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Created February 17, 2012 10:22
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xJSFL framework structure
Inspect: xJSFL (depth:5, objects:188, values:865, time:0.1 seconds)
object => xJSFL
uri: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/"
reload: function ()
loading: false
[output] => Object
trace: function (message, newLine)
log: function (message, newLine, trace, clear)
[settings] => Object
[app] => Object
platform: "win"
name: "CS4"
version: 10
csVersion: 4
[folders] => Object
xjsfl: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/"
core: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/core/"
modules: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/"
user: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/user/"
flash: "file:///F|/Users/Dave%20Stewart/AppData/Local/Adobe/Flash%20CS4/en/Configuration/"
swf: "file:///F|/Users/Dave%20Stewart/AppData/Local/Adobe/Flash%20CS4/en/Configuration/WindowSWF/"
add: function (name, uri)
[all] => Array
0: "file:///H|/Perforce/iPhone/BoltLib/xJSFL/modules/Pocket%20God%20Tools/"
1: "file:///H|/Perforce/iPhone/BoltLib/xJSFL/"
2: "file:///F|/Users/Dave%20Stewart/AppData/Local/Adobe/Flash%20CS4/en/Configuration/WindowSWF/"
3: "file:///F|/Users/Dave%20Stewart/AppData/Local/Adobe/Flash%20CS4/en/Configuration/"
4: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/user/"
5: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/"
6: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Sample/"
7: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/"
8: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/core/"
9: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/"
Sample: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Sample/"
Snippets: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/"
pocketgod: "file:///H|/Perforce/iPhone/BoltLib/xJSFL/"
PGTools: "file:///H|/Perforce/iPhone/BoltLib/xJSFL/modules/Pocket%20God%20Tools/"
[uris] => Object
[core] => Array
0: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/core/"
[module] => Array
0: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Sample/"
1: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/"
2: "file:///H|/Perforce/iPhone/BoltLib/xJSFL/modules/Pocket%20God%20Tools/"
[user] => Array
0: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/user/"
add: function (pathOrURI, type)
[all] => Array
0: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/core/"
1: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Sample/"
2: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/modules/Snippets/"
3: "file:///H|/Perforce/iPhone/BoltLib/xJSFL/modules/Pocket%20God%20Tools/"
4: "file:///E|/projects/xJSFL/user/"
newLine: "
[debug] => Object
_error: false
_runScript: function runScript()
file: function (pathOrURI)
func: function (fn, params, scope)
error: function (error, testing)
log: function (error)
clear: function ()
state: false
[file] => Object
loading: false
[stack] => Array
find: function (type, name, returnType)
load: function (path, type)
save: function (pathOrURI, contents)
[classes] => Object
[paths] => Object
Utils: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/utils.jsfl"
URI: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/uri.jsfl"
Folder: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/filesystem.jsfl"
File: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/filesystem.jsfl"
Template: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/template.jsfl"
Output: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/output.jsfl"
inspect: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/output.jsfl"
list: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/output.jsfl"
Class: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/class.jsfl"
Collection: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/collection.jsfl"
Config: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/config.jsfl"
Context: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/context.jsfl"
Data: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/data.jsfl"
Debug: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/debug.jsfl"
ElementCollection: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/element-collection.jsfl"
$: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/element-selector.jsfl"
DocumentEvent: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/events.jsfl"
LayerEvent: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/events.jsfl"
FrameEvent: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/events.jsfl"
MouseEvent: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/events.jsfl"
Bounds: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/geom.jsfl"
Get: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/get.jsfl"
ItemCollection: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/item-collection.jsfl"
$$: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/item-selector.jsfl"
Iterators: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/iterators.jsfl"
JSFLInterface: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/jsfl-interface.jsfl"
JSON: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/json.jsfl"
Logger: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/logger.jsfl"
Module: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/module.jsfl"
