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Last active February 7, 2023 07:10
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When these validators are enabled:
* any pubkey in pubkey_whitelist can post
* any other pubkey can post, as long as someone in the whitelist is tagged
* only events from pubkeys in the whitelist can be read by clients
* authenticated pubkeys in the whitelist can view/post
Configuration file:
- c7da62153485ecfb1b65792c79ce3fe6fce6ed7d8ef536cb121d7a0c732e92df
output_validator: example.whitelist_output_validator
sqlalchemy.url: sqlite+aiosqlite:///nostr.sqlite3
- nostr_relay.validators.is_signed
- example.is_whitelisted_or_tagged
enabled: true
- ws://
from nostr_relay.errors import StorageError
def is_whitelisted_or_tagged(event, config):
check that event is tagged with a configurable list of users
if event.pubkey not in config.pubkey_whitelist:
found, match = event.has_tag("p", config.pubkey_whitelist)
if not (found and match):
raise StorageError(f"rejected: {event.pubkey} not allowed")
def whitelist_output_validator(event, context):
output only events that are in the Config.pubkey_whitelist
authenticated users in the whitelist can see everything
(output validators should return booleans rather than raise exceptions)
whitelist = context["config"].pubkey_whitelist
auth_token = context["auth_token"]
return (event.pubkey in whitelist) or (auth_token.get("pubkey") in whitelist)
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