$1('#action3');
$.add$1(action1.get$on().get$click(), new $.Closure0());
t1.activitiesList_1 = $.document().query$1('#activitiesList');
$.add$1(action1.get$on().get$click(), new $.Closure1(t1));
t1.lastitem_2 = $.last(t1.activitiesList_1.get$nodes());
$.add$1(action1.get$on().get$click(), new $.Closure2(t1));
$.add$1(action2.get$on().get$click(), new $.Closure3(t1));
$.add$1(action3.get$on().get$click(), new $.Closure4(t1));
$._AbstractWorkerEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._AbstractWorkerEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.lt = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? (a < b) : $.lt$slow(a, b);
$.unwrapException = function(ex) {
if ("dartException" in ex) return ex.dartException;
var message = (ex.message);
if (ex instanceof TypeError) {
var type = (ex.type);
var name$ = (ex.arguments ? ex.arguments[0] : "");
if ($.eqB(type, 'property_not_function') || $.eqB(type, 'called_non_callable') || $.eqB(type, 'non_object_property_call') || $.eqB(type, 'non_object_property_load')) {
if (typeof name$ === 'string' && $.startsWith(name$, '$call$') === true) return $.ObjectNotClosureException$0();
return $.NullPointerException$2(null, $.CTC);
if ($.eqB(type, 'undefined_method')) {
if (typeof name$ === 'string' && $.startsWith(name$, '$call$') === true) return $.ObjectNotClosureException$0();
return $.NoSuchMethodException$4('', name$, [], null);
if (typeof message === 'string') {
if ($.endsWith(message, 'is null') === true || $.endsWith(message, 'is undefined') === true || $.endsWith(message, 'is null or undefined') === true) return $.NullPointerException$2(null, $.CTC);
if ($.endsWith(message, 'is not a function') === true) return $.NoSuchMethodException$4('', '<unknown>', [], null);
return $.ExceptionImplementation$1(typeof message === 'string' ? message : '');
if (ex instanceof RangeError) {
if (typeof message === 'string' && $.contains$1(message, 'call stack') === true) return $.StackOverflowException$0();
return $.IllegalArgumentException$1('');
if (typeof InternalError == 'function' && ex instanceof InternalError) {
if (typeof message === 'string' && message === 'too much recursion') return $.StackOverflowException$0();
return ex;
$.NoSuchMethodException$4 = function(_receiver, _functionName, _arguments, existingArgumentNames) {
return new $.NoSuchMethodException(existingArgumentNames, _arguments, _functionName, _receiver);
$.ceil = function(receiver) {
if (!(typeof receiver === 'number')) return receiver.ceil$0();
return Math.ceil(receiver);
$._computeLoadLimit = function(capacity) {
return $.tdiv($.mul(capacity, 3), 4);
$.getTypeNameOf = function(obj) {
var t1 = $._getTypeNameOf;
if (t1 == null) $._getTypeNameOf = $.getFunctionForTypeNameOf();
return $._getTypeNameOf.$call$1(obj);
$.HashSetIterator$1 = function(set_) {
var t1 = new $.HashSetIterator(-1, set_.get$_backingMap().get$_keys());
return t1;
$.IllegalArgumentException$1 = function(arg) {
return new $.IllegalArgumentException(arg);
$._MediaElementEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._MediaElementEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._BodyElementEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._BodyElementEventsImpl(_ptr);
$._IDBTransactionEventsImpl$1 = function(_ptr) {
return new $._IDBTransactionEventsImpl(_ptr);
$.sub = function(a, b) {
return typeof a === 'number' && typeof b === 'number' ? (a - b) : $.sub$slow(a, b);
$._AllMatchesIterator$2 = function(re, _str) {
return new $._AllMatchesIterator(false, null, _str, $.JSSyntaxRegExp$_globalVersionOf$1(re));
$.allMatchesInStringUnchecked$bailout = function(state, needle, haystack, length$, patternLength, result) {
for (var startIndex = 0; true; ) {
var position = $.indexOf$2(haystack, needle, startIndex);
if ($.eqB(position, -1)) break;
result.push($.StringMatch$3(position, haystack, needle));
var endIndex = $.add(position, patternLength);
if ($.eqB(endIndex, length$)) break;
else {
startIndex = $.eqB(position, endIndex) ? $.add(startIndex, 1) : endIndex;
return result;
$.indexOf0$bailout = function(state, env0, env1, env2, env3) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
var a = env0;
var element = env1;
var startIndex = env2;
var endIndex = env3;
case 1:
a = env0;
element = env1;
startIndex = env2;
endIndex = env3;
case 2:
a = env0;
element = env1;
startIndex = env2;
endIndex = env3;
switch (state) {
case 0:
case 1:
state = 0;
case 1:
state = 0;
if ($.geB(startIndex, $.get$length(a))) return -1;
if ($.ltB(startIndex, 0)) startIndex = 0;
case 2:
state = 0;
for (var i = startIndex; $.ltB(i, endIndex); i = $.add(i, 1)) {
if ($.eqB($.index(a, i), element)) return i;
return -1;
$._toJsStringArray$bailout = function(state, strings) {
var length$ = $.get$length(strings);
if ($.isJsArray(strings) === true) {
for (var i = 0; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i) {
var string = $.index(strings, i);
if (!(typeof string === 'string')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(string));
var array = strings;
} else {
array = $.List(length$);
for (i = 0; $.ltB(i, length$); ++i) {
string = $.index(strings, i);
if (!(typeof string === 'string')) throw $.captureStackTrace($.IllegalArgumentException$1(string));
var t1 = array.length;
if (i < 0 || i >= t1) throw $.ioore(i);
array[i] = string;
return array;
$.indexOf$bailout = function(state, env0, env1, env2, env3) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
var a = env0;
var element = env1;
var startIndex = env2;
var endIndex = env3;
case 1:
a = env0;
element = env1;
startIndex = env2;
endIndex = env3;
case 2:
a = env0;
element = env1;
startIndex = env2;
endIndex = env3;
switch (state) {
case 0:
case 1:
state = 0;
case 1:
state = 0;
if ($.geB(startIndex, $.get$length(a))) return -1;
if ($.ltB(startIndex, 0)) startIndex = 0;
case 2:
state = 0;
for (var i = startIndex; $.ltB(i, endIndex); i = $.add(i, 1)) {
if ($.eqB($.index(a, i), element)) return i;
return -1;
$.buildDynamicMetadata$bailout = function(state, env0, env1, env2, env3, env4, env5, env6) {
switch (state) {
case 1:
var inputTable = env0;
case 2:
inputTable = env0;
result = env1;
tagNames = env2;
tag = env3;
i = env4;
tags = env5;
set = env6;
switch (state) {
case 0:
case 1:
state = 0;
var result = [];
var i = 0;
case 2:
L0: while (true) {
switch (state) {
case 0:
if (!$.ltB(i, $.get$length(inputTable))) break L0;
var tag = $.index($.index(inputTable, i), 0);
var tags = $.index($.index(inputTable, i), 1);
var set = $.HashSetImplementation$0();
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(set, ({E: 'String'}));
var tagNames = $.split(tags, '|');
case 2:
state = 0;
for (var j = 0; $.ltB(j, $.get$length(tagNames)); ++j) {
set.add$1($.index(tagNames, j));
$.add$1(result, $.MetaInfo$3(tag, tags, set));
return result;
$.dynamicBind.$call$4 = $.dynamicBind;
$.dynamicBind.$name = "dynamicBind";
$.throwNoSuchMethod.$call$3 = $.throwNoSuchMethod;