PropertyResolver: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/property-resolver.jsfl"
Selector: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/selector.jsfl"
Selectors: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/selectors.jsfl"
SimpleTemplate: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/simple-template.jsfl"
Source: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/source.jsfl"
Superdoc: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/superdoc.jsfl"
Table: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/table.jsfl"
Timer: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/timer.jsfl"
XUL: "E:/projects/xJSFL/core/jsfl/libraries/xul.jsfl"
load: function (fileRef)
require: function (name)
register: function (name, obj)
restore: function (name, scope)
[Utils] => Utils
extend: function (obj, props)
clone: function (obj)
createClass: function (child, $parent, $properties)
trim: function (string)
pad: function (value, length, chr, right)
camelCase: function (value)
isArray: function (obj)
toArray: function (value, delim)
toUniqueArray: function (arr)
sort: function (arr, reverse)
sortOn: function (arr, prop, alpha)
applyEach: function (arr, func, params, argIndex)
getKeys: function (obj)
getValues: function (input, prop, option)
getDeepValue: function (obj, path)
setDeepValue: function (obj, path, properties)
getExtremeValues: function (elements, prop, returnElement)
getArguments: function (args, startIndex, endIndex)
getClass: function (obj)
getPanel: function (name)
getStack: function (error, shorten)
getURIs: function (ref, $depth, $filesOnly, $filter, $extensions)
parseValue: function (value, trim)
randomizeValue: function (value, modifier)
randomValue: function (a, b, round)
toString: function ()
[URI] => URI
toURI: function (pathOrURI, context, parseURI, checkLength)
toPath: function (pathOrURI, shorten)
asURI: function (pathOrURI, checkLength)
asPath: function (pathOrURI, shorten)
isURI: function (pathOrURI)
isPath: function (pathOrURI)
isAbsolute: function (pathOrURI)
isFile: function (pathOrURI)
isFolder: function (pathOrURI)
getPath: function (pathOrURI)
getName: function (pathOrURI)
getParent: function (pathOrURI)
checkURILength: function (uri)
throwURILengthError: function (uri)
toString: function ()
[Folder] => Class
toString: function ()
[prototype] => Folder
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
create: function ()
open: function ()
reveal: function ()
copy: function (toPathOrURI)
each: function (callback, type, scope)
filter: function (pattern)
toString: function (name)
length: 0
contents: null
folders: null
files: null
uris: null
uri: null
remove: function (skipConfirmation)
path: ""
exists: null
created: null
modified: null
createdDate: null
modifiedDate: null
attributes: null
parent: null
[File] => Class
toString: function ()
[prototype] => File
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
open: function ()
run: function ()
copy: function (trgURIOrPath, overWrite)
write: function (data, append)
append: function (data)
save: function (utf8)
reveal: function ()
rename: function (name, extension)
toString: function (name)
contents: ""
extension: ""
size: 0
readOnly: null
saved: false
uri: null
remove: function (skipConfirmation)
path: ""
exists: null
created: null
modified: null
createdDate: null
modifiedDate: null
attributes: null
parent: null
[Template] => Class
[templates] => Object
toString: function ()
[prototype] => Template
uri: ""
input: ""
output: ""
data: null
options: null
_indent: ""
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
load: function (pathOrURI)
save: function (uriOrPath, overwrite)
set: function (data, value, append)
indent: function (indent)
render: function (_stack)
clone: function ()
toString: function ()
[Output] => Output
props: function (obj, output)
list: function (arr, properties, label, output)
inspect: function (obj, $depth, $label, $debug, $options, $callback)
table: function (arr)
folder: function (pathOrURI, depth, output)
_print: function (content, title, output)
toString: function ()
inspect: function (obj, $depth, $label, $debug, $options, $callback)
list: function (arr, properties, label, output)
[Class] => Class
ancestor: function Object()
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => Object
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
extend: function (source, value)
base: function ()
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
version: "1.1"
[Collection] => Class
[ancestor] => Class
ancestor: function Object()
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => Object
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
extend: function (source, value)
base: function ()
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
version: "1.1"
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => Collection
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
[elements] => Array
className: "Collection"
each: function (callback, params, scope)
reach: function (callback, params, scope)
add: function (elements)
get: function (index)
remove: function (startIndex, deleteCount)
filter: function (callback, thisObject)
indexOf: function (element, fromIndex)
attr: function (prop, value)
call: function (callback)
apply: function (callback, params, scope)
list: function ()
extend: function (source, value)
base: function ()
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
