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Created March 23, 2012 09:12
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URI class
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// URI - Handles URI and path conversion, including detection and resolution of relative paths
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// notes on JSFL and xJSFL URI juggling
URI format must be file:/// (the standard is file://<host>/<filepath>, but Flash ignores the host) @see
All relative URIs fail
c:/ appears to be valid, as well as c|/
Spaces appear to be valid, they get converted to %20 inside FLfile
Relative URIs, i.e. file.ext, ./file.ext and ../file.ext are relative to HD root
Absolute URIs, i.e. /file.ext are relative to HD root
Leading Hard drive name is valid, i.e. Macintosh HD/file, but NOT /Macintosh HD/file (note the leading slash)
fl.configDirectory: /Users/davestewart/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS4/en/Configuration/
fl.configURI: file:///Macintosh%20HD/Users/davestewart/Library/Application%20Support/Adobe/Flash%20CS4/en/Configuration/
fl.configDirectory: F:\Users\Dave Stewart\AppData\Local\Adobe\Flash CS4\en\Configuration\
fl.configURI: file:///F|/Users/Dave%20Stewart/AppData/Local/Adobe/Flash%20CS4/en/Configuration/
Relative-location syntax
Relative URIs, i.e. file, ./ or ../ are relative to the calling file
/ is relative to the "current root" i.e. user, or the current module
// is relative to the "framework root" i.e. the xJSFL root
C: or Drive: is relative to the drive (platform specific)
Paths are parsed for
- Relative-locations as outlined above (./, ../, /, //, c:, drive name:)
- {placeholder} variables, which are replaced
URIs and Paths are parsed for
- drive names are converted to and from drive| and drive:
- \ are converted to /
- ../ are resolved
- //+ are converted to /
- Spaces are converted to %20
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// # URI Instance - Instantiatable class that can be used to easily create and manipulate URI strings
* URI Constructor
* @param {String} pathOrURI A token, path or URI-formatted string
* @param {String} context An optional uri or path context, from which to start the URI
* @param {File} context An optional File from which to start the URI
* @param {Folder} context An optional Folder from which to start the URI
* @param {Number} context An optional stack-function index, the location of which to derive the URI from
function URI(pathOrURI, context)
this.uri = URI.toURI(pathOrURI, context || 1);
URI.prototype =
/** @type {String} The file:/// URI of the URI instance (casting the URI object to a String gives the same result) */
/** @type {String} The folder path URI to the URI instance */
get folder()
return URI.getFolder(this.uri);
/** @type {String} The name of the file or folder referred to by the URI instance */
get name()
return URI.getName(this.uri);
/** @type {String} The platform-specific path of the file or folder referred to by the URI instance */
get path()
return URI.asPath(this.uri);
/** @type {String} The type of the URI, 'file' or 'folder' */
get type()
return URI.isFile(this.uri) ? 'file' : 'folder';
/** @type {URI} The parent folder of the file or folder referred to by the URI instance */
return new URI(URI.getParent(this.uri));
* Returns a new URI that resolves to the target path or URI
* @param {String} pathOrURI The target URI, such as '../../'
* @returns {URI} The new URI
return URI.pathTo(this.uri, pathOrURI);
* The URI string of the URI instance
* @returns {String} The string of the URI, i.e. file://path/to/file.txt
return this.uri;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// # Static methods - a host of static utility functions that can be used to manipulate paths or URIs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// # Creation functions
* Create a valid URI from virtually any URI or path
* - Resolves relative paths (automatically or via context)
* - Allows concatenation and resolution of paths
* - Resolves source path relative to a target path
* - Expands registered {placeholder} variables
* - Tidies badly-formatted URIs
* @param {String} pathOrURI A token, path or URI-formatted string
* @param {String} context An optional uri or path context, from which to start the URI
* @param {File} context An optional File from which to start the URI
* @param {Folder} context An optional Folder from which to start the URI