$.throwNoSuchMethod.$name = "throwNoSuchMethod";
$.typeNameInIE.$call$1 = $.typeNameInIE;
$.typeNameInIE.$name = "typeNameInIE";
$.typeNameInChrome.$call$1 = $.typeNameInChrome;
$.typeNameInChrome.$name = "typeNameInChrome";
$.toStringWrapper.$call$0 = $.toStringWrapper;
$.toStringWrapper.$name = "toStringWrapper";
$.invokeClosure.$call$5 = $.invokeClosure;
$.invokeClosure.$name = "invokeClosure";
$.typeNameInFirefox.$call$1 = $.typeNameInFirefox;
$.typeNameInFirefox.$name = "typeNameInFirefox";
$.constructorNameFallback.$call$1 = $.constructorNameFallback;
$.constructorNameFallback.$name = "constructorNameFallback";
$$ = {};
Isolate.makeConstantList = function(list) {
list.immutable$list = true;
list.fixed$length = true;
return list;
$.CTC = Isolate.makeConstantList([]);
$.CTC1 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.JSSyntaxRegExp(false, false, '^#[_a-zA-Z]\\w*$');
$.CTC3 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties._DeletedKeySentinel();
$.CTC2 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.JSSyntaxRegExp(false, false, 'Chrome|DumpRenderTree');
$.CTC4 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.Object();
$.CTC0 = new Isolate.$isolateProperties.NoMoreElementsException();
$._getTypeNameOf = null;
var $ = null;
$$ = {};
Isolate = Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor(Isolate);
var $ = new Isolate();
$.$defineNativeClass = function(cls, fields, methods) {
var generateGetterSetter = function(field, prototype) {
var len = field.length;
var lastChar = field[len - 1];
var needsGetter = lastChar == '?' || lastChar == '=';
var needsSetter = lastChar == '!' || lastChar == '=';
if (needsGetter || needsSetter) field = field.substring(0, len - 1);
if (needsGetter) {
var getterString = "return this." + field + ";";
prototype["get$" + field] = new Function(getterString);
if (needsSetter) {
var setterString = "this." + field + " = v;";
prototype["set$" + field] = new Function("v", setterString);
return field;
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
generateGetterSetter(fields[i], methods);
for (var method in methods) {
$.dynamicFunction(method)[cls] = methods[method];
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'is$List0', function() { return false; });
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'is$Map', function() { return false; });
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior', function() { return false; });
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'is$Collection', function() { return false; });
$.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'toString$0', function() { return $.toStringForNativeObject(this); });
$.$defineNativeClass('AbstractWorker', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('get$on')) {
return $._AbstractWorkerEventsImpl$1(this);
} else {
return Object.prototype.get$;
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLAnchorElement', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('WebKitAnimationList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('AudioBuffer', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('AudioContext', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._AudioContextEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLBRElement', [], {
clear$0: function() { return this.clear.$call$0(); }
$.$defineNativeClass('BatteryManager', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._BatteryManagerEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLBodyElement', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._BodyElementEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('WebKitCSSMatrix', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('CSSRuleList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('CSSStyleDeclaration', ["length?"], {
get$clear: function() {
return this.getPropertyValue$1('clear');
clear$0: function() { return this.get$clear().$call$0(); },
getPropertyValue$1: function(propertyName) {
return this.getPropertyValue(propertyName);
$.$defineNativeClass('CSSValueList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('CharacterData', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('ClientRectList', ["length?"], {
_ConsoleImpl = (typeof console == 'undefined' ? {} : console);
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMApplicationCache', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._DOMApplicationCacheEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMMimeTypeArray', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMPlugin', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMPluginArray', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMSelection', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMStringList', ["length?"], {
contains$1: function(string) {
return this.contains(string);
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'String'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot assign element of immutable List.'));
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMTokenList', ["length?"], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
contains$1: function(token) {
return this.contains(token);
add$1: function(token) {
return this.add(token);
$.$defineNativeClass('DataTransferItemList', ["length?"], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
add$2: function(data_OR_file, type) {
return this.add(data_OR_file,type);
add$1: function(data_OR_file) {
return this.add(data_OR_file);
$.$defineNativeClass('DedicatedWorkerContext', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._DedicatedWorkerContextEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('DeprecatedPeerConnection', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._DeprecatedPeerConnectionEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLDocument', [], {
query$1: function(selectors) {
if ($.CTC1.hasMatch$1(selectors) === true) return this.$dom_getElementById$1($.substring$1(selectors, 1));
return this.$dom_querySelector$1(selectors);
$dom_querySelector$1: function(selectors) {
return this.querySelector(selectors);
$dom_getElementById$1: function(elementId) {
return this.getElementById(elementId);
get$on: function() {
return $._DocumentEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('DocumentFragment', [], {
$dom_querySelector$1: function(selectors) {
return this.querySelector(selectors);
get$on: function() {
return $._ElementEventsImpl$1(this);
click$0: function() {
get$click: function() { return new $.Closure11(this, 'click$0'); },
query$1: function(selectors) {
return this.$dom_querySelector$1(selectors);
$.$defineNativeClass('Element', [], {
$dom_querySelector$1: function(selectors) {
return this.querySelector(selectors);
click$0: function() {
get$click: function() { return new $.Closure11(this, 'click$0'); },
get$on: function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('get$on')) {
