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Forked from joshbirk/1_houserest.cls
Last active January 4, 2016 17:49
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global with sharing class WarehouseREST {
global WarehouseREST() {}
global static String postMerchandiseToInvoice(Id invoiceID, List<Id> merchIDs) {
List<Line_Item__c> line_items = new List<Line_Item__c>();
for(Id m : merchids) {
Line_Item__c li = new Line_Item__c(Invoice__c = invoiceID, Merchandise__c=m, Quantity__c=1);
try {
insert line_items;
return line_items.size() +' item(s) added';
} catch (DMLException e) {
return e.getMessage();
global static Map<String,Integer> getMerchandiseForInvoice() {
String id = RestContext.request.requestURI.substring(RestContext.request.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
List<AggregateResult> lis = [SELECT SUM(Line_Item_Total__c) total, Merchandise__r.Name name from Line_Item__c where Invoice__c = :id Group By Merchandise__r.Name];
Map<String,Integer> results = new Map<String,Integer>();
for(AggregateResult a : lis) {
return results;
global static String deleteMerchandiseFromInvoice() {
Id merchId = RestContext.request.params.get('mid');
Id invoiceId = RestContext.request.params.get('iid');
List<Line_Item__c> line_items = [SELECT ID from Line_Item__c WHERE Merchandise__c = :merchID AND Invoice__c = :invoiceId];
try {
delete line_items;
return 'Done';
} catch (DMLException e) {
return 'Error';
global class RESTMessage {
public String message {get; set;}
public String status {get; set;}
public String info {get; set;}
public RESTMessage(String m, String s, String i) {
this.message = m;
this.status = s; = i;
try {
insert line_items;
return new RESTMEssage(line_items.size() +' item(s) added','Completed', invoiceId);
} catch (DMLException e) {
return new RESTMEssage(e.getMessage(),'Error', invoiceId);
global with sharing class WarehouseREST {
global WarehouseREST() {}
global static List<AggregateResult> getMerchandiseForInvoice() {
String id = RestContext.request.requestURI.substring(RestContext.request.requestURI.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
List<AggregateResult> lis = [SELECT SUM(Line_Item_Total__c), Merchandise__r.Name from Line_Item__c where Invoice__c = :id Group By Merchandise__r.Name];
return lis;
global static RESTMessage postMerchandiseToInvoice(Id invoiceID, List<Id> merchids) {
List<Line_Item__c> line_items = new List<Line_Item__c>();
for(Id m : merchids) {
Line_Item__c li = new Line_Item__c(Invoice__c = invoiceID, Merchandise__c=m,Quantity__c=1);
try {
insert line_items;
return new RESTMEssage(line_items.size() +' item(s) added','Completed', invoiceId);
} catch (DMLException e) {
return new RESTMEssage(e.getMessage(),'Error', invoiceId);
global static String deleteMerchandiseFromInvoice() {
Id merchId = RestContext.request.params.get('mid');
Id invoiceId = RestContext.request.params.get('iid');
List<Line_Item__c> line_items = [SELECT ID from Line_Item__c WHERE Merchandise__c = :merchID AND Invoice__c = :invoiceId];
try {
delete line_items;
return 'Done';
} catch (DMLException e) {
return 'Error';
global class RESTMessage {
public String message {get; set;}
public String status {get; set;}
public String info {get; set;}
public RESTMessage(String m, String s, String i) {
this.message = m;
this.status = s; = i;
global class WarehouseRESTTest {
global static void testWarehouseREST() {
Warehouse__c w = new Warehouse__c(Name='Nowheresville');
insert w;
Merchandise__c m = new Merchandise__c(Name='Rack Server',Price__c=1245.99,Quantity__c=500,
Warehouse__c = w.Id);
insert m;
Invoice__c i = new Invoice__c();
insert i;
RestRequest req = new RestRequest();
RestResponse res = new RestResponse();
WarehouseREST.RESTMessage r = WarehouseREST.postMerchandiseToInvoice(,new Id[]{});
// pass the req and resp objects to the method
req.requestURI = ''+i.Id;
req.httpMethod = 'GET';
RestContext.request = req;
RestContext.response = res;
Map<String,Integer> get_results = WarehouseREST.getMerchandiseForInvoice();
// pass the req and resp objects to the method
req.requestURI = ''+i.Id+'&';
req.httpMethod = 'DELETE';
RestContext.request = req;
RestContext.response = res;
String response = WarehouseREST.deleteMerchandiseFromInvoice();
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