[Config] => Class
[prototype] => Config
xml: null
uri: ""
path: ""
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
set: function (path, value)
get: function (path, parse, test)
load: function ()
save: function ()
clear: function ()
toString: function (asXML)
toString: function ()
[Context] => Class
create: function (dom, timeline, layer, frame, element)
from: function (value)
[prototype] => Context
dom: null
item: null
timeline: null
layer: null
[keyframes] => Array
frame: null
element: null
context: ""
layerIndex: -1
setDOM: function (value)
setTimeline: function (value)
setLayer: function (value)
setFrame: function (value)
setKeyframe: function (keyframeIndex, layer)
setElement: function (value)
goto: function ()
update: function (dom, timeline, layer, frame)
select: function ()
selectLayer: function (addToSelection)
selectFrame: function (addToSelection)
selectElement: function (addToSelection)
clone: function ()
toString: function ()
toString: function ()
[Data] => Data
recurse: function (rootElement, fnChild, fnContents, scope)
recurseFolder: function (folder, $callback, $maxDepth, $returnURIs)
toString: function ()
[Debug] => Debug
file: function (uriOrPath)
func: function (fn, params, scope)
error: function (error, testing)
toString: function ()
[ElementCollection] => Class
[ancestor] => Class
[ancestor] => Class
ancestor: function Object()
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => Object
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
version: "1.1"
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => Collection
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
[elements] => Array
className: "Collection"
each: function (callback, params, scope)
reach: function (callback, params, scope)
add: function (elements)
get: function (index)
remove: function (startIndex, deleteCount)
filter: function (callback, thisObject)
indexOf: function (element, fromIndex)
attr: function (prop, value)
call: function (callback)
apply: function (callback, params, scope)
list: function ()
extend: function (source, value)
base: function ()
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => ElementCollection
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
className: "ElementCollection"
dom: null
selection: null
_deselect: function (state)
_reselect: function ()
find: function (element)
select: function (element)
group: function ()
move: function (x, y, relative)
rotate: function (angle, whichCorner)
scale: function (xScale, yScale, whichCorner)
duplicate: function (add)
deleteElements: function ()
attr: function (prop, value)
rename: function (baseName, padding, startIndex, separator)
orderBy: function (prop, reverseOrder)
align: function (props, element)
distribute: function (props, toStage)
space: function (direction, type)
match: function (prop, element)
toGrid: function (precision, rounding)
layout: function (columns, gutter, spacing)
randomize: function (prop, modifier)
centerTransformPoint: function (state)
resetTransform: function ()
exec: function (callback, params, scope)
refresh: function ()
list: function ()
toString: function ()
[elements] => Array
each: function (callback, params, scope)
reach: function (callback, params, scope)
add: function (elements)
get: function (index)
remove: function (startIndex, deleteCount)
filter: function (callback, thisObject)
indexOf: function (element, fromIndex)
call: function (callback)
apply: function (callback, params, scope)
extend: function (source, value)
base: function ()
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
$: function (expression, context, debug)
[DocumentEvent] => Class
[prototype] => DocumentEvent
type: undefined
subtype: undefined
time: Fri Feb 17 2012 10:26:35 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
toString: function ()
PUBLISHED: "documentPublished"
SAVED: "documentSaved"
NEW: "documentNew"
OPENED: "documentOpened"
CLOSED: "documentClosed"
CHANGED: "documentChanged"
[LayerEvent] => Class
[prototype] => LayerEvent
type: undefined
subtype: undefined
time: Fri Feb 17 2012 10:26:35 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
toString: function ()
CHANGED: "layerChanged"
[FrameEvent] => Class
[prototype] => FrameEvent
type: undefined
subtype: undefined
time: Fri Feb 17 2012 10:26:35 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
toString: function ()
CHANGED: "frameChanged"
[MouseEvent] => Class
[prototype] => MouseEvent
type: undefined
subtype: undefined
time: Fri Feb 17 2012 10:26:35 GMT+0000 (GMT Standard Time)
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
toString: function ()
MOVE: "mouseMove"
[Bounds] => Class
toString: function ()
[prototype] => Object
[Get] => Object
dom: function (error)
timeline: function (error)
items: function ()
selection: function ()
[ItemCollection] => Class
[ancestor] => Class
[ancestor] => Class
ancestor: function Object()
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => Object
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
version: "1.1"
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => Collection
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
[elements] => Array
className: "Collection"
each: function (callback, params, scope)
reach: function (callback, params, scope)
add: function (elements)
get: function (index)
remove: function (startIndex, deleteCount)
filter: function (callback, thisObject)