return $._ElementEventsImpl$1(this);
} else {
return Object.prototype.get$;
query$1: function(selectors) {
return this.$dom_querySelector$1(selectors);
$.$defineNativeClass('EntryArray', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('EntryArraySync', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('EventException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('EventSource', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._EventSourceEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('EventTarget', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('$dom_addEventListener$3')) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
} else {
return Object.prototype.$dom_addEventListener$, type, listener, useCapture);
get$on: function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('get$on')) {
return $._EventsImpl$1(this);
} else {
return Object.prototype.get$;
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLFieldSetElement', [], {
get$elements: function() {
return this.lib$_FieldSetElementImpl$elements;
set$elements: function(x) {
this.lib$_FieldSetElementImpl$elements = x;
$.$defineNativeClass('FileException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('FileList', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'File'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot assign element of immutable List.'));
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('FileReader', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._FileReaderEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('FileWriter', ["length?"], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._FileWriterEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('FileWriterSync', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('Float32Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'num'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Float64Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'num'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLFormElement', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLFrameSetElement', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._FrameSetElementEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLAllCollection', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLCollection', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'Node'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot assign element of immutable List.'));
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLOptionsCollection', [], {
set$length: function(value) {
this.length = value;;
get$length: function() {
return this.length;;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('History', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('IDBDatabase', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._IDBDatabaseEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('IDBDatabaseException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('IDBObjectStore', [], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
add$2: function(value, key) {
return this.add(value,key);
add$1: function(value) {
return this.add(value);
$.$defineNativeClass('IDBRequest', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('$dom_addEventListener$3')) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
} else {
return Object.prototype.$dom_addEventListener$, type, listener, useCapture);
get$on: function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('get$on')) {
return $._IDBRequestEventsImpl$1(this);
} else {
return Object.prototype.get$;
$.$defineNativeClass('IDBTransaction', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._IDBTransactionEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('IDBVersionChangeRequest', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._IDBVersionChangeRequestEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLInputElement', ["pattern?"], {
get$on: function() {
return $._InputElementEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('Int16Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'int'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Int32Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'int'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Int8Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'int'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('JavaScriptAudioNode', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._JavaScriptAudioNodeEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('LocalMediaStream', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
$.$defineNativeClass('Location', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('MediaController', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLMediaElement', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._MediaElementEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('MediaList', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'String'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot assign element of immutable List.'));
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('MediaStream', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('$dom_addEventListener$3')) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
} else {
return Object.prototype.$dom_addEventListener$, type, listener, useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._MediaStreamEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('MediaStreamList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('MediaStreamTrackList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('MessagePort', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._MessagePortEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('NamedNodeMap', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'Node'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot assign element of immutable List.'));
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Node', [], {
$dom_replaceChild$2: function(newChild, oldChild) {
return this.replaceChild(newChild,oldChild);
$dom_removeChild$1: function(oldChild) {
return this.removeChild(oldChild);
contains$1: function(other) {
return this.contains(other);
$dom_appendChild$1: function(newChild) {
return this.appendChild(newChild);
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
set$text: function(value) {
this.textContent = value;;
get$$$dom_childNodes: function() {
return this.childNodes;;
get$nodes: function() {
return $._ChildNodeListLazy$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('NodeList', ["length?"], {
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this._parent.$dom_replaceChild$2(value, this.operator$index$1(index));
clear$0: function() {
removeLast$0: function() {
var result = this.last$0();
!$.eqNullB(result) && this._parent.$dom_removeChild$1(result);
return result;
add$1: function(value) {