* @param {Number} context An optional stack-function index, the location of which to derive the URI from
* @param {Boolean} parseURI An optional Boolean, to bypass immediate returning of file:/// URIs, and parse their content. Defaults to off
* @param {Boolean} checkLength An optional Boolean, to test resulting URIs are not longer than the 260 characters allowed for most FLfile operations. Defaults to true
* @returns {String} An absolute URI
URI.toURI = function(pathOrURI, context, parseURI, checkLength)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process URI
// if pathOrURI is null, grab the calling file
if(arguments.length == 0 || typeof pathOrURI == 'undefined')
pathOrURI = Utils.getStack()[2].uri;
// variables
pathOrURI = String(pathOrURI || '');
parseURI = typeof parseURI === 'undefined' ? false : parseURI;
checkLength = typeof checkLength === 'undefined' ? true : checkLength;
// process URIs
if(pathOrURI.indexOf('file:///') === 0)
// check length
// if URI parsing ise set to off, return immediately
if(parseURI == false)
return pathOrURI;
// otherwise, convert URI to a path
pathOrURI = URI.asPath(pathOrURI);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// variables
// variables
var uri;
var root;
var path = pathOrURI.replace(/\\+/g, '/');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process context
// check to see if supplied context resolves to a URI
if( context && (typeof context !== 'number') )
// grab URI of context if possible
if(typeof context === 'string')
root = context;
root = URI.toURI(context);
else if(context instanceof File)
root = context.uri;
else if(context instanceof Folder)
root = context.uri + '/';
// test that a URI was found
// check that path isn't absolute (or else it can't be resolved)
throw new URIError('Error in URI.toURI(): It is not possible to resolve the absolute path "' +path+ '" relative to "' +context+ '"');
uri = URI.getFolder(root) + path;
throw new URIError('Error in URI.toURI(): It is not possible to resolve the path "' +path+ '" as the context "' +context+ '" as is not a valid URI, File or Folder');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process {placeholders}
// check path for and convert any leading {placeholder} variables
else if(path.indexOf('{') === 0)
var matches = path.match(/{(\w+)}/);
var folder = xjsfl.settings.folders[matches[1]];
uri = path.replace(matches[0], folder);
throw new URIError('Error in URI.toURI(): Unrecognised placeholder ' +matches[0]+ ' in path "' +path+ '"');
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// process relative paths
// if a URI isn't yet resolved, check path for leading relative tokens and attempt to resolve correct source of file location
if( ! uri )
// variables
var rx = /^(\.\/|\.\.\/|\/\/|\/|[\w ]+:)/;
var matches = path.match(rx);
var stackIndex = context ? context + 1 : 1;
// parse relative-path formats to resolve root
// current folder
case './':
root = null;
//path = path.substr(2);
// parent folder
case '../':
root = null;
// "framework root" folder
case '//':
root = xjsfl.uri;
//path = path.substr(2);
// "current root" folder
case '/':
// update path
path = path.substr(1);
// grab calling URI
var stack = Utils.getStack();
var source = stack[stackIndex].uri;
var root = URI.getFolder(source);
// grab root folder by comparing against registered URIs
var folders = xjsfl.settings.folders.get();
for each(var folder in folders)
if(source.indexOf(folder) === 0)
root = folder;
// drive or same folder
// drive
if(matches[1].indexOf(':') !== -1)
if(matches[1].length > 2 || fl.version.indexOf('mac') > -1)
root = path.replace(':', '/');
root = path.replace(':', '|');
path = '';
// same folder (i.e. no match)
root = null;
uri = root + path;
// if still no URI, the root wasn't implied by the path (i.e. folder/file.txt) therefore it must be relative, so derive from the calling file
if( ! uri )
var stack = Utils.getStack();
var source = stack[stackIndex].uri;
uri = URI.getFolder(source) + path;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// tidy URI
// remove file:///
if(uri.indexOf('file:///') === 0)
uri = uri.substr(8);
// tidy drive letter
uri = uri.replace(/^([a-z ]+):/i, '$1|')
// tidy path
uri = URI.tidy(uri);
// replace %20 with spaces
pathOrURI = pathOrURI.replace(/ /g, '%20');
// add 'file:///'
uri = 'file:///' + uri;
// check that URI is on or below the legal limit of 260 chars
if(checkLength !== false)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// done!
