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Created August 26, 2014 21:00
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/server/app.dart. See line 45.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:http_server/http_server.dart';
import 'package:woven/config/config.dart';
import 'package:query_string/query_string.dart';
import '../shared/routing/routes.dart';
import '../shared/response.dart';
import 'controller/hello.dart';
import 'controller/main.dart';
import 'controller/sign_in.dart';
import 'routing/router.dart';
class App {
Router router;
VirtualDirectory virtualDirectory;
App() {
// Start the server.
HttpServer.bind(config['server']['address'], config['server']['port']).then(onServerEstablished, onError: printError);
// Define what routes we have.
router = new Router(this)
..routes[Routes.home] = MainController.serveApp
..routes[Routes.sayWelcome] = MainController.serveApp
..routes[Routes.showItem] = MainController.showItem
..routes[Routes.sayFoo] = HelloController.sayFoo
..routes[Routes.sayHello] = HelloController.sayHello
..routes[Routes.signInFacebook] = SignInController.facebook
..routes[Routes.currentUser] = MainController.getCurrentUser
..routes[Routes.starred] = MainController.serveApp;
// Set up the virtual directory.
virtualDirectory = new VirtualDirectory(config['server']['directory'])
..allowDirectoryListing = false
..jailRoot = false;
void onServerEstablished(HttpServer server) {
print("Server started.");
server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
// Rewrite URLs from relative to absolute so URLs
// like /item/whatever properly load the app.
// See
if (request.uri.path.contains('packages/')) {
var path = request.uri.path.replaceFirst(new RegExp('^.*?packages/'), '');
var file = new File(config['server']['directory'] + '/packages/$path');
virtualDirectory.serveFile(file, request);
} else if (request.uri.path.contains('static/')) {
var path = request.uri.path.replaceFirst(new RegExp('^.*?static/'), '');
var file = new File(config['server']['directory'] + '/static/$path');
virtualDirectory.serveFile(file, request);
// The following will handle either index.html or
// post-build assets like index.html_bootstrap.dart.js etc.
} else if (request.uri.path.contains('index.html')) {
var path = request.uri.path.replaceFirst(new RegExp('^.*?index.html'), '');
var file = new File(config['server']['directory'] + '/index.html$path');
virtualDirectory.serveFile(file, request);
} else if (request.uri.path.contains('index.dart')) {
var path = request.uri.path.replaceFirst(new RegExp('^.*?index.dart'), '');
var file = new File(config['server']['directory'] + '/index.dart$path');
virtualDirectory.serveFile(file, request);
// End of ugly relative/absolute handling.
} else {
router.dispatch(request).then((response) {
if (response is File) {
// A controller action responded with a File.
virtualDirectory.serveFile(response, request);
} else if (response is! NoMatchingRoute) {
// 302 means redirection.
if (request.response.statusCode != 302) {
// null?
if (response == null) response = 'The controller action returned null?';
// If the action returned an instance of Response, then let's JSON encode it.
// This is useful for AJAX and non-HTTP requests.
if (response is Response) response = response.encode();
// A controller action responded with some data.
} else {
// No matching route, i.e. no response so far.
}).catchError((Exception error) {
// The controller failed. Instead of crashing, just nicely show the error.
request.response.statusCode = 500;
request.response.write('<h1>Internal server error</h1><p>${error.toString().replaceAll("\n", "<br />")}</p>');
}, onError: printError);
void serveFileBasedOnRequest(HttpRequest req) {
// We do not wish to output all those /packages/* stuff to the console. Ugly.
if (!req.uri.path.contains('/packages')) print("${req.method} ${req.uri}");
void printError(error) => print("Error: $error");
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