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Last active April 26, 2018 22:02
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  • Save davesque/75a872032585e79b9281ed6769381314 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Circle CI migration steps

Migration to Circle CI

  • Update .circleci/config.yaml:
 common: &common
   working_directory: ~/repo
     - checkout
+    - run:
+        name: merge pull request base
+        command: |
+          if [[ -n "${CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER}" ]]; then
+            PR_BASE_BRANCH=$(curl -L "$PR_INFO_URL" | python -c 'import json, sys; obj = json.load(sys.stdin); sys.stdout.write(obj["base"]["ref"])')
+            git fetch origin +"$PR_BASE_BRANCH":circleci/pr-base
+            # We need these config values or git complains when creating the
+            # merge commit
+            git config --global "Circle CI"
+            git config --global ""
+            git merge --no-edit circleci/pr-base
+          fi
     - restore_cache:
           - cache-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ checksum "" }}-{{ checksum "tox.ini" }}
     - run:
         name: install dependencies
         command: pip install --user tox
     - run:
         name: run tox
         command: ~/.local/bin/tox
     - save_cache:
           - .tox
           - ~/.cache/pip
           - ~/.local
           - ./eggs
         key: cache-{{ .Environment.CIRCLE_JOB }}-{{ checksum "" }}-{{ checksum "tox.ini" }}
  • Update badge in README:
[![Build Status](<repo name>.svg?style=shield)](<repo name>)
  • Disable Travis CI:
    • Remove .travis.yml from project repo:
      git rm .travis.yml
    • On, click on project link to open project:
    • Select "Settings" from options menu:
    • Activate "Build only if .travis.yml is present" option (might also need to deactivate "Build pushed pull requests" option):
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