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'Node'}));
return t1;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Notification', ["tag?"], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._NotificationEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('PeerConnection00', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._PeerConnection00EventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('RadioNodeList', [], {
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Range', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('RangeException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('SQLResultSetRowList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGElementInstance', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._SVGElementInstanceEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGElementInstanceList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGLengthList', [], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGNumberList', [], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGPathSegList', [], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGPointList', [], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGStringList', [], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
$.$defineNativeClass('SVGTransformList', [], {
clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
$.$defineNativeClass('HTMLSelectElement', ["length="], {
$.$defineNativeClass('ShadowRoot', [], {
get$innerHTML: function() {
return this.lib$_ShadowRootImpl$innerHTML;
set$innerHTML: function(x) {
this.lib$_ShadowRootImpl$innerHTML = x;
$.$defineNativeClass('SharedWorkerContext', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._SharedWorkerContextEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('SpeechGrammarList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('SpeechInputResultList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('SpeechRecognition', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._SpeechRecognitionEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('SpeechRecognitionResult', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('SpeechRecognitionResultList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('Storage', [], {
$dom_setItem$2: function(key, data) {
return this.setItem(key,data);
$dom_key$1: function(index) {
return this.key(index);
$dom_getItem$1: function(key) {
return this.getItem(key);
$dom_clear$0: function() {
return this.clear();
get$$$dom_length: function() {
return this.length;;
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eqNull(this.$dom_key$1(0));
get$length: function() {
return this.get$$$dom_length();
forEach$1: function(f) {
for (var i = 0; true; ++i) {
var key = this.$dom_key$1(i);
if ($.eqNullB(key)) return;
f.$call$2(key, this.operator$index$1(key));
clear$0: function() {
return this.$dom_clear$0();
operator$indexSet$2: function(key, value) {
return this.$dom_setItem$2(key, value);
operator$index$1: function(key) {
return this.$dom_getItem$1(key);
containsKey$1: function(key) {
return !$.eqNullB(this.$dom_getItem$1(key));
is$Map: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('StyleSheetList', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'StyleSheet'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot assign element of immutable List.'));
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('TextTrack', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._TextTrackEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('TextTrackCue', ["text!"], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._TextTrackCueEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('TextTrackCueList', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('TextTrackList', ["length?"], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._TextTrackListEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('TimeRanges', ["length?"], {
$.$defineNativeClass('TouchList', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'Touch'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot assign element of immutable List.'));
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Uint16Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'int'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Uint32Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'int'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Uint8Array', ["length?"], {
removeLast$0: function() {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot removeLast on immutable List.'));
last$0: function() {
return this.operator$index$1($.sub($.get$length(this), 1));
indexOf$2: function(element, start) {
return $.indexOf0(this, element, start, $.get$length(this));
isEmpty$0: function() {
return $.eq($.get$length(this), 0);
forEach$1: function(f) {
return $.forEach1(this, f);
add$1: function(value) {
throw $.captureStackTrace($.UnsupportedOperationException$1('Cannot add to immutable List.'));
iterator$0: function() {
var t1 = $._FixedSizeListIterator$1(this);
$.setRuntimeTypeInfo(t1, ({T: 'int'}));
return t1;
operator$indexSet$2: function(index, value) {
this[index] = value;
operator$index$1: function(index) {
return this[index];;
is$JavaScriptIndexingBehavior: function() { return true; },
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('Uint8ClampedArray', [], {
is$List0: function() { return true; },
is$Collection: function() { return true; }
$.$defineNativeClass('WebSocket', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._WebSocketEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('DOMWindow', ["length?"], {
alert$1: function(message) {
return this.alert(message);
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._WindowEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('Worker', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._WorkerEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('WorkerContext', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
if (Object.getPrototypeOf(this).hasOwnProperty('get$on')) {
return $._WorkerContextEventsImpl$1(this);
} else {
return Object.prototype.get$;
$.$defineNativeClass('WorkerLocation', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('XMLHttpRequest', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._XMLHttpRequestEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('XMLHttpRequestException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('XMLHttpRequestUpload', [], {
$dom_addEventListener$3: function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return this.addEventListener(type,$.convertDartClosureToJS(listener, 1),useCapture);
get$on: function() {
return $._XMLHttpRequestUploadEventsImpl$1(this);
$.$defineNativeClass('XPathException', [], {
toString$0: function() {
return this.toString();
$.$defineNativeClass('IDBOpenDBRequest', [], {
get$on: function() {
return $._IDBOpenDBRequestEventsImpl$1(this);
// 115 dynamic classes.
