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Created October 2, 2013 20:19
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"This is an implementation namespace. Don't use it directly. Use the symbols
(:require [clojure.set :as set]))
(def ^:private -ns- *ns*)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defn ^:private ->let-o*-observable
[^rx.Observable o n name]
(if (= n 1)
; TODO This is a shortcut. We know the expected number of subscriptions so
; we only need to cache values until we get the nth subscription at which
; point, it just becomes a pass through. I haven't found a cache/replay-ish
; operator that gives this level of control over the cached values
(.cache o)))
(defn let-o*
"Given a graph description, returns an observable that emits a single
map of observables all hooked up and ready for subscription.
A graph is a map from name to a map with keys:
:deps A vector of dependency names
:factory A function that takes a map from name to Observable
for the names in :deps and returns an Observable
Returns a map from name to Observable. Additionally, there will be a
::non-terminals key in the map with a vector of non-terminal names.
(let [in-dep-counts (->> description
(mapcat :deps)
terminals (set/difference (set (keys description)) (set (keys in-dep-counts)))
non-terminals (vec (keys in-dep-counts))
resolve-node (fn resolve-node [state {:keys [id deps factory] :as node}]
(let [existing (state id)]
; It's already resolving up the stack. We've hit a cycle.
(= ::resolving existing) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (format "Cycle found at '%s'" id)))
; It's already resolved. Done.
(not (nil? existing)) state
; recursively resolve dependencies
(let [new-state (reduce (fn [s dep]
(if-let [dep-node (description dep)]
(resolve-node s (assoc dep-node :id dep))
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. (format "Unknown node '%s' referenced from '%s'" dep id)))))
(assoc state id ::resolving)
; execute the factory function and wrap it in an observable that delays dependencies
o (-> (select-keys new-state deps)
(->let-o*-observable (in-dep-counts id 1) id))]
; return the updated state with the resolved node
(assoc new-state id o)))))]
; resolve the graph and build the result map
(-> (reduce (fn [s [id node]]
(resolve-node s (assoc node :id id)))
(select-keys terminals)
(assoc ::non-terminals non-terminals))))
(defmacro let-o
"Similar to clojure.core/let, but bindings are Observables and the result of the body
must be an Observable. Binding names must start with ?. Binding order doesn't matter
and any binding is visible to all other expressions as long as no cycles are produced
in the resulting Observable expression.
The key difference here is that the macro can identify the dependencies between Observables
and correctly connect them, protecting from variations in subscribe behavior as well as
the idiosyncracies of setting up multiple subscriptions to Observables.
This is only very useful for constructing graphs of Observables where you'd usually have
to fiddle around with publish, connect, replay and all that stuff. If you have a linear
sequence of operators, just chain them together.
Current limitations:
* All Observables are cache()'d so watch out for large sequences. This will be
fixed eventually.
* let-o cannot be nested. Some deep-walking macro-magic will be required for this.
; Note that both ?c and ?d depend on ?b and the result Observable depends on
; ?c and ?d.
(let-o [?a (rx/return 99)
?b (... some observable network request ...)
?c (rx/map vector ?a ?b)
?d (rx/map ... ?b)]
(rx/map vector ?c ?d))
[bindings & result-body]
(let [sym->dep-sym (fn [s]
(when (and (symbol? s)
(not (namespace s))
(.startsWith (name s) "?"))
body->dep-syms (fn [body]
(->> body
(keep sym->dep-sym)
->node-map (fn [[id & body]]
(let [dep-syms (body->dep-syms body)
dep-keys (->> dep-syms (map (comp keyword name)) vec)]
[(keyword (name id)) {:deps dep-keys
:factory `(fn [{:keys ~dep-syms}] ~@body) }]))
node-map (let [base-map (->> bindings
(partition 2)
(map ->node-map)
(into {}))
result-dep-syms (body->dep-syms result-body)]
(assoc base-map
{:deps (mapv keyword result-dep-syms)
:factory `(fn [{:keys ~result-dep-syms}] ~@result-body) }))]
`(->> ~node-map
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