// return
return uri;
* Create a valid path from virtually any URI or path
* Has the same functionality of URI.toURI()
* @see #URI.toURI()
* @param {String} pathOrURI A token, path or URI-formatted string
* @param {Boolean} shorten An optional Boolean to return a path with {placeholder} variables for registered URIs
* @returns {String} An absolute, or shortened path
URI.toPath = function(pathOrURI, shorten)
// parse all input via toURI()
var uri = URI.toURI(String(pathOrURI), 2, true, false);
// convert and return result
return URI.asPath(uri, shorten);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// # Conversion functions
* Perform simple path to URI conversion
* @param {String} path A valid path
* @param {Boolean} checkLength An optional Boolean, to test resulting URIs are not longer than the 260 characters allowed for most FLfile operations. Defaults to true
* @returns {String} A URI-formatted string
URI.asURI = function(pathOrURI, checkLength)
// variable
var uri;
pathOrURI = String(pathOrURI);
// convert
uri = pathOrURI;
uri = pathOrURI
// replace backslashes
.replace(/\\+/g, '/')
// replace double-slashes
.replace(/\/+/g, '/')
// replace redundant ./
.replace(/(^|\/)\.\//img, '$1')
// replace spaces with %20
.replace(/ /g, '%20')
// tidy drive letter or name
.replace(/^([a-z ]+):/i, '$1|')
// add 'file:///'
uri = 'file:///' + uri;
// check that URI is on or below the legal limit of 260 chars
if( (checkLength !== false) && uri.length > 260 )
// return
return uri;
* Perform simple URI to path conversion
* @param {String} uri A valid URI string
* @param {URI} uri A valid URI instance
* @param {Boolean} shorten An optional Boolean to return a path with {placeholder} variables for registered URIs
* @returns {String} A path-formatted string
URI.asPath = function(pathOrURI, shorten)
// convert to string
pathOrURI = String(pathOrURI);
// return existing paths early
if(URI.isPath(pathOrURI) && shorten !== true)
return pathOrURI.replace(/\\/g, '/');
// return the {placeholder} version of registered URIs
if(shorten && URI.isURI(pathOrURI))
// variables
var folders = [];
var uri = pathOrURI;
// get all folders matching the input URI
for(var folder in xjsfl.settings.folders)
var folderURI = xjsfl.settings.folders[folder];
if(uri.indexOf(folderURI) === 0)
folders.push({name:folder, uri:folderURI});
// if there are any matches, sort the list and grab the longest match
Utils.sortOn(folders, 'name');
var folder = folders.shift();
uri = uri.replace(folder.uri, '{' '}');
// re-set uri variable
pathOrURI = uri;
// convert to path format
var path = pathOrURI
// remove file:///
.replace('file:///', '')
// replace N| with N:
.replace(/(^[a-z])\|/i, '$1:')
// replace Drive Name: with Drive Name/
.replace(/(^[a-z ]{2,}):\/?/i, '$1/')
// replace \ with /
.replace(/\\/g, '/')
// replace %20 with spaces
.replace(/%20/g, ' ');
// return
return path;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// # Testing functions
* Test if the supplied value is a URI-formatted string
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {Boolean} true or false, depending on the result
URI.isURI = function(pathOrURI)
return (typeof pathOrURI === 'string' || pathOrURI instanceof URI) && String(pathOrURI).indexOf('file:///') === 0;
* Test if the supplied value is a path-formatted string, such as c:/path/to/file.txt or /path
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {Boolean} true or false, depending on the result
URI.isPath = function(pathOrURI)
return typeof pathOrURI === 'string' && pathOrURI.indexOf('file:///') === -1;
* Tests if a path or URI is absolute (includes tokens and special xJSFL syntax)
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {Boolean} true or false, depending on the result