// 275 classes
// 23 !leaf
var v0/*class(_MediaElementImpl)*/ = 'HTMLMediaElement|HTMLVideoElement|HTMLAudioElement|HTMLVideoElement|HTMLAudioElement';
var v1/*class(_ElementImpl)*/ = [v0/*class(_MediaElementImpl)*/,v0/*class(_MediaElementImpl)*/,'Element|HTMLUnknownElement|HTMLUListElement|HTMLTrackElement|HTMLTitleElement|HTMLTextAreaElement|HTMLTableSectionElement|HTMLTableRowElement|HTMLTableElement|HTMLTableColElement|HTMLTableCellElement|HTMLTableCaptionElement|HTMLStyleElement|HTMLSpanElement|HTMLSourceElement|HTMLShadowElement|HTMLSelectElement|HTMLScriptElement|SVGElement|SVGViewElement|SVGVKernElement|SVGUseElement|SVGTitleElement|SVGTextContentElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGSymbolElement|SVGSwitchElement|SVGStyleElement|SVGStopElement|SVGScriptElement|SVGSVGElement|SVGRectElement|SVGPolylineElement|SVGPolygonElement|SVGPatternElement|SVGPathElement|SVGMissingGlyphElement|SVGMetadataElement|SVGMaskElement|SVGMarkerElement|SVGMPathElement|SVGLineElement|SVGImageElement|SVGHKernElement|SVGGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGGlyphRefElement|SVGGlyphElement|SVGGElement|SVGForeignObjectElement|SVGFontFaceUriElement|SVGFontFaceSrcElement|SVGFontFaceNameElement|SVGFontFaceFormatElement|SVGFontFaceElement|SVGFontElement|SVGFilterElement|SVGFETurbulenceElement|SVGFETileElement|SVGFESpotLightElement|SVGFESpecularLightingElement|SVGFEPointLightElement|SVGFEOffsetElement|SVGFEMorphologyElement|SVGFEMergeNodeElement|SVGFEMergeElement|SVGFEImageElement|SVGFEGaussianBlurElement|SVGFEFloodElement|SVGFEDropShadowElement|SVGFEDistantLightElement|SVGFEDisplacementMapElement|SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement|SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement|SVGFECompositeElement|SVGFEComponentTransferElement|SVGFEColorMatrixElement|SVGFEBlendElement|SVGEllipseElement|SVGDescElement|SVGDefsElement|SVGCursorElement|SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGClipPathElement|SVGCircleElement|SVGAnimationElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGAltGlyphItemElement|SVGAltGlyphDefElement|SVGAElement|SVGViewElement|SVGVKernElement|SVGUseElement|SVGTitleElement|SVGTextContentElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGSymbolElement|SVGSwitchElement|SVGStyleElement|SVGStopElement|SVGScriptElement|SVGSVGElement|SVGRectElement|SVGPolylineElement|SVGPolygonElement|SVGPatternElement|SVGPathElement|SVGMissingGlyphElement|SVGMetadataElement|SVGMaskElement|SVGMarkerElement|SVGMPathElement|SVGLineElement|SVGImageElement|SVGHKernElement|SVGGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGGlyphRefElement|SVGGlyphElement|SVGGElement|SVGForeignObjectElement|SVGFontFaceUriElement|SVGFontFaceSrcElement|SVGFontFaceNameElement|SVGFontFaceFormatElement|SVGFontFaceElement|SVGFontElement|SVGFilterElement|SVGFETurbulenceElement|SVGFETileElement|SVGFESpotLightElement|SVGFESpecularLightingElement|SVGFEPointLightElement|SVGFEOffsetElement|SVGFEMorphologyElement|SVGFEMergeNodeElement|SVGFEMergeElement|SVGFEImageElement|SVGFEGaussianBlurElement|SVGFEFloodElement|SVGFEDropShadowElement|SVGFEDistantLightElement|SVGFEDisplacementMapElement|SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement|SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement|SVGFECompositeElement|SVGFEComponentTransferElement|SVGFEColorMatrixElement|SVGFEBlendElement|SVGEllipseElement|SVGDescElement|SVGDefsElement|SVGCursorElement|SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGClipPathElement|SVGCircleElement|SVGAnimationElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGAltGlyphItemElement|SVGAltGlyphDefElement|SVGAElement|HTMLQuoteElement|HTMLProgressElement|HTMLPreElement|HTMLParamElement|HTMLParagraphElement|HTMLOutputElement|HTMLOptionElement|HTMLOptGroupElement|HTMLObjectElement|HTMLOListElement|HTMLModElement|HTMLMeterElement|HTMLMetaElement|HTMLMenuElement|HTMLMarqueeElement|HTMLMapElement|HTMLLinkElement|HTMLLegendElement|HTMLLabelElement|HTMLLIElement|HTMLKeygenElement|HTMLInputElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLIFrameElement|HTMLHtmlElement|HTMLHeadingElement|HTMLHeadElement|HTMLHRElement|HTMLFrameSetElement|HTMLFrameElement|HTMLFormElement|HTMLFontElement|HTMLFieldSetElement|HTMLEmbedElement|HTMLDivElement|HTMLDirectoryElement|HTMLDetailsElement|HTMLDListElement|HTMLContentElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLButtonElement|HTMLBodyElement|HTMLBaseFontElement|HTMLBaseElement|HTMLBRElement|HTMLAreaElement|HTMLAppletElement|HTMLAnchorElement|HTMLElement|HTMLUnknownElement|HTMLUListElement|HTMLTrackElement|HTMLTitleElement|HTMLTextAreaElement|HTMLTableSectionElement|HTMLTableRowElement|HTMLTableElement|HTMLTableColElement|HTMLTableCellElement|HTMLTableCaptionElement|HTMLStyleElement|HTMLSpanElement|HTMLSourceElement|HTMLShadowElement|HTMLSelectElement|HTMLScriptElement|SVGElement|SVGViewElement|SVGVKernElement|SVGUseElement|SVGTitleElement|SVGTextContentElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGSymbolElement|SVGSwitchElement|SVGStyleElement|SVGStopElement|SVGScriptElement|SVGSVGElement|SVGRectElement|SVGPolylineElement|SVGPolygonElement|SVGPatternElement|SVGPathElement|SVGMissingGlyphElement|SVGMetadataElement|SVGMaskElement|SVGMarkerElement|SVGMPathElement|SVGLineElement|SVGImageElement|SVGHKernElement|SVGGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGGlyphRefElement|SVGGlyphElement|SVGGElement|SVGForeignObjectElement|SVGFontFaceUriElement|SVGFontFaceSrcElement|SVGFontFaceNameElement|SVGFontFaceFormatElement|SVGFontFaceElement|SVGFontElement|SVGFilterElement|SVGFETurbulenceElement|SVGFETileElement|SVGFESpotLightElement|SVGFESpecularLightingElement|SVGFEPointLightElement|SVGFEOffsetElement|SVGFEMorphologyElement|SVGFEMergeNodeElement|SVGFEMergeElement|SVGFEImageElement|SVGFEGaussianBlurElement|SVGFEFloodElement|SVGFEDropShadowElement|SVGFEDistantLightElement|SVGFEDisplacementMapElement|SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement|SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement|SVGFECompositeElement|SVGFEComponentTransferElement|SVGFEColorMatrixElement|SVGFEBlendElement|SVGEllipseElement|SVGDescElement|SVGDefsElement|SVGCursorElement|SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGClipPathElement|SVGCircleElement|SVGAnimationElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGAltGlyphItemElement|SVGAltGlyphDefElement|SVGAElement|SVGViewElement|SVGVKernElement|SVGUseElement|SVGTitleElement|SVGTextContentElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGTextPositioningElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextElement|SVGTSpanElement|SVGTRefElement|SVGAltGlyphElement|SVGTextPathElement|SVGSymbolElement|SVGSwitchElement|SVGStyleElement|SVGStopElement|SVGScriptElement|SVGSVGElement|SVGRectElement|SVGPolylineElement|SVGPolygonElement|SVGPatternElement|SVGPathElement|SVGMissingGlyphElement|SVGMetadataElement|SVGMaskElement|SVGMarkerElement|SVGMPathElement|SVGLineElement|SVGImageElement|SVGHKernElement|SVGGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGRadialGradientElement|SVGLinearGradientElement|SVGGlyphRefElement|SVGGlyphElement|SVGGElement|SVGForeignObjectElement|SVGFontFaceUriElement|SVGFontFaceSrcElement|SVGFontFaceNameElement|SVGFontFaceFormatElement|SVGFontFaceElement|SVGFontElement|SVGFilterElement|SVGFETurbulenceElement|SVGFETileElement|SVGFESpotLightElement|SVGFESpecularLightingElement|SVGFEPointLightElement|SVGFEOffsetElement|SVGFEMorphologyElement|SVGFEMergeNodeElement|SVGFEMergeElement|SVGFEImageElement|SVGFEGaussianBlurElement|SVGFEFloodElement|SVGFEDropShadowElement|SVGFEDistantLightElement|SVGFEDisplacementMapElement|SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement|SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement|SVGFECompositeElement|SVGFEComponentTransferElement|SVGFEColorMatrixElement|SVGFEBlendElement|SVGEllipseElement|SVGDescElement|SVGDefsElement|SVGCursorElement|SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGFEFuncRElement|SVGFEFuncGElement|SVGFEFuncBElement|SVGFEFuncAElement|SVGClipPathElement|SVGCircleElement|SVGAnimationElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGSetElement|SVGAnimateTransformElement|SVGAnimateMotionElement|SVGAnimateElement|SVGAnimateColorElement|SVGAltGlyphItemElement|SVGAltGlyphDefElement|SVGAElement|HTMLQuoteElement|HTMLProgressElement|HTMLPreElement|HTMLParamElement|HTMLParagraphElement|HTMLOutputElement|HTMLOptionElement|HTMLOptGroupElement|HTMLObjectElement|HTMLOListElement|HTMLModElement|HTMLMeterElement|HTMLMetaElement|HTMLMenuElement|HTMLMarqueeElement|HTMLMapElement|HTMLLinkElement|HTMLLegendElement|HTMLLabelElement|HTMLLIElement|HTMLKeygenElement|HTMLInputElement|HTMLImageElement|HTMLIFrameElement|HTMLHtmlElement|HTMLHeadingElement|HTMLHeadElement|HTMLHRElement|HTMLFrameSetElement|HTMLFrameElement|HTMLFormElement|HTMLFontElement|HTMLFieldSetElement|HTMLEmbedElement|HTMLDivElement|HTMLDirectoryElement|HTMLDetailsElement|HTMLDListElement|HTMLContentElement|HTMLCanvasElement|HTMLButtonElement|HTMLBodyElement|HTMLBaseFontElement|HTMLBaseElement|HTMLBRElement|HTMLAreaElement|HTMLAppletElement|HTMLAnchorElement|HTMLElement'].join('|');
var v2/*class(_DocumentFragmentImpl)*/ = 'DocumentFragment|ShadowRoot|ShadowRoot';
var v3/*class(_DocumentImpl)*/ = 'HTMLDocument|SVGDocument|SVGDocument';
var v4/*class(_CharacterDataImpl)*/ = 'CharacterData|Text|CDATASection|CDATASection|Comment|Text|CDATASection|CDATASection|Comment';
var v5/*class(_WorkerContextImpl)*/ = 'WorkerContext|SharedWorkerContext|DedicatedWorkerContext|SharedWorkerContext|DedicatedWorkerContext';
var v6/*class(_NodeImpl)*/ = [v1/*class(_ElementImpl)*/,v2/*class(_DocumentFragmentImpl)*/,v3/*class(_DocumentImpl)*/,v4/*class(_CharacterDataImpl)*/,v1/*class(_ElementImpl)*/,v2/*class(_DocumentFragmentImpl)*/,v3/*class(_DocumentImpl)*/,v4/*class(_CharacterDataImpl)*/,'Node|ProcessingInstruction|Notation|EntityReference|Entity|DocumentType|Attr|ProcessingInstruction|Notation|EntityReference|Entity|DocumentType|Attr'].join('|');
var v7/*class(_MediaStreamImpl)*/ = 'MediaStream|LocalMediaStream|LocalMediaStream';
var v8/*class(_IDBRequestImpl)*/ = 'IDBRequest|IDBOpenDBRequest|IDBVersionChangeRequest|IDBOpenDBRequest|IDBVersionChangeRequest';
var v9/*class(_AbstractWorkerImpl)*/ = 'AbstractWorker|Worker|SharedWorker|Worker|SharedWorker';
var table = [
// [dynamic-dispatch-tag, tags of classes implementing dynamic-dispatch-tag]
['WorkerContext', v5/*class(_WorkerContextImpl)*/],
['HTMLMediaElement', v0/*class(_MediaElementImpl)*/],
['Element', v1/*class(_ElementImpl)*/],
['DocumentFragment', v2/*class(_DocumentFragmentImpl)*/],
['HTMLDocument', v3/*class(_DocumentImpl)*/],
['CharacterData', v4/*class(_CharacterDataImpl)*/],
['Node', v6/*class(_NodeImpl)*/],
['MediaStream', v7/*class(_MediaStreamImpl)*/],
['IDBRequest', v8/*class(_IDBRequestImpl)*/],
['AbstractWorker', v9/*class(_AbstractWorkerImpl)*/],
['EventTarget', [v5/*class(_WorkerContextImpl)*/,v6/*class(_NodeImpl)*/,v7/*class(_MediaStreamImpl)*/,v8/*class(_IDBRequestImpl)*/,v9/*class(_AbstractWorkerImpl)*/,v5/*class(_WorkerContextImpl)*/,v6/*class(_NodeImpl)*/,v7/*class(_MediaStreamImpl)*/,v8/*class(_IDBRequestImpl)*/,v9/*class(_AbstractWorkerImpl)*/,'EventTarget|XMLHttpRequestUpload|XMLHttpRequest|DOMWindow|WebSocket|TextTrackList|TextTrackCue|TextTrack|SpeechRecognition|PeerConnection00|Notification|MessagePort|MediaController|IDBTransaction|IDBDatabase|FileWriter|FileReader|EventSource|DeprecatedPeerConnection|DOMApplicationCache|BatteryManager|AudioContext|XMLHttpRequestUpload|XMLHttpRequest|DOMWindow|WebSocket|TextTrackList|TextTrackCue|TextTrack|SpeechRecognition|PeerConnection00|Notification|MessagePort|MediaController|IDBTransaction|IDBDatabase|FileWriter|FileReader|EventSource|DeprecatedPeerConnection|DOMApplicationCache|BatteryManager|AudioContext'].join('|')],