indexOf: function (element, fromIndex)
attr: function (prop, value)
call: function (callback)
apply: function (callback, params, scope)
list: function ()
extend: function (source, value)
base: function ()
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
extend: function (_instance, _static)
forEach: function (object, block, context)
implement: function ()
[prototype] => ItemCollection
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
className: "ItemCollection"
library: null
sort: function ()
select: function ()
update: function ()
deleteItems: function ()
expand: function (state, recurse)
reveal: function ()
move: function (path, replace, expand)
rename: function (baseName, padding, startIndex, separator)
exec: function (callback, params)
addToStage: function (context, x, y)
list: function ()
toString: function ()
[elements] => Array
each: function (callback, params, scope)
reach: function (callback, params, scope)
add: function (elements)
get: function (index)
remove: function (startIndex, deleteCount)
filter: function (callback, thisObject)
indexOf: function (element, fromIndex)
attr: function (prop, value)
call: function (callback)
apply: function (callback, params, scope)
extend: function (source, value)
base: function ()
toString: function ()
valueOf: function (type)
$$: function (expression, context, debug)
[Iterators] => Iterators
documents: function (documents, documentCallback, itemCallback, layerCallback, frameCallback, elementCallback)
items: function (context, itemCallback, layerCallback, frameCallback, elementCallback)
layers: function (context, layerCallback, frameCallback, elementCallback)
frames: function (context, frameCallback, elementCallback)
elements: function (context, elementCallback)
toString: function ()
[JSFLInterface] => JSFLInterface
serialize: function (value)
toString: function ()
encode: function encode(obj)
decode: function (src)
toString: function ()
[Logger] => Class
toString: function ()
[prototype] => Logger
template: null
file: null
count: 0
[triggers] => Object
log: function (message, $type, $params, $trace)
addTrigger: function (type, callback)
write: function (message, trace)
clear: function ()
open: function ()
reveal: function ()
remove: function ()
contents: null
toString: function ()
[Module] => Class
[prototype] => Module
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
namespace: ""
name: ""
uri: ""
panel: null
path: ""
loadConfig: function (path)
call: function ()
log: function (message, lineBefore)
toString: function ()
toString: function ()
[PropertyResolver] => PropertyResolver
testInstance: function (instance)
testProperty: function (name)
resolve: function (element, name)
[methods] => Object
brightness: [ SKIPPING! ]
tintColor: [ SKIPPING! ]
tintPercent: [ SKIPPING! ]
toString: function ()
[Selector] => Class
[prototype] => Selector
pattern: ""
type: ""
name: ""
method: null
params: null
range: null
keep: true
find: function (items, scope)
test: function (item, scope)
toString: function ()
toString: function ()
makeRX: function (expression, selector)
makeRange: function (expression, selector)
[Selectors] => Selectors
select: function (expression, items, scope, debug)
parse: function (expression, type)
test: function (selectors, items, scope)
register: function (pattern, callback, type)
toString: function ()
[core] => Object
[filter] => Object
attribute: function (item, name, operand, value, range, custom)
[math] => Object
range: function (str, range)
[find] => Object
[pseudo] => Object
[combo] => Object
filter: function (callback)
not: function (items, selector)
contains: function (selector)
nth: function (selector)
[element] => Object
register: function (pattern, callback)
[filter] => Object
name: function (item, rx, range)
path: function (item, rx, range)
type: function (item, type)
[find] => Object
selected: function (items)
[pseudo] => Object
empty: function (element)
animated: function (element)
keyframed: function (element)
scripted: function (element)
audible: function (element)
[custom] => Object
[item] => Object
register: function (pattern, callback)
[filter] => Object
name: function (item, rx, range)
path: function (item, rx, range)
Package: function (item, rx)
Class: function (item, rxClass)
type: function (item, type)
[find] => Object
first: function (items)
last: function (items)
parent: function (items)
children: function (parents)
descendants: function (parents)
selected: function (items)
[pseudo] => Object
exported: function (item)
timeline: function (item)
empty: function (item)
animated: function (item)
keyframed: function (item)
scripted: function (item)
audible: function (item)
[custom] => Object
[timeline] => Object
[pseudo] => Object
empty: function (timeline)
animated: function (timeline)
keyframed: function (timeline)
scripted: function (timeline)
audible: function (timeline)
[custom] => Object
[SimpleTemplate] => Class
toString: function ()
[prototype] => SimpleTemplate
constructor: [ SKIPPING! ]
input: ""
output: ""
data: null
populate: function (data)
update: function (input)
render: function (trace)
toString: function ()
[Source] => Source
parseDocComment: function (source)
parseFunction: function (fn)
toString: function ()
[Superdoc] => Superdoc
[appearance] => Object
[fill] => Object
color: function (color)
[toolbar] => Object
[selection] => Object
swapWithStroke: function ()
[stroke] => Object
