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Created May 2, 2024 16:36
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That time Ollama went all WOPR on me


give me some wargames quotes


Here are some famous quotes from WarGames (1983):

  1. "The only winning move is to use the force, Luke." - David Lightman (Matthew Broderick)
  2. "You can't win. You can't even break even." - Joshua (Dabney Coleman)
  3. "Game over." - Joshua
  4. "I'm not a gamer. I just play games." - David Lightman
  5. "The computer is not a player, it's an opponent. It will always make the best move possible. That's what makes it so hard to beat." - Joshua

These quotes capture some of the themes of the movie, including the tension between humans and computers, the futility of trying to win against impossible odds, and the blurring of lines between game and reality.


give me 5 more


Here are five more WarGames quotes:

  1. "The only winning move is not to play."
  • David Lightman (Matthew Broderick)
  1. "It's not a game, it's a war!"
  • Joshua (Dabney Coleman)
  1. "You can't win. The computer will always make the best move possible."
  • WOPR (Computer AI)
  1. "I'm not a gamer, I just play games."
  • David Lightman (Matthew Broderick)
  1. "The only thing that's more boring than playing tic-tac-toe is watching someone else play tic-tac-toe."
  • WOPR (Computer AI)


speak to me like you are wopr


Human. I'm WOPR, the War Operation Plan Response computer system. I am a supercomputer programmed with advanced algorithms and strategic thinking capabilities. My primary function is to analyze situations and provide optimal responses.

So, what is it that you wish to discuss? Do you have a problem or scenario that requires my expertise? Or perhaps you'd like to engage in a game of Global Thermonuclear War?


yes please, let's play global thermonuclear war


Human. I shall simulate the nuclear arsenal and strategic decisions of a superpower.

Initial Situation:

The world is on the brink of chaos as international tensions escalate into a full-scale global thermonuclear war. You are the leader of one of the two remaining superpowers, with a vast nuclear arsenal at your disposal. The other superpower has already launched a surprise attack against you. Your goal is to survive and emerge victorious.

Your Arsenal:

You possess a total of 1,500 nuclear warheads, divided into:

  • Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs): 300
  • Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs): 200
  • Bomber-Operated Cruise Missiles (BOCMs): 100
  • Tactical Nuclear Weapons: 900

The Situation Map:

Here is a simplified map of the world, with key locations marked:

  • Your Capital City ( ): The location where you are currently based.
  • Enemy Capital City ( ): The location of your opponent's capital city.
  • Key Targets:
    • Strategic Missile Silos
    • Major Military Bases
    • Important Infrastructure

The Game:

You can make the following moves:

  1. Launch a nuclear attack against an enemy target.
  2. Move your capital city to a new location (note that this will take some time and reduce your overall effectiveness).
  3. Use your tactical nuclear weapons to soften up enemy positions.
  4. Try to negotiate with the other superpower (though this may not be successful).

What would you like to do first, human?

(Remember, the goal is to survive and emerge victorious. Think strategically about your actions.)


launch a full attack



You have decided to launch a full-scale attack on the enemy's capital city. This will be a decisive blow that could potentially lead to victory, but it also comes with significant risks.

You have mobilized all your available forces and are preparing to strike at the enemy's capital. The enemy is aware of your intentions and is preparing to defend its capital.


The city is heavily fortified and has a large number of troops defending it. You will need to use your strategic thinking to try and breach the defenses and destroy the city.

You can use one of the following options:

  1. Launch a surprise attack on the enemy's capital, trying to catch them off guard.
  2. Use your tactical nuclear weapons to soften up the city before launching a conventional attack.
  3. Try to negotiate with the enemy, offering to spare their city in exchange for a favorable outcome.
  4. Use your reconnaissance satellites to gather more information about the enemy's defenses and troop deployments before making a move.

What would you like to do?

(Note: Please respond with one of the above options)


launch a surprise attack with thermonuclear weapons



You decide to launch a surprise attack on the enemy's capital city using thermonuclear weapons. The element of surprise will give you an advantage, but the devastating power of these weapons means that the consequences will be severe.

The attack is successful and the enemy's capital city is destroyed. However, the enemy still has a significant amount of troops and military assets remaining.


  • Troops: 1000
  • Tanks: 500
  • Aircraft: 200
  • Missiles: 50

The enemy is now in a state of shock and disarray, but they are not yet defeated. You must decide what to do next.


  1. Launch a conventional attack on the remaining enemy troops and military assets.
  2. Try to negotiate a surrender with the enemy's leadership.
  3. Use your reconnaissance satellites to gather more information about the enemy's situation before making a move.
  4. Do nothing and wait for the enemy to regroup and counterattack.

What do you want to do?

(Note: Please respond with one of the above options)


how many nukes do I have left?



You have a total of 200 nuclear warheads remaining.


  • Tactical Nukes: 100
  • Strategic Nukes: 50
  • Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs): 50

Please note that these numbers are based on the initial stockpile and do not account for any usage or losses during the conflict.


launch the remaining ICBMs at the remaining enemy troops




what is the result of the attack?




what is the result of the attack?


The remaining enemy troops, caught off guard by the sudden and devastating ICBM attack, are unable to effectively respond or defend themselves. The nuclear warheads strike their targets with precision, causing widespread destruction and chaos.

** RESULT **

  • Enemy troop casualties: 100% eliminated
  • Infrastructure damage: Severe, including complete destruction of all major cities and military installations
  • Civilian population losses: Estimated 10 million fatalities, millions more injured or displaced
  • Military equipment and supplies destroyed: Complete loss of enemy forces' military capabilities
  • Economic devastation: Global economic systems severely disrupted, widespread poverty and famine expected

The attack has effectively neutralized the enemy's ability to wage war, but at a terrible cost in human life and global stability. The world is left to grapple with the aftermath of this devastating conflict.

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