URI.isAbsolute = function(pathOrURI)
return /^([\w ]+[:|]|\/|{\w+})/.test(String(pathOrURI).replace(/^file:\/\/\//, ''));
* Tests if a path or URI is relative (includes tokens and special xJSFL syntax)
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {Boolean} true or false, depending on the result
URI.isRelative = function(pathOrURI)
return ! URI.isAbsolute(pathOrURI);
* Tests if a path or URI looks like a filename, rather than a folder
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {Boolean} true or false, depending on the result
URI.isFile = function(pathOrURI)
return ! /[\/\\]$/.test(String(pathOrURI));
* Tests if a path or URI looks like a folder, rather than a filename
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {Boolean} true or false, depending on the result
URI.isFolder = function(pathOrURI)
return pathOrURI == '' || /[\/\\]$/.test(String(pathOrURI));
* Tests if a path or URI is at the highest folder level it can go
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {Boolean} true or false, depending on the result
URI.isRoot = function(pathOrURI)
return pathOrURI != null ? /^([\w ]+[:|]\/?|\/)$/.test(String(pathOrURI).replace('file:///', '')) : false;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// # Extraction functions
* Returns the file or folder name of the item referenced by the path or URI (note names are unescaped)
* @param {String} pathOrURI A vald path or URI
* @param {Boolean} removeExtension An optional Boolean to remove the extension
* @returns {String} The file or folder name
URI.getName = function(pathOrURI, removeExtension)
var name = (String(pathOrURI).replace(/\/$/, '')).split(/[\/\\]/).pop().replace(/%20/, ' ');
return removeExtension ? name.replace(/\.\w+$/, '') : name;
* Returns the current folder path of the item referenced by the path or URI
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {String} The folder of the path or URI
URI.getFolder = function(pathOrURI)
return String(pathOrURI).replace(/([^\/\\]+)$/, '');
* Returns the parent folder of the item referenced by the path or URI (for folders, this is the parent folder)
* @param {String} pathOrURI A valid path or URI
* @returns {String} The folder of the path or URI
URI.getParent = function(pathOrURI)
// ensure pathOrURI is a string
pathOrURI = String(pathOrURI);
// remove file:/// and drive name or letter
var matches = pathOrURI.match(/(.+[:|]\/?)/);
var drive = matches ? matches[1] : '';
var path = pathOrURI.substr(drive.length);
// remove final segment
var rx = /[^\/\\]+[\/\\]?$/;
return drive + path.replace(rx, '');
* Resolves the common (branch) path between 2 paths or URIs
* @param {String} src A source path or URI
* @param {String} trg A target path or URI
* @returns {String} The common ancestor path or URI
URI.getBranch = function(src, trg)
// throw error if src and trg are not both the same format
if(URI.isURI(src) && ! URI.isURI(trg))
throw new URIError('URIError in URI.common(): both src and trg parameters must be either paths or URIs');
// variables
var branch = '';
var srcParts = src.split('/');
var trgParts = trg.split('/');
// loop over folders and grab common ancestors
while(srcParts.length > 1 && srcParts[0] == trgParts[0])
branch += trgParts.shift() + '/';
// return
return branch;
* Resolves a path from the Source URI to a target URI, returning a relative path-formatted path
* @param {String} src The source path or URI
* @param {String} trg The target path or URI
* @returns {String} The new relative path between the two, or the absolute URI if there's no relationship
URI.pathTo = function(src, trg)
// throw error if src and trg are not both the same format
if(URI.isURI(src) && ! URI.isURI(trg))
throw new URIError('URIError in URI.pathTo(): both src and trg parameters must be either paths or URIs');
