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Last active December 13, 2015 22:49
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Save davesnowdon/4987712 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Serialise custom python objects to/from JSON using 2 helper functions in the classes to handle the conversion for each class.
import sys
import inspect
import json
Functions for clients to call to serialise/unserialise from strings and files
Idea taken from
and generalised to allow helper functions to be part of the custom classes
and avoid case statements
def to_json_file(obj, fp):
json.dump(obj, fp, default=to_json_helper)
def to_json_string(obj):
return json.dumps(obj, default=to_json_helper)
def from_json_file(fp):
return json.load(fp, object_hook=from_json_helper)
def from_json_string(sv):
return json.loads(sv, object_hook=from_json_helper)
def class_to_name(klass):
return klass.__name__
def object_to_name(obj):
return obj.__class__.__name__
def object_to_FQCN(obj):
return obj.__module__ + '.' + obj.__class__.__name__
CLASS_TAG = '__class__'
VALUE_TAG = '__value__'
Remove class/function name to leave module name
def FQCN_to_module(s):
(moduleName, _) = split_FQCN(s)
return moduleName
Strip module name to leave class/function name
def FQCN_to_class(s):
(_, className) = split_FQCN(s)
return className
Split class name from module
def split_FQCN(s):
if '.' in s:
return s.rsplit('.', 1)
return (None, s)
Look up a class from a FQCN
def find_class(fqcn):
(moduleName, className) = split_FQCN(fqcn)
m = None
if not moduleName is None:
m = __import__(moduleName)
except ImportError:
print "Unable to import from " + moduleName
#for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(m):
for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[moduleName]):
if inspect.isclass(obj) and className == name:
return obj
raise TypeError("Can't find class " +fqcn)
Convenience function to generate dictionary in correct format
def object_to_json(obj, value):
if value is None:
return {CLASS_TAG: object_to_FQCN(obj) }
return {CLASS_TAG: object_to_FQCN(obj),
VALUE_TAG: value}
Helper method to generate JSON for custom classes
def to_json_helper(python_object):
method = getattr(python_object, 'to_json')
return method()
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError(repr(python_object) + ' is not JSON serializable')
Helper function to detect serialized classes and call from_json on them
to regenerate the class
def from_json_helper(json_object):
# check whether this is an object we serialised and tagged with the class name
if CLASS_TAG in json_object:
fqcn = json_object[CLASS_TAG]
klass = find_class(fqcn)
# invoke from_json on target class
json_object = getattr(klass, 'from_json')(json_object[VALUE_TAG])
except KeyError:
json_object = getattr(klass, 'from_json')(None)
except AttributeError:
# class does not support being reconstituted from JSON
return json_object
import unittest
Test free functions in general utilities
class TestFreeFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def test_fqcn_to_module(self):
self.assertEqual(FQCN_to_module("wanderer.event.Start"), "wanderer.event")
def test_fqcn_to_module_no_module(self):
def test_fqcn_to_class(self):
self.assertEqual(FQCN_to_class("wanderer.event.Start"), "Start")
def test_fqcn_to_class_no_module(self):
self.assertEqual(FQCN_to_class("Start"), "Start")
def test_find_class(self):
Tests for JSON serialization of custom objects
class JsonTestBase(object):
def __init__(self):
super(JsonTestBase, self).__init__()
def name(self):
return self.__class__.__name__
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
# used to support JSON serialisation of custom classes
def to_json(self):
return object_to_json(self, None)
# used to enable this class & sub types to be reconstituted from JSON
def from_json(klass, json_object):
return klass()
# class using base class JSON support
class JsonNoData(JsonTestBase):
def __init__(self):
super(JsonNoData, self).__init__()
# class with additional data to serialise
class JsonWithData(JsonTestBase):
def __init__(self, source, sensorData):
super(JsonWithData, self).__init__()
self.source = source
self.sensorData = sensorData
# used to support JSON serialisation of custom classes
def to_json(self):
return object_to_json(self, { 'source' : self.source,
'sensorData' : self.sensorData})
# used to enable this class & sub types to be reconstituted from JSON
def from_json(klass, json_object):
print "json_object = "+repr(json_object)
return klass(json_object['source'], json_object['sensorData'])
class TestJson(unittest.TestCase):
def test_json_serialise_base(self):
b = JsonTestBase()
json = to_json_string(b)
print "Serialisation of JsonTestbase = \n"+json
self.assertIsNotNone(json, "Serialised object should not be None")
b2 = from_json_string(json)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(b2, JsonTestBase))
self.assertEqual(b, b2, "Reconstituted object "+repr(b2)+" must equal original "+repr(b))
def test_json_no_data(self):
b = JsonNoData()
json = to_json_string(b)
print "Serialisation of JsonNoData = \n"+json
self.assertIsNotNone(json, "Serialised object should not be None")
b2 = from_json_string(json)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(b2, JsonNoData))
self.assertEqual(b, b2, "Reconstituted object "+repr(b2)+" must equal original "+repr(b))
def test_json_with_data(self):
b = JsonWithData('foo', { 'a': 123, 'b' : 456})
json = to_json_string(b)
print "Serialisation of JsonWithData = \n"+json
self.assertIsNotNone(json, "Serialised object should not be None")
b2 = from_json_string(json)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(b2, JsonWithData))
self.assertEqual(b, b2, "Reconstituted object "+repr(b2)+" must equal original "+repr(b))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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