color: undefined
custom: undefined
[selection] => Object
[toolbar] => Object
size: undefined
style: undefined
set: function (color, size, strokeType)
swapWithFill: function ()
[properties] => Object
width: 400
height: 200
[size] => Array
frameRate: 60
backgroundColor: "#ffffff"
id: 10616
[view] => Object
livePreview: true
[matrix] => Object
vanishingPoint: undefined
viewAngle: undefined
zoom: 1
[containers] => Object
[timeline] => Object
[all] => Array
current: 0
edit: function (editMode)
exit: function ()
get: function ()
[scene] => Object
add: function (name)
remove: function ()
duplicate: function ()
edit: function (index)
rename: function (name)
reorder: function (sceneToMove, sceneToPutItBefore)
[screens] => Object
allow: false
outline: undefined
[panel] => Object
[library] => Library
xml: function (fileURI)
[data] => Object
set: function (name, type, data)
get: function (name)
[elements] => Object
[accessibility] => Object
autoLabel: true
description: ""
forceSimple: false
name: ""
silent: false
[add] => Object
item: function (position, item)
line: function (startPoint, endpoint)
oval: function (boundingRectangle, bSuppressFill, bSuppressStroke)
primitiveOval: function (boundingRectangle, bSpupressFill, bSuppressStroke)
primitiveRectangle: function (boundingRectangle, roundness, bSuppressFill, bSuppressStroke)
rectangle: function (boundingRectangle, roundness, bSuppressFill, bSuppressStroke)
text: function (boundingRectangle, text)
[filter] => Object
add: function (filterName)
remove: function (filterIndex)
setProperty: function (property, filterIndex, value)
changeOrder: function (oldIndex, newIndex)
enable: function (filterIndex)
disable: function (filterIndex)
disableOther: function (enabledFilterIndex)
[filters] => Object
set: function (filterArray)
get: function ()
remove: function ()
disable: function ()
enable: function ()
[properties] => Object
alpha: undefined
blendMode: "normal"
brightness: [ SKIPPING! ]
property: null
resetTransform: function ()
tint: undefined
unlock: function ()
[text] => Object
setAttributes: function (attrName, attrValue, startIndex, endIndex)
getAttributes: function ()
rectangle: undefined
setSelection: function (startIndex, endIndex)
setString: function (text, startIndex, endIndex)
getString: function ()
[file] => Object
[properties] => Object
name: "Untitled-1"
path: undefined
uri: undefined
[operations] => Object
close: function (bPromptToSaveChanges)
revert: function ()
revertToLastVersion: function ()
save: function (bOkToSaveAs)
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file: function (fileURI, importToLibrary)
swf: function (fileURI)
[exports] => Object
png: function (fileURI, bCurrentPNGSettings, bCurrentFrame)
swf: function (fileURI, bCurrentSettings)
[can] => Object
revert: function ()
saveAVersion: function ()
testMovie: function ()
testScene: function ()
[test] => Object
movie: function ()
scene: function ()
publish: function ()
[operations] => Object
[clipboard] => Object
copy: function ()
cut: function ()
paste: function (bInPlace)
[mouse] => Object
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unGroup: function ()
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importString: function (xmlString)
exportProfile: function (fileURI)
exportString: function (profileName)
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[Table] => Class
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toString: function ()
[prototype] => Table
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toString: function ()
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[Timer] => Class
[instance] => Object
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[prototype] => Timer
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milliseconds: 0
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stop: function (print)
toString: function ()
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[XUL] => Class
factory: function (props)
create: function (props, accept, cancel)
toString: function ()
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setProperties: function (props)
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close: function (state)
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_parseFunction: function (fn)
toString: function ()
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getModule: function (namespace)
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create: function (namespace, properties, window)
[ui] => Object
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toString: function ()
fire: function (event)
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id: -1
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callbacks: null
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id: -1
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callbacks: null
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id: -1
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callbacks: null
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id: -1
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callbacks: null
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id: -1
[mouseMove] => Object
callbacks: null
handler: function ()
id: -1
toString: function ()
initVars: function (scope, scopeName)
init: function (scope, scopeName)
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