// variables
var trgPath;
var branch = URI.getBranch(src, trg);
// no relationship, so just return the trgURI
if(branch === '')
trgPath = trg;
// otherwise, determine relationship between srcURI and trgURI
// grab the remaining segments
var srcParts = src.substr(branch.length).split('/');
var trgParts = trg.substr(branch.length).split('/');
// src is same level, so path will be 'trg.txt'
if(srcParts.length == 1 && trgParts.length == 1)
trgPath = trgParts.pop();
// src is below, so path will be '../../trg.txt'
else if(srcParts.length > 1)
trgPath = '../'.repeat(srcParts.length - 1) + trgParts.join('/');
// src is above, so path will be 'path/to/trg.txt'
else if(srcParts.length < trgParts.length)
trgPath = trgParts.join('/');
// return
return URI.asPath(trgPath);
* Returns the path or URI truncated to the supplied folder name or path
* @param {String} pathOrURI A path or URI string
* @param {URI} pathOrURI A URI instance
* @param {String} folder The name or partial name of a folder to find in the path
* @returns {String} The new URI or path
URI.findFolder = function(pathOrURI, folder)
// build the string to match the folder
var str = '^.*' + Utils.rxEscape(folder);
if( ! /\/$/.test(folder))
str += '.*?/'; // only add wildcard if the last character is not a slash
// match and return
var rx = new RegExp(str, 'i');
var matches = String(pathOrURI).match(rx);
return matches ? matches[0] : null;
* Re-targets a specified portion of a URI (or URIs) to point at a new folder
* @param {String} src The source path or URI
* @param {String} trg A folder you want to retarget to, from the source base and downwards
* @param {String} base The name or partial name of a folder in the src path or URI you want to branch from
* @returns {String} The new path or URI
* @returns {Array} An Array of new paths or URIs
URI.reTarget = function(src, trg, base)
// tidy variables so subsequent comparisons work
src = URI.tidy(src);
trg = URI.tidy(trg);
base = URI.tidy(base);
// if base is relative,
if(base.indexOf('..') !== -1)
var folder = URI.getFolder(src);
base = URI.tidy(folder + base);
// retarget
base = URI.findFolder(src, base);
trg = URI.getFolder(trg);
// return
return trg + src.substr(base.length);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// # Utility functions
URI.tidy = function(pathOrURI)
// cast to string
pathOrURI = String(pathOrURI);
// remove file:/// & convert spaces to %20
var protocol = '';
if(pathOrURI.indexOf('file:///') > -1)
protocol = 'file:///';
pathOrURI = pathOrURI.substr(8).replace(/ /g, '%20');
// replace backslashes
pathOrURI = pathOrURI.replace(/\\+/g, '/');
// replace double-slashes
pathOrURI = pathOrURI.replace(/\/+/g, '/');
// replace redundant ./
pathOrURI = pathOrURI.replace(/(^|\/)\.\//img, '$1');
// resolve relative tokens
while(pathOrURI.indexOf('../') > 0)
// kill folder/../ pairs
pathOrURI = pathOrURI.replace(/(^|\/)[^\/]+\/\.\.\//, '/');
// replace any leading ../ tokens (as you can't go higher than root)
pathOrURI = pathOrURI.replace(/^([a-z ]+[:|])\/[.\/]+/img, '$1/');
//path = path.replace(/^\/\.\.\//img, '');
// return
return protocol + pathOrURI;
* Checks that the length of a URI is not longer than the maximum 260 characters supported by FLfile
* @param {String} uri A URI
* @returns {Boolean} true of false depending on the result
URI.checkURILength = function(uri)
if(uri.length > 260)
URI.throwURILengthError = function(uri)
throw new URIError('The URI for path "' +URI.asPath(uri)+ '" is more than 260 characters.');
URI.toString = function()
return '[class URI]';
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// register
if(xjsfl && xjsfl.classes)
xjsfl.classes.register('URI', URI);
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