['HTMLCollection', 'HTMLCollection|HTMLOptionsCollection|HTMLOptionsCollection'],
['Uint8Array', 'Uint8Array|Uint8ClampedArray|Uint8ClampedArray'],
['NodeList', 'NodeList|RadioNodeList|RadioNodeList'],
['CSSValueList', 'CSSValueList|WebKitCSSFilterValue|WebKitCSSTransformValue|WebKitCSSFilterValue|WebKitCSSTransformValue'],
['DOMTokenList', 'DOMTokenList|DOMSettableTokenList|DOMSettableTokenList']];
if (typeof window != 'undefined' && typeof document != 'undefined' &&
window.addEventListener && document.readyState == 'loading') {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(e) {
} else {
function init() {
Isolate.$isolateProperties = {};
Isolate.$defineClass = function(cls, superclass, fields, prototype) {
var generateGetterSetter = function(field, prototype) {
var len = field.length;
var lastChar = field[len - 1];
var needsGetter = lastChar == '?' || lastChar == '=';
var needsSetter = lastChar == '!' || lastChar == '=';
if (needsGetter || needsSetter) field = field.substring(0, len - 1);
if (needsGetter) {
var getterString = "return this." + field + ";";
prototype["get$" + field] = new Function(getterString);
if (needsSetter) {
var setterString = "this." + field + " = v;";
prototype["set$" + field] = new Function("v", setterString);
return field;
var constructor;
if (typeof fields == 'function') {
constructor = fields;
} else {
var str = "function " + cls + "(";
var body = "";
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) str += ", ";
var field = fields[i];
field = generateGetterSetter(field, prototype);
str += field;
body += "this." + field + " = " + field + ";\n";
str += ") {" + body + "}\n";
str += "return " + cls + ";";
constructor = new Function(str)();
Isolate.$isolateProperties[cls] = constructor;
constructor.prototype = prototype;
if (superclass !== "") {
Isolate.$pendingClasses[cls] = superclass;
Isolate.$pendingClasses = {};
Isolate.$finishClasses = function(collectedClasses) {
for (var collected in collectedClasses) {
if (, collected)) {
var desc = collectedClasses[collected];
Isolate.$defineClass(collected, desc.super, desc[''], desc);
var pendingClasses = Isolate.$pendingClasses;
Isolate.$pendingClasses = {};
var finishedClasses = {};
function finishClass(cls) {
if (finishedClasses[cls]) return;
finishedClasses[cls] = true;
var superclass = pendingClasses[cls];
if (!superclass) return;
var constructor = Isolate.$isolateProperties[cls];
var superConstructor = Isolate.$isolateProperties[superclass];
var prototype = constructor.prototype;
if (prototype.__proto__) {
prototype.__proto__ = superConstructor.prototype;
prototype.constructor = constructor;
} else {
function tmp() {};
tmp.prototype = superConstructor.prototype;
var newPrototype = new tmp();
constructor.prototype = newPrototype;
newPrototype.constructor = constructor;
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
for (var member in prototype) {
if (member == '' || member == 'super') continue;
if (, member)) {
newPrototype[member] = prototype[member];
for (var cls in pendingClasses) finishClass(cls);
Isolate.$finishIsolateConstructor = function(oldIsolate) {
var isolateProperties = oldIsolate.$isolateProperties;
var isolatePrototype = oldIsolate.prototype;
var str = "{\n";
str += "var properties = Isolate.$isolateProperties;\n";
for (var staticName in isolateProperties) {
if (, staticName)) {
str += "this." + staticName + "= properties." + staticName + ";\n";
str += "}\n";
var newIsolate = new Function(str);
newIsolate.prototype = isolatePrototype;
isolatePrototype.constructor = newIsolate;
newIsolate.$isolateProperties = isolateProperties;
return newIsolate;
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