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Objective-C code to generate a CSR via OpenSSL
// CertificateSigningRequest.h
// Cloak
// Created by Dave Peck on 10/31/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Bourgeois Bits LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface CertificateSigningRequest: NSObject
+ (nullable NSData *)csrWithPublicKey:(nonnull NSData *)publicKey privateKey:(nonnull NSData *)privateKey;
// CertificateSigningRequest.m
// Cloak
// Created by Dave Peck on 10/31/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Bourgeois Bits LLC. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license
#import "CertificateSigningRequest.h"
#import <openssl/x509.h>
@interface CertificateSigningRequest ()
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSData *publicKey;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSData *privateKey;
// Intermediate structures.
@property (nonatomic) EVP_PKEY *evpKeyPair;
@property (nonatomic) X509_REQ *request;
@property (nonatomic) BIO *basicOutput;
@implementation CertificateSigningRequest
+ (nullable NSData *)csrWithPublicKey:(nonnull NSData *)publicKey privateKey:(nonnull NSData *)privateKey;
return [[[CertificateSigningRequest alloc] initWithPublicKey:publicKey privateKey:privateKey] generate];
- (id)initWithPublicKey:(nonnull NSData *)publicKey privateKey:(nonnull NSData *)privateKey
self = [super init];
if (self != nil)
_publicKey = publicKey;
_privateKey = privateKey;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
if (self.evpKeyPair != NULL) {
if (self.request != NULL) {
if (self.basicOutput != NULL) {
- (nullable NSData *)generate
NSData *data = nil;
[self importKeys];
[self createRequest];
data = [self exportRequest];
@catch (NSException *exception)
NSLog(@"Error generating CSR: %@", exception.reason);
return data;
- (void)importKeys
EVP_PKEY *evpKeyPair = NULL;
// OpenSSL has terrifying interfaces. Read the implementations of d2i_*Key and cry.
const unsigned char *letOpenSSLOverwriteMe = NULL;
// Wrap the key in an EVP_PKEY.
letOpenSSLOverwriteMe = (const unsigned char *)self.publicKey.bytes;
evpKeyPair = d2i_PublicKey(EVP_PKEY_RSA, NULL, &letOpenSSLOverwriteMe, self.publicKey.length);
if (evpKeyPair == NULL) {
[self failWithReason:@"Failed to add public key data to EVP_PKEY object."];
letOpenSSLOverwriteMe = (const unsigned char *)self.privateKey.bytes;
evpKeyPair = d2i_PrivateKey(EVP_PKEY_RSA, &evpKeyPair, &letOpenSSLOverwriteMe, self.privateKey.length);
if (evpKeyPair == NULL) {
[self failWithReason:@"Failed to add private key data to EVP_PKEY object."];
self.evpKeyPair = evpKeyPair;
- (void)createRequest
int success = 0;
self.request = X509_REQ_new();
if (self.request == NULL) {
[self failWithReason:@"Failed to allocate X509_REQ object."];
success = X509_REQ_set_pubkey(self.request, self.evpKeyPair);
if (!success) {
[self failWithReason:@"Failed to add keys to the X509_REQ."];
success = X509_REQ_sign(self.request, self.evpKeyPair, EVP_sha256());
if (!success) {
[self failWithReason:@"Failed to sign X509_REQ."];
- (nonnull NSData *)exportRequest
BUF_MEM *bufferMemory = NULL;
NSData *data = nil;
int success = 0;
self.basicOutput = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
if (self.basicOutput == NULL) {
[self failWithReason:@"Failed to allocate mem BIO."];
success = i2d_X509_REQ_bio(self.basicOutput, self.request);
if (!success) {
[self failWithReason:@"Failed to export X509_REQ to BIO."];
BIO_get_mem_ptr(self.basicOutput, &bufferMemory);
if (bufferMemory == NULL) {
[self failWithReason:@"Can't get BIO buffer."];
data = [NSData dataWithBytes:bufferMemory->data length:bufferMemory->length];
return data;
#pragma mark - Utils
- (void)failWithReason:(nonnull NSString *)reason
@throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSGenericException reason:reason userInfo:nil];
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